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class MappingImageSettings

Settings for the Simplygon mapping classes These settings control the properties of the mapping image that will be generated in the current simplification processor (reducer/remesher etc). The mapping image will be used when casting a new texture on the simplified geometry. In the settings object, the user is able to set the dimensions of the image (width/height) as well as whether the LOD should have new texture coordinates and some parameters for how they should be generated and all other settings regarding the mapping image.


AllowTransparencyMappingIf true, the remeshing processor will allow mapped transparency in the generated mapping image. This allows material casting where gaps filled by the remeshing processor will be cast as transparent.
ApplyNewMaterialIdsIf true, and also generating one or more mapping images for material casting, the material IDs in the process geometry will be updated to reflect the new, not yet cast output materials. This means the output scene will be temporarily invalid before the materialtable has been updated to reflect the new changes.
AutomaticTextureSizeMultiplierTexture dimension length multiplier for the automatic texture size.
ForcePower2TextureIf automatic_texture_size is enabled, then force the texture sizes to be a power of 2.
GenerateMappingImageIf set, the aggregation processor, reduction processor, or remeshing processor will create a mapping image that maps triangles on the reduced geometry back to triangles on the original geometry. The texture is insert into the MappingImage object. The image data will contain two fields: * RidArray, "TriangleIds", TupleSize:1, The id of the triangle * UnsignedShortArray, "BarycentricCoords", TupleSize:2, Items A & B of the barycentric coordinate on the triangle. The user can control the size of the mapped texture using the values MappingTextureWidth and MappingTextureHeight.
GenerateTangentsIf true, generates a new tangent space fields at position specified by TexCoordLevel, based on the vertex normals and texture coordinates. Tangent space fields will always be created if missing, and GenerateMappingImage is enabled. If GenerateTexCoords is enabled, new tangents will always be generated.
GenerateTexCoordsIf true, generates a new texcoords field at the position specified by TexCoordLevel. Will be ignored and always generate texcoords if none are available in the Geometry if GenerateMappingImage is enabled.
InputMaterialCountThe number of input materials used in the original geometry for mapping to multiple output materials. This needs to be set before you can set any specific in-out material mapping. 0 signifies that no in-out material mapping is used, ie. the process will produce one resulting mapping image.
MaximumLayersThe maximum number of layers in the mapping image. If a remeshed geometry has a lot of transparent triangles, use a higher number to be able to find intersections on the inside of parts of the geometry. This setting only has effect in the remeshing, when running reduction the number of layers is always 1.
NameThe name of the MappingImageSettings object. (Inherited from Object)
OnlyParameterizeInvalidUVsIf enabled, will aggregate all the valid original UVs. If there are invalid original UVs, those parts will receive new parameterized UVs.
OutputMaterialCountThe number of output mapping images that are to be generated. If this is set to more than 1, the material mapping also needs to be set.
OverrideTangentCalculatorIf true, overrides the DefaultTangentCalculatorType and TangentCalculatorInvertV global setting, and uses the tangent calculator type defined by the TangentCalculatorType and TangentCalculatorInvertV settings in this object. If false, TangentCalculatorType is ignored and DefaultTangentCalculatorType is used to define the calculator type. Note that this setting is ignored unless GenerateTangents is set to true.
ReplaceMappingImagesWhether to replace already existing mapping images in the scene.
TangentCalculatorInvertVIf true, will invert the bitangent in the output. Note that this setting is ignored unless GenerateTangents and OverrideTangentCalculator are both set to true.
TangentCalculatorTypeThe tangent calculator type to use when generating tangents for the mapping image data. Note that this setting is ignored unless GenerateTangents and OverrideTangentCalculator are both set to true.
TexCoordGeneratorTypeDetermines which method to use when generating the texture coordinates. Parameterizer generate from scratch based on the geometry. ChartAggregator generate based on the original texture coordinates.
TexCoordLevelThe texture coordinate level used for mapping image and texture generation. If the TexCoordName has been set, the TexCoordLevel is not used.
TexCoordNameThe texture coordinate level name used for mapping image and texture generation. If new UVs are created, they will replace the old coordinates in the texture channel with the TexCoordName. If no texture level with this name exists. It will be created. If the TexCoordName is not set, the TexCoordLevel (index) will be used instead.
UseAutomaticTextureSizeThe UseAutomaticTextureSize flag. If true, then texture sizes will be computed for the reduced mesh depending on its pixel size on screen.
UseFullRetexturingIf set, all original texcoord sets are replaced by a single new one which will be used for the mapping image. This means the output scene will be temporarily invalid before the materialtable has been updated to reflect the new changes. This flag has no effect on the remeshing, which always does a full retexturing.


AddObserverAdds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)
GetBoolParameterGet a named parameter boolean value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
GetChartAggregatorSettingsThe settings for the chart aggregator.
GetClassGet the name of the MappingImageSettings class. (Inherited from Object)
GetDoubleParameterGet a named parameter floating point value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
GetErrorStringReturns a string describing the error that was found the last time ValidateSettings was performed. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
GetInputMaterialSettingsGet the input material settings for the given index.
GetIntParameterGet a named parameter integer value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
GetOutputMaterialSettingsGet the output material settings for the given index.
GetParameterizerSettingsThe settings for the parameterizer.
GetStringParameterGet a named parameter string value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
GetUIntParameterGet a named parameter unsigned integer value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
IsAReturns true if MappingImageSettings is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
IsNullReturns true if the MappingImageSettings object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)
IsSameObjectAsReturns true if the MappingImageSettings object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
NonNullReturns true if the MappingImageSettings object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
PrintInfoPrints the content/info of the MappingImageSettings object to the log. (Inherited from Object)
RemoveObserverRemoves a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)
SetBoolParameterSet a named parameter boolean value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
SetDoubleParameterSet a named parameter floating point value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
SetIntParameterSet a named parameter integer value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
SetStringParameterSet a named parameter string value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
SetUIntParameterSet a named parameter unsigned integer value. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
SetValidateParameterNamesSet if parameter names should be validated or not. Parameters that previously do not exist will generate and error if validation is enabled and be allowed if validation is disabled. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
ToJSONGet settings as JSON for debugging purposes. (Inherited from SettingsObject)
ValidateSettingsValidates the current settings values. (Inherited from SettingsObject)

