# class DirectXRenderer

A Renderer using DirectX 11 that can be used to preview a scene object containing geometry data by rendering it from selected SceneCamera nodes within the given scene and then storing the frames to disc. If using a Shading Node Network (having an IShadingNode assigned to the IMaterial), then the material can be previewed with the generated HLSL shader.

# Properties

Property Description
UseInMemoryShaderGeneration Use in-memory shader generation instead of creating a temporary .fx file on disk. Needs to be called after CreatePreviewer to have any effect.

# Methods

Method Description
CreatePreviewer Creates a previewer with the specified window dimensions.
GetBackgroundColor The current background color of the renderer.
GetClass Get the name of the DirectXRenderer class.
InitializeSceneRenderData Initialize scene geometry's and generates material shaders for rendering.
IsA Returns true if DirectXRenderer is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
IsNull Returns true if the DirectXRenderer object is invalid.
LoadGeometryData Loads a geometry data object and its materials into the previewer.
LoadGeometryDataWithMaterialShadingNetwork Loads a scene into the previewer. The material should have a shading network attached to it.
RenderAlongCameraPathAndStorePics Render from each camera view in the camera target direction specified in the selection set with the scene cameras and stores the frame to the file path specified.
SetBackgroundColor The background color of the renderer.
SetRenderWireFrameMode The render mode to wire frame.
SetScene Sets a scene into the previewer. Use InitializeSceneRenderData to generate the material shaders.

# Static methods

Method Description
IsClassA Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
SafeCast SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spDirectXRenderer, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spDirectXRenderer.

# Properties details

# UseInMemoryShaderGeneration

Use in-memory shader generation instead of creating a temporary .fx file on disk. Needs to be called after CreatePreviewer to have any effect.

    # Methods details

    # CreatePreviewer

    Creates a previewer with the specified window dimensions.

      # GetBackgroundColor

      The current background color of the renderer.

        # GetClass

        Get the name of the DirectXRenderer class.

          # InitializeSceneRenderData

          Initialize scene geometry's and generates material shaders for rendering.

            # IsA

            Returns true if DirectXRenderer is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

              # IsNull

              Returns true if the DirectXRenderer object is invalid.

                # LoadGeometryData

                Loads a geometry data object and its materials into the previewer.


                This method is marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

                Use SetScene instead.

                  # LoadGeometryDataWithMaterialShadingNetwork

                  Loads a scene into the previewer. The material should have a shading network attached to it.


                  This method is marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

                  Use SetScene instead.

                    # RenderAlongCameraPathAndStorePics

                    Render from each camera view in the camera target direction specified in the selection set with the scene cameras and stores the frame to the file path specified.

                      # SetBackgroundColor

                      The background color of the renderer.

                        # SetRenderWireFrameMode

                        The render mode to wire frame.

                          # SetScene

                          Sets a scene into the previewer. Use InitializeSceneRenderData to generate the material shaders.

                            # Static methods details

                            # IsClassA

                            Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

                              # SafeCast

                              SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spDirectXRenderer, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spDirectXRenderer.