# struct FRepairSettings

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# Members

Type Member Description
int32 ProgressivePasses The number of progressive passes. Minimum is 1, but higher numbers give a better quality, at the expense of longer running time.
float TJuncDist The T-Junction distance, below which, the T-Junctions will be welded.
uint8 UseTJunctionRemover If set, t-junctions will be removed. If enabled, it also requires UseWelding to be on.
uint8 UseWelding If set, vertices within each others welding distance will be welded together.
float WeldDist The welding distance below which the vertices will be welded.
uint8 WeldOnlyBetweenSceneNodes If set, only vertices that belong to different scene nodes are considered for the welding. Affects both welder and t-junction remover.
uint8 WeldOnlyBorderVertices If set, only vertices that are on the border (as reported by the VertexBorder boolean field) are considered for the welding.
uint8 WeldOnlyWithinMaterial If set, only vertices that are within the same material are welded. Vertices on material borders are locked.
uint8 WeldOnlyWithinSceneNode If set, only vertices that are within the same scene node are welded.