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Processor settings

Simplygon exposes several settings objects that are used to configure applicable processors.

Mapping image settings

The settings contains basic things like the desired texture dimensions of the mapping image to create, and there is also a setting for whether new texcoords shall be generated and how these texcoords shall be generated on the processed mesh.

Applicable processors:

Normal calculation settings

Settings to configure if new normals on the reduced geometry should be generated after reduction. Applicable processors:

Bone reduction settings

Allows user to set both select a maximum number of bones allowed per vertex and limit the total number of bones used in the scene.

Applicable processors:

Repair settings

Gives ability to set repair settings for gaps and T-junctions.

Applicable processors:

Visibility settings

Ability to configure generated visibility weights that can be used to guide the reduction, texcoord creation or used to simply remove all triangles that never are visible.

Applicable processors:

Geometry culling settings

This settings object contains the parameters that control clipping planes and clipping geometries for culling triangles.

Applicable processors:

Vertex weight settings

This settings object contains the parameters that control weighted reduction of geometries using vertex painting.

Applicable processors: