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This example shows how to use the Remeshing pipeline with bone settings.

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. 
// Licensed under the MIT License. 

#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <future>
#include "SimplygonLoader.h"

Simplygon::spScene LoadScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, const char* path)
	// Create scene importer 
	Simplygon::spSceneImporter sgSceneImporter = sg->CreateSceneImporter();
	// Run scene importer. 
	auto importResult = sgSceneImporter->Run();
	if (Simplygon::Failed(importResult))
		throw std::exception("Failed to load scene.");
	Simplygon::spScene sgScene = sgSceneImporter->GetScene();
	return sgScene;

void SaveScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, Simplygon::spScene sgScene, const char* path)
	// Create scene exporter. 
	Simplygon::spSceneExporter sgSceneExporter = sg->CreateSceneExporter();
	std::string outputScenePath = std::string("output\\") + std::string("RemeshingPipelineWithBoneSettings") + std::string("_") + std::string(path);
	// Run scene exporter. 
	auto exportResult = sgSceneExporter->Run();
	if (Simplygon::Failed(exportResult))
		throw std::exception("Failed to save scene.");

void CheckLog(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
	// Check if any errors occurred. 
	bool hasErrors = sg->ErrorOccurred();
	if (hasErrors)
		Simplygon::spStringArray errors = sg->CreateStringArray();
		auto errorCount = errors->GetItemCount();
		if (errorCount > 0)
			printf("%s\n", "CheckLog: Errors:");
			for (auto errorIndex = 0U; errorIndex < errorCount; ++errorIndex)
				Simplygon::spString errorString = errors->GetItem((int)errorIndex);
				printf("%s\n", errorString.c_str());
		printf("%s\n", "CheckLog: No errors.");
	// Check if any warnings occurred. 
	bool hasWarnings = sg->WarningOccurred();
	if (hasWarnings)
		Simplygon::spStringArray warnings = sg->CreateStringArray();
		auto warningCount = warnings->GetItemCount();
		if (warningCount > 0)
			printf("%s\n", "CheckLog: Warnings:");
			for (auto warningIndex = 0U; warningIndex < warningCount; ++warningIndex)
				Simplygon::spString warningString = warnings->GetItem((int)warningIndex);
				printf("%s\n", warningString.c_str());
		printf("%s\n", "CheckLog: No warnings.");
	// Error out if Simplygon has errors. 
	if (hasErrors)
		throw std::exception("Processing failed with an error");

void RunRemeshing(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
	// Load scene to process. 	
	printf("%s\n", "Load scene to process.");
	Simplygon::spScene sgScene = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/RiggedSimplygonMan/RiggedSimplygonMan.glb");
	// Create the remeshing pipeline. 
	Simplygon::spRemeshingPipeline sgRemeshingPipeline = sg->CreateRemeshingPipeline();
	Simplygon::spRemeshingSettings sgRemeshingSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline->GetRemeshingSettings();
	Simplygon::spMappingImageSettings sgMappingImageSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline->GetMappingImageSettings();
	Simplygon::spBoneSettings sgBoneSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline->GetBoneSettings();
	// Set on-screen size target for remeshing. 
	sgRemeshingSettings->SetOnScreenSize( 300 );
	// Generate a mapping image, which is needed to transfer skinning. 
	sgMappingImageSettings->SetGenerateMappingImage( true );
	sgMappingImageSettings->SetGenerateTexCoords( true );
	sgMappingImageSettings->SetGenerateTangents( true );
	// Enable bone reducer. 
	sgBoneSettings->SetUseBoneReducer( true );
	// Set bone reduction target to bone ratio with a ratio of 50%. 
	sgBoneSettings->SetBoneReductionTargets( Simplygon::EStopCondition::All, true, false, false, false );
	sgBoneSettings->SetBoneReductionTargetBoneRatio( 0.5f );
	// Set bones per vertex limitations. 
	sgBoneSettings->SetLimitBonesPerVertex( true );
	sgBoneSettings->SetMaxBonePerVertex( 8 );
	// Remove unused bones. 
	sgBoneSettings->SetRemoveUnusedBones( true );
	// Start the remeshing pipeline. 	
	printf("%s\n", "Start the remeshing pipeline.");
	sgRemeshingPipeline->RunScene(sgScene, Simplygon::EPipelineRunMode::RunInThisProcess);
	// Get the processed scene. 
	Simplygon::spScene sgProcessedScene = sgRemeshingPipeline->GetProcessedScene();
	// Since we are not casting any materials in this example, add a default material to silence 
	// validation warnings in the exporter. 
	auto defaultMaterial = sg->CreateMaterial();
	sgScene->GetMaterialTable()->AddMaterial( defaultMaterial );
	// Save processed scene. 	
	printf("%s\n", "Save processed scene.");
	SaveScene(sg, sgProcessedScene, "Output.glb");
	// Check log for any warnings or errors. 	
	printf("%s\n", "Check log for any warnings or errors.");

int main()
	Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg = NULL;
	Simplygon::EErrorCodes initval = Simplygon::Initialize( &sg );
	if( initval != Simplygon::EErrorCodes::NoError )
		printf( "Failed to initialize Simplygon: ErrorCode(%d)", (int)initval );
		return int(initval);



	return 0;
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. 
// Licensed under the MIT License. 

