# struct FAggregationSettings

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# Members

Type Member Description
uint8 EnableGeometryCulling Enables culling object insides and permits use of GeometryCullingSettings. If both this and visibility related culling is enabled, this is run first, then visibility.
float GeometryCullingPrecision The accuracy of the triangle intersection math to find and cull insides used by the EnableTriangleCulling setting. Defined from 0 to 1 where 0 is max speed and 1 is max precision.
uint8 KeepUnprocessedSceneNodes If false, the processor will remove all geometry and scene nodes which was not selected for processing from the scene. If true, only the geometry in the ProcessSelectionSet will be replaced or updated. If old nodes are kept and a new geometry is added to the scene, it will always be the last child of the scene root. If generating a mappingimage to cast materials, new materialIds will also be appended to the end of the old material table instead of replacing the old ones.
uint8 MergeGeometries The processor will merge all the geometries in the scene into a single geometry if this is enabled.
int32 ProcessSelectionSetID Which SelectionSet should be processed. If set to -1, all geometries in the scene will be processed.
FString ProcessSelectionSetName Which selection set should be processed. If the selection set is not found, all geometries in the scene will be processed. If both selection set name and ID are set, the name will be used.
uint8 SubdivideGeometryBasedOnUVTiles Subdivides the geometry based on the tiling texture coords. The cutting frequency 'SubdivisionTileSize' is a positive integer multiplier (i.e. the mesh will be cut each time its U or V texcoords crosses the SubdivisionTileSize). The output UVs will be in the range [(0,0),(SubdivisionTileSize,SubdivisionTileSize)].
uint32 SubdivisionTileSize The cutting frequency used when SubdivideGeometryBasedOnUVTiles is enabled.