# struct
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# Members
Type | Member | Description |
uint8 | AllowDegenerateTexCoords | The AllowDegenerateTexCoords flag. If true, texture coordinates are allowed to become degenerate (triangles can have 0 area in texture space). This may sometimes look better, but if tangent space normals are used, tangent spaces may become degenerate. |
uint8 | CreateGeomorphGeometry | The CreateGeomorphGeometry value. If set, the reducer will create a GeometryData object that is a morphed version of the original GeometryData, that can be used to morph between the original geometry and the reduced geometry. Should not be used together with TJunctionRemover, NormalRecalculation or Material LOD. |
float | CurvatureImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0.0). A higher number means higher importance. |
EDataCreationPreferences | DataCreationPreferences | The flag that specifies how big 'freedom' Simplygon has when it comes to altering vertex/triangle data. Allowing more altered data means it will be easier to create good looking LODs, but without altered data it will be easier to keep the memory-usage in the LOD-chain more optimized. Note: When using OnlyUseOriginalData, the geometry being reduced can not have a node transformation matrix other than the identity matrix. |
float | EdgeSetImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0.0). A higher number means higher importance. |
uint8 | GenerateGeomorphData | The flag for if the reduction process should store geomorph data in the processed GeometryData object. This data is an array with same size as the vertexcount was before the reduction process, and will have the coordinates for each vertex on its corresponding position on the reduced GeometryData surface. Can be used to give smooth transition from a highlevel LOD to a lowlevel LOD. This array can be accessed with the GeometryData custom field 'SgMappedVertexCoords'. |
float | GeometryImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0). A higher number means higher importance. |
float | GroupImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0). A higher number means higher importance. |
float | InwardMoveMultiplier | The inward move multiplier, how much the mesh is allowed to shrink its silhouette perimeter. |
uint8 | KeepSymmetry | The KeepSymmetry flag. If set, the reducer will detect symmetric features, and retain symmetry during processing. Please note that for a geometry to be considered symmetrical, also the texture coordinates must be mirrored. |
uint8 | KeepUnprocessedSceneNodes | If false, the processor will remove all geometry and scene nodes which was not selected for processing from the scene. If true, only the geometry in the ProcessSelectionSet will be replaced or updated. If old nodes are kept and a new geometry is added to the scene, it will always be the last child of the scene root. If generating a mappingimage to cast materials, new materialIds will also be appended to the end of the old material table instead of replacing the old ones. |
uint8 | LockGeometricBorder | If set, will lock the geometric border of the geometry, and not reduce at all. This setting might be useful if the geometry needs to fit a neighbor geometry, but will reduce overall reduction quality (geometric quality over reduction ratio) |
float | MaterialImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0). A higher number means higher importance. |
float | MaxEdgeLength | The maximum length of the triangles edges after reduction. Can be used to limit output triangle size. |
uint8 | MergeGeometries | The processor will merge all the geometries in the scene into a single geometry if MergeGeometries is enabled. |
float | OutwardMoveMultiplier | The outward move multiplier, how much the mesh is allowed to grow its silhouette perimeter. |
int32 | ProcessSelectionSetID | Which selection set should be processed. If set to -1, all geometries in the scene will be processed. If both selection set name and ID are set, the name will be used. |
FString | ProcessSelectionSetName | Which selection set should be processed. If the name is not found, all geometries in the scene will be processed. If both selection set name and ID are set, the name will be used. |
EReductionHeuristics | ReductionHeuristics | The flag that decides how precise the reducer will be during the mesh reduction. Fast -> Reducer will be faster, but onscreensize and trianglecount will not match perfectly. Consistent -> Reducer will be slower, but onscreensize and trianglecount will consistently give matching results. |
float | ReductionTargetMaxDeviation | The MaxDeviation value, the maximum surface-deviation between the reduced geometry and the original. |
uint8 | ReductionTargetMaxDeviationEnabled | Enable max deviation as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set max deviation has been reached. |
uint32 | ReductionTargetOnScreenSize | The OnScreenSize value, used to calculate the maximum surface-deviation allowed, by assuming errors less than 1 pixel onscreen will not be noticable. |
uint8 | ReductionTargetOnScreenSizeEnabled | Enable on screen size as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set on screen size has been reached. |
EReductionTargetStopCondition | ReductionTargetStopCondition | The stop condition for the reducer. Any -> the reducer will stop when any single one of the set reduction targets have been reached. All -> the reducer will stop when all enabled reduction targets have been set. |
uint32 | ReductionTargetTriangleCount | The wanted triangle count. The range is 0->inf. |
uint8 | ReductionTargetTriangleCountEnabled | Enable triangle count as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set triangle count has been reached. |
float | ReductionTargetTriangleRatio | The wanted reduction ratio. The range is 0->1. |
uint8 | ReductionTargetTriangleRatioEnabled | Enable triangle ratio as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set triangle-ratio has been reached. |
float | ShadingImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0). A higher number means higher importance. |
float | SkinningImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0.0). A higher number means higher importance. |
ESymmetryAxis | SymmetryAxis | Set what axis to be used for symmetry calculations. |
float | SymmetryDetectionTolerance | The tolerance used when detecting symmetry. Values in the ranges 1e-5 to 1e-3 will usually produce good results. This specific tolerance corresponds to the off-plane tolerance, ie. the tolerance of the coordinate components that are not the symmetry axis. The in-plane tolerance is always 10 times the off-plane tolerance. This value is relative to the size of the Geometry, so 0.01 would mean 1% of the bounding box size of the Geometry. |
float | SymmetryOffset | Set SymmetryOffset, the position on the symmetry axis where the symmetry plane is placed. |
float | TextureImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0). A higher number means higher importance. |
uint8 | UseAutomaticSymmetryDetection | The AutomaticSymmetryDetection flag. If set, and KeepSymmetry is on, the reducer will detect any X,Y,Z symmetry plane and will override any user set symmetry plane with the detected one. If no symmetry is found, KeepSymmetry will be turned off before reduction. |
uint8 | UseHighQualityNormalCalculation | Set to true and the reducer will do a much more precise way of calculating the vertex normals. It will however be slower. Set to false and it will do a much more rough estimation of what the vertex normals will look like, but faster. |
uint8 | UseSymmetryQuadRetriangulator | The UseSymmetryQuadRetriangulator flag. If true, and KeepSymmetry is on, any triangles that have been triangulated from symmetrical quads into unsymmetrical triangles are detected and fixed. The edges of said triangles are flipped across the old quad so that the mesh becomes symmetrical again. |
float | VertexColorImportance | The importance value of the relevant feature, meaning the relative importance of the specific mesh feature (or disabling an importance entirely by setting it to 0). A higher number means higher importance. |