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
    static Simplygon.spScene LoadScene(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg, string path)
        // Create scene importer 
        using Simplygon.spSceneImporter sgSceneImporter = sg.CreateSceneImporter();
        // Run scene importer. 
        var importResult = sgSceneImporter.Run();
        if (Simplygon.Simplygon.Failed(importResult))
            throw new System.Exception("Failed to load scene.");
        Simplygon.spScene sgScene = sgSceneImporter.GetScene();
        return sgScene;

    static void SaveScene(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg, Simplygon.spScene sgScene, string path)
        // Create scene exporter. 
        using Simplygon.spSceneExporter sgSceneExporter = sg.CreateSceneExporter();
        string outputScenePath = string.Join("", new string[] { "output\\", "RemeshingPipelineWithBoneSettings", "_", path });
        // Run scene exporter. 
        var exportResult = sgSceneExporter.Run();
        if (Simplygon.Simplygon.Failed(exportResult))
            throw new System.Exception("Failed to save scene.");

    static void CheckLog(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg)
        // Check if any errors occurred. 
        bool hasErrors = sg.ErrorOccurred();
        if (hasErrors)
            Simplygon.spStringArray errors = sg.CreateStringArray();
            var errorCount = errors.GetItemCount();
            if (errorCount > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("CheckLog: Errors:");
                for (uint errorIndex = 0; errorIndex < errorCount; ++errorIndex)
                    string errorString = errors.GetItem((int)errorIndex);
            Console.WriteLine("CheckLog: No errors.");
        // Check if any warnings occurred. 
        bool hasWarnings = sg.WarningOccurred();
        if (hasWarnings)
            Simplygon.spStringArray warnings = sg.CreateStringArray();
            var warningCount = warnings.GetItemCount();
            if (warningCount > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("CheckLog: Warnings:");
                for (uint warningIndex = 0; warningIndex < warningCount; ++warningIndex)
                    string warningString = warnings.GetItem((int)warningIndex);
            Console.WriteLine("CheckLog: No warnings.");
        // Error out if Simplygon has errors. 
        if (hasErrors)
            throw new System.Exception("Processing failed with an error");

    static void RunRemeshing(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg)
        // Load scene to process.         
        Console.WriteLine("Load scene to process.");
        Simplygon.spScene sgScene = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/RiggedSimplygonMan/RiggedSimplygonMan.glb");
        // Create the remeshing pipeline. 
        using Simplygon.spRemeshingPipeline sgRemeshingPipeline = sg.CreateRemeshingPipeline();
        using Simplygon.spRemeshingSettings sgRemeshingSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetRemeshingSettings();
        using Simplygon.spMappingImageSettings sgMappingImageSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetMappingImageSettings();
        using Simplygon.spBoneSettings sgBoneSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetBoneSettings();
        // Set on-screen size target for remeshing. 
        sgRemeshingSettings.SetOnScreenSize( 300 );
        // Generate a mapping image, which is needed to transfer skinning. 
        sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateMappingImage( true );
        sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateTexCoords( true );
        sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateTangents( true );
        // Enable bone reducer. 
        sgBoneSettings.SetUseBoneReducer( true );
        // Set bone reduction target to bone ratio with a ratio of 50%. 
        sgBoneSettings.SetBoneReductionTargets( Simplygon.EStopCondition.All, true, false, false, false );
        sgBoneSettings.SetBoneReductionTargetBoneRatio( 0.5f );
        // Set bones per vertex limitations. 
        sgBoneSettings.SetLimitBonesPerVertex( true );
        sgBoneSettings.SetMaxBonePerVertex( 8 );
        // Remove unused bones. 
        sgBoneSettings.SetRemoveUnusedBones( true );
        // Start the remeshing pipeline.         
        Console.WriteLine("Start the remeshing pipeline.");
        sgRemeshingPipeline.RunScene(sgScene, Simplygon.EPipelineRunMode.RunInThisProcess);
        // Get the processed scene. 
        using Simplygon.spScene sgProcessedScene = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetProcessedScene();
        // Since we are not casting any materials in this example, add a default material to silence 
        // validation warnings in the exporter. 
        var defaultMaterial = sg.CreateMaterial();
        sgScene.GetMaterialTable().AddMaterial( defaultMaterial );
        // Save processed scene.         
        Console.WriteLine("Save processed scene.");
        SaveScene(sg, sgProcessedScene, "Output.glb");
        // Check log for any warnings or errors.         
        Console.WriteLine("Check log for any warnings or errors.");

    static int Main(string[] args)
        using var sg = Simplygon.Loader.InitSimplygon(out var errorCode, out var errorMessage);
        if (errorCode != Simplygon.EErrorCodes.NoError)
            Console.WriteLine( $"Failed to initialize Simplygon: ErrorCode({(int)errorCode}) {errorMessage}" );
            return (int)errorCode;

        return 0;

