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class QuadReductionProcessor

QuadReductionProcessor reduces quad meshes while trying to maintain the mesh structure. This requires that the input GeometryData in the input scene has valid QuadFlags fields, which are used to interpret pairs of triangles as quadrilaterals.


NameThe name of the QuadReductionProcessor object. (Inherited from Object)
SceneThe scene object to reduce. Please note that internal references might be modified by the processor. The caller should refresh any reference that is cached outside the scene after running the processor.


AddObserverAdds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)
ClearClear all internal states of the object. This will NOT clear the parameters set in the object. (Inherited from ProcessingObject)
GetClassGet the name of the QuadReductionProcessor class. (Inherited from Object)
GetPercentDoneReturns the current progress of the processing as a value between 0 and 100. (Inherited from ProcessingObject)
GetQuadReductionSettingsThe settings for the quad reduction process.
GetResultDeviationReturns the max deviation reached for the last processing.
GetVertexWeightSettingsThe settings for the vertex weights that can be used by the quad reducer.
IsAReturns true if QuadReductionProcessor is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
IsNullReturns true if the QuadReductionProcessor object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)
IsSameObjectAsReturns true if the QuadReductionProcessor object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
NonNullReturns true if the QuadReductionProcessor object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
PrintInfoPrints the content/info of the QuadReductionProcessor object to the log. (Inherited from Object)
RemoveObserverRemoves a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)
RunProcessingRuns the processing the object is designed for. If the process succeeds, the return value is NoError. If the process fails, and the error is recoverable, an error code is returned. (Inherited from ProcessingObject)
ToJSONGet settings as JSON for debugging purposes. (Inherited from ProcessingObject)

Static methods

IsClassAReturns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
SafeCastSafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spQuadReductionProcessor, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spQuadReductionProcessor. (Inherited from Object)

Properties details


The name of the QuadReductionProcessor object. (Inherited from Object)


The scene object to reduce. Please note that internal references might be modified by the processor. The caller should refresh any reference that is cached outside the scene after running the processor.

Methods details


Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)


Clear all internal states of the object. This will NOT clear the parameters set in the object.


Get the name of the QuadReductionProcessor class. (Inherited from Object)


Returns the current progress of the processing as a value between 0 and 100.


The settings for the quad reduction process.


Returns the max deviation reached for the last processing.


The settings for the vertex weights that can be used by the quad reducer.


Returns true if QuadReductionProcessor is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the QuadReductionProcessor object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the QuadReductionProcessor object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the QuadReductionProcessor object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Prints the content/info of the QuadReductionProcessor object to the log. (Inherited from Object)


Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)


Runs the processing the object is designed for. If the process succeeds, the return value is NoError. If the process fails, and the error is recoverable, an error code is returned.


Get settings as JSON for debugging purposes.

Static methods details


Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spQuadReductionProcessor, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spQuadReductionProcessor. (Inherited from Object)