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enum EGeometryValidationCodes

GeometryValidationCodes are used by the Geometry Validation system to report errors in a setup geometry.


NoError0no error
NanFloat1a float is not a number
IllegalTriangleCount2the triangle count is illegal (probably 0)
IllegalVertexCount4the vertex count is illegal (probably 0)
IllegalIndices8the vertex indices are illegal
IllegalTriangle16a found triangle has illegal index setup
IllegalFieldItemCount32a field has illegal number of items
IllegalFieldTupleCount64a field has illegal number of tuples
IllegalFieldTupleSize128a field has illegal size of tuples
IllegalFieldItemValue256a field has illegal values (probably an index out of bounds)
ZeroAreaTriangle512a found triangle has no area
IllegalBoneTupleSize1024the skinning field has illegal values (probably an index out of bounds)
MissingObject2048there is a missing object in the scene/geometry that should never be missing
IllegalBone4096a found bone is illegal within the scene
ZeroLengthNormal8192a normal has zero length
LargeFloat16384a float is too large for reliable arithmetic
DenormalFloat32768a float is too small and denormal
IllegalSceneNodeGuid65536a node has an illegal GUID