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. 
# Licensed under the MIT License. 

import math
import os
import sys
import glob
import gc
import threading

from pathlib import Path
from simplygon10 import simplygon_loader
from simplygon10 import Simplygon

def LoadScene(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon, path: str):
    # Create scene importer 
    sgSceneImporter = sg.CreateSceneImporter()
    # Run scene importer. 
    importResult = sgSceneImporter.Run()
    if Simplygon.Failed(importResult):
        raise Exception('Failed to load scene.')
    sgScene = sgSceneImporter.GetScene()
    return sgScene

def SaveScene(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon, sgScene: Simplygon.spScene, path: str):
    # Create scene exporter. 
    sgSceneExporter = sg.CreateSceneExporter()
    outputScenePath = ''.join(['output\\', 'RemeshingPipelineWithBoneSettings', '_', path])
    # Run scene exporter. 
    exportResult = sgSceneExporter.Run()
    if Simplygon.Failed(exportResult):
        raise Exception('Failed to save scene.')

def CheckLog(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon):
    # Check if any errors occurred. 
    hasErrors = sg.ErrorOccurred()
    if hasErrors:
        errors = sg.CreateStringArray()
        errorCount = errors.GetItemCount()
        if errorCount > 0:
            print('CheckLog: Errors:')
            for errorIndex in range(errorCount):
                errorString = errors.GetItem(errorIndex)
        print('CheckLog: No errors.')
    # Check if any warnings occurred. 
    hasWarnings = sg.WarningOccurred()
    if hasWarnings:
        warnings = sg.CreateStringArray()
        warningCount = warnings.GetItemCount()
        if warningCount > 0:
            print('CheckLog: Warnings:')
            for warningIndex in range(warningCount):
                warningString = warnings.GetItem(warningIndex)
        print('CheckLog: No warnings.')
    # Error out if Simplygon has errors. 
    if hasErrors:
        raise Exception('Processing failed with an error')

def RunRemeshing(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon):
    # Load scene to process.     
    print("Load scene to process.")
    sgScene = LoadScene(sg, '../../../Assets/RiggedSimplygonMan/RiggedSimplygonMan.glb')
    # Create the remeshing pipeline. 
    sgRemeshingPipeline = sg.CreateRemeshingPipeline()
    sgRemeshingSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetRemeshingSettings()
    sgMappingImageSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetMappingImageSettings()
    sgBoneSettings = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetBoneSettings()
    # Set on-screen size target for remeshing. 
    sgRemeshingSettings.SetOnScreenSize( 300 )
    # Generate a mapping image, which is needed to transfer skinning. 
    sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateMappingImage( True )
    sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateTexCoords( True )
    sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateTangents( True )
    # Enable bone reducer. 
    sgBoneSettings.SetUseBoneReducer( True )
    # Set bone reduction target to bone ratio with a ratio of 50%. 
    sgBoneSettings.SetBoneReductionTargets( Simplygon.EStopCondition_All, True, False, False, False )
    sgBoneSettings.SetBoneReductionTargetBoneRatio( 0.5 )
    # Set bones per vertex limitations. 
    sgBoneSettings.SetLimitBonesPerVertex( True )
    sgBoneSettings.SetMaxBonePerVertex( 8 )
    # Remove unused bones. 
    sgBoneSettings.SetRemoveUnusedBones( True )
    # Start the remeshing pipeline.     
    print("Start the remeshing pipeline.")
    sgRemeshingPipeline.RunScene(sgScene, Simplygon.EPipelineRunMode_RunInThisProcess)
    # Get the processed scene. 
    sgProcessedScene = sgRemeshingPipeline.GetProcessedScene()
    # Since we are not casting any materials in this example, add a default material to silence 
    # validation warnings in the exporter. 
    defaultMaterial = sg.CreateMaterial()
    sgScene.GetMaterialTable().AddMaterial( defaultMaterial )
    # Save processed scene.     
    print("Save processed scene.")
    SaveScene(sg, sgProcessedScene, 'Output.glb')
    # Check log for any warnings or errors.     
    print("Check log for any warnings or errors.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
        sg = simplygon_loader.init_simplygon()
        if sg is None:


        sg = None