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LOD Recipe: Build using commandlet

Build LOD Recipes in your project from e.g. a terminal or a script.


  • A LOD Recipe asset prepared with mesh(es) and LOD(s) settings. Create a LOD recipe using this quickstart.

Build LOD Recipes from the command line

Open a terminal and locate the UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe in your Engine folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.5\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe.

Run the following command, replace {ProjectName} with the path to your uproject file. This will build all the LOD Recipes in your project and save them afterwards.

UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe {ProjectName} -AllowCommandletRendering -Save -run=LODRecipeCommandlet


-AllowCommandletRendering is needed for a successful build if material baking is enabled by any of the LOD Recipes.

Available LOD Recipe commandlet flags

HelpPrint commandlet help text.
SaveSave generated LODs and assets.
SourceControlCheckout asset files from source control before building. This is required when using some source control providers, e.g. perforce.
LODRecipesSpecify one or more LOD Recipes to build (separated with comma).
OnlyStaticMeshesGenerate LODs for static meshes only.
OnlySkeletalMeshesGenerate LODs for skeletal meshes only.