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class AttributeTessellationData

AttributeTessellationData contains methods to access the attribute tessellation data residing within a GeometryData object.


NameThe name of the AttributeTessellationData object. (Inherited from Object)


AddObserverAdds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)
GetClassGet the name of the AttributeTessellationData class. (Inherited from Object)
GetDisplacementThe displacement values. Can be full 3d coords (RealArray, TupleSize=3), or uint16 scalar values (UnsignedShortArray, TupleSize=1). Stored per sub-vertex (Count depends on number of sub-vertices allocated.).
GetDisplacementBiasBias value for Displacement. Used to interpret the Displacement value. Only valid if Displacement values are present, and stored as a scalar values (uint16, UnsignedShortArray).
GetDisplacementScaleScale value for Displacement. Used to interpret the Displacement value. Only valid if Displacement values are present, and stored as a scalar values (uint16, UnsignedShortArray).
GetDisplacementSupportVectorsSupport vectors, if the displacement is stored as scalar values. (Vertex Field)
GetLevelContains the subdivision level for each base geometry triangle, stored as uint8 per base geometry triangle (Triangle Field)
GetOpacityThe opacity values. Stored as uint8 values (UnsignedCharArray, TupleSize=1). Stored per sub-triangle (Count depends on number of sub-triangles allocated.).
GetSubTrianglesCountReturns the total number of tessellated sub-triangles in the geometry.
GetSubTrianglesStartIndexContains the start index of sub-triangles for each triangle, stored as a rid per base geometry triangle (Triangle Field)
GetSubVerticesCountReturns the total number of tessellated sub-vertices in the geometry.
GetSubVerticesStartIndexContains the start index of sub-vertices for each triangle, stored as a rid per base geometry triangle (Triangle Field)
IsAReturns true if AttributeTessellationData is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
IsNullReturns true if the AttributeTessellationData object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)
IsSameObjectAsReturns true if the AttributeTessellationData object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
NonNullReturns true if the AttributeTessellationData object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
PrintInfoPrints the content/info of the AttributeTessellationData object to the log. (Inherited from Object)
RemoveObserverRemoves a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)

Static methods

IsClassAReturns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
SafeCastSafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spAttributeTessellationData, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spAttributeTessellationData. (Inherited from Object)

Properties details


The name of the AttributeTessellationData object. (Inherited from Object)

Methods details


Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)


Get the name of the AttributeTessellationData class. (Inherited from Object)


The displacement values. Can be full 3d coords (RealArray, TupleSize=3), or uint16 scalar values (UnsignedShortArray, TupleSize=1). Stored per sub-vertex (Count depends on number of sub-vertices allocated.).


Bias value for Displacement. Used to interpret the Displacement value. Only valid if Displacement values are present, and stored as a scalar values (uint16, UnsignedShortArray).


Scale value for Displacement. Used to interpret the Displacement value. Only valid if Displacement values are present, and stored as a scalar values (uint16, UnsignedShortArray).


Support vectors, if the displacement is stored as scalar values. (Vertex Field)


Contains the subdivision level for each base geometry triangle, stored as uint8 per base geometry triangle (Triangle Field)


The opacity values. Stored as uint8 values (UnsignedCharArray, TupleSize=1). Stored per sub-triangle (Count depends on number of sub-triangles allocated.).


Returns the total number of tessellated sub-triangles in the geometry.


Contains the start index of sub-triangles for each triangle, stored as a rid per base geometry triangle (Triangle Field)


Returns the total number of tessellated sub-vertices in the geometry.


Contains the start index of sub-vertices for each triangle, stored as a rid per base geometry triangle (Triangle Field)


Returns true if AttributeTessellationData is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the AttributeTessellationData object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the AttributeTessellationData object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Returns true if the AttributeTessellationData object is valid. (Inherited from Object)


Prints the content/info of the AttributeTessellationData object to the log. (Inherited from Object)


Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)

Static methods details


Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)


SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spAttributeTessellationData, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spAttributeTessellationData. (Inherited from Object)