# class OpacityCasterSettings

OpacityCasterSettings is the interface used to manage settings for an opacity caster. IMPORTANT: Make sure to set the OpacityChannel setting to the channel you want to cast, since this caster bakes opacity rather than the channel set in the MaterialChannel setting like most other casters.

# Properties

Property Description
Dilation The Dilation value. Where applicable, such as colors and normals, the caster will fill empty pixels surrounding filled pixels with values mixed from the filled ones. This setting sets how many pixels to fill outside the original filled pixels.
DitherType The type of dithering to use when creating the output object.
FillMode The fill mode determines what to do with the pixels that remain unfilled after both the casting and dilation has been performed. Options are: None = Do not fill remaining pixels Interpolate = linearly interpolate the closest samples NearestNeighbor = use the closest available pixel value without interpolation.
MaterialChannel The name of the input material channel to cast. Existing user channels of any arbitrary name in the input materials can be cast.
OpacityChannel The name of the input opacity channel to use for combining layers in most casters and casting opacity in the opacitycaster. User channels of any arbitrary name can be used.
OpacityChannelComponent The component in the opacity channel to use as opacity value.
OutputDDSCompressionType DDS compression if output format is DDS.
OutputImageFileFormat File format for output texture.
OutputOpacityType The opacity type determines how the opacity channel of this material should be saved. To make (0.0->1.0) map to (transparent-opaque), use 'Opacity'. To make (0.0->1.0) map to (opaque-transparent), use 'Transparency'
OutputPixelFormat The output pixel format
OutputSRGB If set, output textures are exported in sRGB format. Input texture format is determined by the flag in the corresponding texture node in the material definition.
UseMultisampling Enable or disable multisampling.

# Methods

Method Description
GetBoolParameter Get a named parameter boolean value.
GetClass Get the name of the OpacityCasterSettings class.
GetDoubleParameter Get a named parameter floating point value.
GetErrorString Returns a string describing the error that was found the last time ValidateSettings was performed.
GetIntParameter Get a named parameter integer value.
GetStringParameter Get a named parameter string value.
GetUIntParameter Get a named parameter unsigned integer value.
IsA Returns true if OpacityCasterSettings is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
IsNull Returns true if the OpacityCasterSettings object is invalid.
SetBoolParameter Set a named parameter boolean value.
SetDoubleParameter Set a named parameter floating point value.
SetIntParameter Set a named parameter integer value.
SetStringParameter Set a named parameter string value.
SetUIntParameter Set a named parameter unsigned integer value.
ToJSON Get settings as JSON for debugging purposes.
ValidateSettings Validates the current settings values.

# Static methods

Method Description
IsClassA Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
SafeCast SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spOpacityCasterSettings, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spOpacityCasterSettings.

# Properties details

# Dilation

The Dilation value. Where applicable, such as colors and normals, the caster will fill empty pixels surrounding filled pixels with values mixed from the filled ones. This setting sets how many pixels to fill outside the original filled pixels.

    # DitherType

    The type of dithering to use when creating the output object.

      # FillMode

      The fill mode determines what to do with the pixels that remain unfilled after both the casting and dilation has been performed. Options are: None = Do not fill remaining pixels Interpolate = linearly interpolate the closest samples NearestNeighbor = use the closest available pixel value without interpolation.

        # MaterialChannel

        The name of the input material channel to cast. Existing user channels of any arbitrary name in the input materials can be cast.

          # OpacityChannel

          The name of the input opacity channel to use for combining layers in most casters and casting opacity in the opacitycaster. User channels of any arbitrary name can be used.

            # OpacityChannelComponent

            The component in the opacity channel to use as opacity value.

              # OutputDDSCompressionType

              DDS compression if output format is DDS.

                # OutputImageFileFormat

                File format for output texture.

                  # OutputOpacityType

                  The opacity type determines how the opacity channel of this material should be saved. To make (0.0->1.0) map to (transparent-opaque), use 'Opacity'. To make (0.0->1.0) map to (opaque-transparent), use 'Transparency'

                    # OutputPixelFormat

                    The output pixel format

                      # OutputSRGB

                      If set, output textures are exported in sRGB format. Input texture format is determined by the flag in the corresponding texture node in the material definition.

                        # UseMultisampling

                        Enable or disable multisampling.

                          # Methods details

                          # GetBoolParameter

                          Get a named parameter boolean value.

                            # GetClass

                            Get the name of the OpacityCasterSettings class.

                              # GetDoubleParameter

                              Get a named parameter floating point value.

                                # GetErrorString

                                Returns a string describing the error that was found the last time ValidateSettings was performed.

                                  # GetIntParameter

                                  Get a named parameter integer value.

                                    # GetStringParameter

                                    Get a named parameter string value.

                                      # GetUIntParameter

                                      Get a named parameter unsigned integer value.

                                        # IsA

                                        Returns true if OpacityCasterSettings is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

                                          # IsNull

                                          Returns true if the OpacityCasterSettings object is invalid.

                                            # SetBoolParameter

                                            Set a named parameter boolean value.

                                              # SetDoubleParameter

                                              Set a named parameter floating point value.

                                                # SetIntParameter

                                                Set a named parameter integer value.

                                                  # SetStringParameter

                                                  Set a named parameter string value.

                                                    # SetUIntParameter

                                                    Set a named parameter unsigned integer value.

                                                      # ToJSON

                                                      Get settings as JSON for debugging purposes.

                                                        # ValidateSettings

                                                        Validates the current settings values.

                                                          # Static methods details

                                                          # IsClassA

                                                          Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

                                                            # SafeCast

                                                            SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spOpacityCasterSettings, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spOpacityCasterSettings.