Python Examples
For full control of the Simplygon processing of a set of actors in an Unreal scene, you can export the scene from Unreal into a Simplygon scene, and then have access to the full suite of tools in Simplygon for processing. The processed scene can later be imported into Unreal, either as a replacement of the original, or as e.g. a combined static mesh which can be hooked up as a stand in runtime replacement, or as hierarchical LOD replacement. In this section, we present a few short examples of how to export a scene from Unreal to Simplygon, or import a scene into Unreal from Simplygon.
The examples are located in: Content
→ Python
The Simplygon Subsystem is an Editor Subsystem. This means it is only available for Editor Utility Blueprints or Editor Utility Widgets.
Synchronous Export Example
Export example for exporting selected Actors into a Simplygon .sgscene file, and waiting for the call to finish before continuing.
# Export example for exporting selected Actors.
def export_example() :
simplygon_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.SimplygonSubsystem)
# Get actors to export.
EAS = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)
selected_actors = EAS.get_selected_level_actors()
# Set export settings to use.
export_settings = unreal.SgSceneExportSettings()
export_settings.overwrite_existing_file = True
export_settings.material_export_settings.export_baked_materials = True
# The target file path of where the exported Simplygon scene will be saved.
export_file_path = unreal.Paths.project_intermediate_dir() + '/Simplygon/' + 'PythonExportExample.sgscene'
# Setup material properties to export
if export_settings.material_export_settings.export_baked_materials:
material_properties = export_settings.material_export_settings.material_properties
material_properties.export_ambient_occlusion = False
material_properties.ambient_occlusion_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_base_color = True
material_properties.base_color_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_specular = True
material_properties.specular_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_roughness = True
material_properties.roughness_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_metallic = True
material_properties.metallic_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_emissive_color = False
material_properties.emissive_color_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_opacity = False
material_properties.opacity_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_opacity_mask = False
material_properties.opacity_mask_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_normal = True
material_properties.normal_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
# Call export function.
export_task_id = simplygon_subsystem.export_actors_to_scene(export_file_path, selected_actors, export_settings)
# Fetch the result (which will wait for the result).
export_result = simplygon_subsystem.retrieve_export_actors_to_scene_result(export_task_id)
# Log result.
if export_result.has_error :
unreal.log_error(f'Export error: {export_result.error_message}')
else :
unreal.log(f'Export result: Scene written to file {export_result.output_file_path}')
return export_result
Asynchronous Export Example
Export example for exporting selected Actors into a Simplygon .sgscene file using a callback to report when the export process has finished. Note that the code still waits for the processing to finish using the simplygon_subsystem.wait_for_all_tasks_to_complete(), but this is not needed, if you have other assets to export or other processings or tasks to run.
# Export example for exporting selected Actors using a callback.
def export_example_using_callback() :
# Create callback.
def on_export_completed(export_result):
unreal.log(f'Simplygon export task using subsystem callback completed.')
# Log result.
if export_result.has_error :
unreal.log_error(f'Export error: {export_result.error_message}')
else :
unreal.log(f'Export result: Scene written to file {export_result.output_file_path}')
# Remove callback from subsystem. Specific to these examples.
# Not necessary to add & remove callbacks for each import/export.
simplygon_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.SimplygonSubsystem)
simplygon_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.SimplygonSubsystem)
# Add callback to subsystem.
# Get actors to export.
EAS = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)
selected_actors = EAS.get_selected_level_actors()
# Set export settings to use.
export_settings = unreal.SgSceneExportSettings()
export_settings.overwrite_existing_file = True
export_settings.material_export_settings.export_baked_materials = True
# The target file path of where the exported Simplygon scene will be saved.
export_file_path = unreal.Paths.project_intermediate_dir() + '/Simplygon/' + 'PythonExportExampleCallback.sgscene'
# Setup material properties to export
if export_settings.material_export_settings.export_baked_materials:
material_properties = export_settings.material_export_settings.material_properties
material_properties.export_ambient_occlusion = False
material_properties.ambient_occlusion_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_base_color = True
material_properties.base_color_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_specular = True
material_properties.specular_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_roughness = True
material_properties.roughness_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_metallic = True
material_properties.metallic_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_emissive_color = False
material_properties.emissive_color_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_opacity = False
material_properties.opacity_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_opacity_mask = False
material_properties.opacity_mask_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
material_properties.export_normal = True
material_properties.normal_texture_dimensions = unreal.IntPoint(1024,1024)
# Call export function which will call the callback once it's finished.
simplygon_subsystem.export_actors_to_scene(export_file_path, selected_actors, export_settings)
# Optional wait for tasks to finish
Synchronous Import Example
Import example for importing a Simplygon .sgscene file into Unreal, and waiting for the call to finish before continuing.
# Import example spawning imported actors into the current editor world.
def import_example(import_scene_path, tex_coord_name = "") :
simplygon_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.SimplygonSubsystem)
# Get world to spawn imported actors into.
editor_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_subsystem.get_editor_world()
# Set import settings to use.
import_settings = unreal.SgSceneImportSettings()
if ( len(tex_coord_name) > 0 ) :
import_settings.geometry_settings.tex_coord_names = [tex_coord_name]
# Call import function
import_task_id = simplygon_subsystem.import_scene_as_actors(import_scene_path, world, import_settings)
# Fetch the result (which will wait for the result).
import_result = simplygon_subsystem.retrieve_import_scene_as_actors_result(import_task_id)
# Log result.
if import_result.has_error :
unreal.log_error(f'Import error: {import_result.error_message}')
else :
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num Actors imported {len(import_result.imported_actor_paths)}')
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num meshes imported: {len(import_result.imported_meshes)}')
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num materials imported: {len(import_result.imported_materials)}')
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num textures imported: {len(import_result.imported_textures)}')
return import_result
Asynchronous Import Example
Import example which imports a Simplygon .sgscene file into Unreal, and uses a callback to report when the import process has finished. Note that the code still waits for the processing to finish using the simplygon_subsystem.wait_for_all_tasks_to_complete(), but this is not needed, if you have other assets to import or other processings or tasks to run.
# Import example spawning imported actors into the current editor world using a callback.
def import_example_using_callback(import_scene_path, tex_coord_name) :
# Create callback
def on_import_completed(import_result):
unreal.log(f'Simplygon import task using subsystem callback completed.')
# Log result.
if import_result.has_error :
unreal.log_error(f'Import error: {import_result.error_message}')
else :
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num Actors imported {len(import_result.imported_actor_paths)}')
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num meshes imported: {len(import_result.imported_meshes)}')
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num materials imported: {len(import_result.imported_materials)}')
unreal.log(f'Import result: Num textures imported: {len(import_result.imported_textures)}')
# Remove callback from subsystem. Specific to these examples.
# Not necessary to add & remove callbacks for each import/export.
simplygon_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.SimplygonSubsystem)
simplygon_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.SimplygonSubsystem)
# Add callback to subsystem.
# Get world to spawn imported actors into.
editor_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_subsystem.get_editor_world()
# Set import settings to use.
import_settings = unreal.SgSceneImportSettings()
import_settings.geometry_settings.tex_coord_names = [tex_coord_name]
# Call import function which will call the callback once it's finished.
simplygon_subsystem.import_scene_as_actors(import_scene_path, world, import_settings)
# Optional wait for tasks to finish