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Blueprint Examples

For full control of the Simplygon processing of a set of actors in an Unreal scene, you can export the scene from Unreal into a Simplygon scene, and then have access to the full suite of tools in Simplygon for processing. The processed scene can later be imported into Unreal, either as a replacement of the original, or as e.g. a combined static mesh which can be hooked up as a stand in runtime replacement, or as hierarchical LOD replacement.

The examples are located in: ContentBlueprintSimplygonSubsystem_Examples.uasset

Export Actors To Scene

The Export Actors To Scene example is a simple synchronous export example which exports the currently selected actors in the world in the editor to a Simplygon .sgscene file.

Import Scene As Actors

The Import Scene As Actors example is a simple synchronous import example which imports a Simplygon .sgscene file into the world opened in the editor.