Static methods

IsClassAReturns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
SafeCastSafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spMappingImageSettings, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spMappingImageSettings. (Inherited from Object)

Properties details


If true, the remeshing processor will allow mapped transparency in the generated mapping image. This allows material casting where gaps filled by the remeshing processor will be cast as transparent.


If true, and also generating one or more mapping images for material casting, the material IDs in the process geometry will be updated to reflect the new, not yet cast output materials. This means the output scene will be temporarily invalid before the materialtable has been updated to reflect the new changes.


Texture dimension length multiplier for the automatic texture size.


If automatic_texture_size is enabled, then force the texture sizes to be a power of 2.


If set, the aggregation processor, reduction processor, or remeshing processor will create a mapping image that maps triangles on the reduced geometry back to triangles on the original geometry. The texture is insert into the MappingImage object. The image data will contain two fields: * RidArray, "TriangleIds", TupleSize:1, The id of the triangle * UnsignedShortArray, "BarycentricCoords", TupleSize:2, Items A & B of the barycentric coordinate on the triangle. The user can control the size of the mapped texture using the values MappingTextureWidth and MappingTextureHeight.


If true, generates a new tangent space fields at position specified by TexCoordLevel, based on the vertex normals and texture coordinates. Tangent space fields will always be created if missing, and GenerateMappingImage is enabled. If GenerateTexCoords is enabled, new tangents will always be generated.


If true, generates a new texcoords field at the position specified by TexCoordLevel. Will be ignored and always generate texcoords if none are available in the Geometry if GenerateMappingImage is enabled.


The number of input materials used in the original geometry for mapping to multiple output materials. This needs to be set before you can set any specific in-out material mapping. 0 signifies that no in-out material mapping is used, ie. the process will produce one resulting mapping image.


The maximum number of layers in the mapping image. If a remeshed geometry has a lot of transparent triangles, use a higher number to be able to find intersections on the inside of parts of the geometry. This setting only has effect in the remeshing, when running reduction the number of layers is always 1.


The name of the MappingImageSettings object. (Inherited from Object)


If enabled, will aggregate all the valid original UVs. If there are invalid original UVs, those parts will receive new parameterized UVs.


The number of output mapping images that are to be generated. If this is set to more than 1, the material mapping also needs to be set.


If true, overrides the DefaultTangentCalculatorType and TangentCalculatorInvertV global setting, and uses the tangent calculator type defined by the TangentCalculatorType and TangentCalculatorInvertV settings in this object. If false, TangentCalculatorType is ignored and DefaultTangentCalculatorType is used to define the calculator type. Note that this setting is ignored unless GenerateTangents is set to true.


Whether to replace already existing mapping images in the scene.


If true, will invert the bitangent in the output. Note that this setting is ignored unless GenerateTangents and OverrideTangentCalculator are both set to true.


The tangent calculator type to use when generating tangents for the mapping image data. Note that this setting is ignored unless GenerateTangents and OverrideTangentCalculator are both set to true.


Determines which method to use when generating the texture coordinates. Parameterizer generate from scratch based on the geometry. ChartAggregator generate based on the original texture coordinates.


The texture coordinate level used for mapping image and texture generation. If the TexCoordName has been set, the TexCoordLevel is not used.


The texture coordinate level name used for mapping image and texture generation. If new UVs are created, they will replace the old coordinates in the texture channel with the TexCoordName. If no texture level with this name exists. It will be created. If the TexCoordName is not set, the TexCoordLevel (index) will be used instead.


The UseAutomaticTextureSize flag. If true, then texture sizes will be computed for the reduced mesh depending on its pixel size on screen.


If set, all original texcoord sets are replaced by a single new one which will be used for the mapping image. This means the output scene will be temporarily invalid before the materialtable has been updated to reflect the new changes. This flag has no effect on the remeshing, which always does a full retexturing.

Methods details


Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)


Get a named parameter boolean value.


The settings for the chart aggregator.


Get the name of the MappingImageSettings class. (Inherited from Object)


Get a named parameter floating point value.


Returns a string describing the error that was found the last time ValidateSettings was performed.


Get the input material settings for the given index.


Get a named parameter integer value.


Get the output material settings for the given index.


The settings for the parameterizer.


Get a named parameter string value.


Get a named parameter unsigned integer value.


Returns true if MappingImageSettings is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the MappingImageSettings object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the MappingImageSettings object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the MappingImageSettings object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Prints the content/info of the MappingImageSettings object to the log. (Inherited from Object)


Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)


Set a named parameter boolean value.


Set a named parameter floating point value.


Set a named parameter integer value.


Set a named parameter string value.


Set a named parameter unsigned integer value.


Set if parameter names should be validated or not. Parameters that previously do not exist will generate and error if validation is enabled and be allowed if validation is disabled.


Get settings as JSON for debugging purposes.


Validates the current settings values.

Static methods details


Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spMappingImageSettings, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spMappingImageSettings. (Inherited from Object)