Utilities for Create/Merging/Moving/Generating AStandinMeshActor
Methods (public)
Method | Description |
AddActorsToStandinActor | Add a list of actors to a AStandIMeshActor. |
AddActorToStandinActor | Add Actor to StandinActor. |
AreActorsAlreadyBeingReplaced | Method to check if the actors in a list are already being replaced or not. |
AreActorsInSamePersistingLevel | Check to see if actors belong in the same level. |
BuildStandinMeshActors | Build Standin Mesh Actors. |
CreateStandinMeshActor | Creates a new AStandinMeshActor replacing actors. |
DestroyStandinActor | Destory the StandinMeshActor. |
GenerateStandinMeshes | Generate a Standin Mesh. |
GetListOfPackagesToSaveForStandins | Method to get a list of packages that are generated as part of Standin build process and require saving. |
GetStandinActor | Gets the Standin Actor if the Actor has any. |
GetStandinActors | Gets a list of StandInMeshActor from the current world context. |
GroupUnderStandinActor | GroupUnderStandinActor |
IsActorValidForStandinInclusion | A method that return true if actor has valid static mesh components and can be used for standin. |
MergeStandinActors | Merge StandinMeshAcors |
RemoveActorFromStandinActor | Remove and Actor from StandinActor if it belongs to a standin actor. |
RemoveActorsFromStandinActor | Remove a list of actors from a AStandInMeshActor. |
SavePackagesForStandins | Save packages for standins. |