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class Extents

Extents holds calculated extents, and can be used to fetch extents positions and radius of scenes and selection sets.


NameThe name of the Extents object. (Inherited from Object)


AddObserverAdds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)
AreValidReturns true if the extents are valid (all bounding box axes are >= 0).
GetBoundingBoxMaximumThe superior (maximum) extent.
GetBoundingBoxMinimumThe inferior (minimum) extent.
GetBoundingSphereCenterThe superior (maximum) extent.
GetBoundingSphereRadiusThe the radius of the bounding sphere.
GetClassGet the name of the Extents class. (Inherited from Object)
HaveVolumeReturns true if the extents are valid and define an actual volume (all axes are > 0).
IsAReturns true if Extents is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
IsNullReturns true if the Extents object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)
IsSameObjectAsReturns true if the Extents object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
NonNullReturns true if the Extents object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
PrintInfoPrints the content/info of the Extents object to the log. (Inherited from Object)
RemoveObserverRemoves a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)

Static methods

IsClassAReturns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
SafeCastSafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spExtents, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spExtents. (Inherited from Object)

Properties details


The name of the Extents object. (Inherited from Object)

Methods details


Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the extents are valid (all bounding box axes are >= 0).


The superior (maximum) extent.


The inferior (minimum) extent.


The superior (maximum) extent.


The the radius of the bounding sphere.


Get the name of the Extents class. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the extents are valid and define an actual volume (all axes are > 0).


Returns true if Extents is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the Extents object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the Extents object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the Extents object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Prints the content/info of the Extents object to the log. (Inherited from Object)


Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)

Static methods details


Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spExtents, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spExtents. (Inherited from Object)