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Simplygon 10.2 Release Notes

Simplygon 10.2.11500.0

Bug fixes

  • Fix for custom string fields on scenes and geometries causing crashes when run through some processors-
  • Fixed crash when importing TIFF images with unexpected metadata formats
  • Fixed minor spelling errors in docs

Simplygon 10.2.10100.0

Improvements & changes


  • A failed grid job will now by default retry 3 times before it is considered as failed job.
  • Added new input arguments to SimplygonGridAgent.exe: -MaxJobs, -LogVerbose and -LogClient. See grid settings for more information.
  • Added new global settings: GridAgentDiscoveryDelay, GridRetryLimitForFailedJob, GridAgentBalancerJobTolerance, GridEnableAgentIpSorting, GridOverloadedTimeout and GridEnableVerboseLogging. See grid settings for more information.

Unreal Engine

  • Updated UE5 python helper file (in plugin's content folder) to be without warnings and easier to read.


  • Updated Unity remeshing with material baking scripting example with correct method call to set texture width

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug which prevented very large arrays from being written to disk correctly.


  • Addressed the hangs and stability issues of discover requests when the CPU load was high. This also fixed the problem of missing some agents during discovery.
  • Fixed mDNS crash when there are high amount of discover requests.
  • Successful local fallback processing should no longer throw exception when a grid job has failed.

Simplygon 10.2.8400.0

New features

Unreal Engine

  • Added support for Unreal Engine 5.3.


  • Added support for Unity 2022.3.11 LTS.

Billboard cloud processor

  • Tight fitting impostors with minimal overdraw (controlled with GeometricComplexity). The billboard cloud processor now reads the input opacity map and allows interior holes in the impostor geometry to closely follow the subject.

Improvements & changes


  • Agents versions must now match the client SDK version in order for the agent to be available for distribution. The agent will still show up when running -Discover.

Unreal Engine

  • Weld spGeometryData if 'HardEdge' attribute in FMeshDescription has hard edges.
  • Removed support for Unreal Engine 5.1.

Bug fixes

  • Run parameterization if no TexCoord field matching LightmapTexCoordLevel and LightmapTexCoordName is found.
  • Fixed a bug in the Gltf importer where multi-primitive geometries did not get the geometry name set


  • Fixed false positive Found unknown sub-info errors.
  • Fixed an issue where the agent could get stuck reading mDNS queries that were retransmitted between subnets. This put -Discover in a state where it could not find this agent.
  • Fixed an issue where the fallback flag was not properly respected when, for example, an ongoing batch process on agents was manually terminated.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vulkan status was reported incorrectly when running the agent as a service.

Unreal Engine

  • Fix Clipping plane visualization, now all axes have a green and a red side which will switch when changing the Halfspace setting.
  • Fix for LOD Recipe commandlet crashing when using -OnlyStaticMeshes or -OnlySkeletalMeshes flags.
  • Fix for Skeletal meshes not getting dirtied when LOD Recipes are built.
  • For 5.x versions: Fix for Stand-In pipelines not being possible to reach or change through python.


  • Fix for URP/HDRP hlsl shortcircuit parsing error.


  • New and improved documentation for the Unreal Engine 5 plugin.
  • Added figure captions
  • Figures are now centered
  • Styled info boxes

Simplygon 10.2.5200.0

New features


  • ComputeCaster now supports externally built shaders, for workflows which reuse shaders a lot

Ambient Occlusion Caster

  • New setting FlipBackfacingNormals can be used to generate more consistent occlusion sampling directions for assets with inconsistent input normals when used with RemeshingProcessor.

Improvements and changes

Remeshing processor

  • Clipping geometry algorithms reworked to be more conservative and consistent.

Quad reduction processor

  • Fixed bug that caused field discontinuities after some collapses.


  • Improved agent utilization when distributing pipelines asynchronously. Grid jobs should now be better balanced between agents.
  • New global setting: BatchLogPath. Useful when you want check SimplygonBatch log when executing pipelines in RunInNewProcess or RunDistributedUsingSimplygonGrid
  • New global setting: GridLoadLimit. Use it to limit agent(s) maximum load limit.
  • New global setting: GridDiscoverTimeout. The time SimplygonBatch waits before presenting agents found during -Discover


  • Added image captions and image zoom capability
  • Minor spelling error fixes
  • Added HDRP article to getting started in Unity section
  • Updated supported features table with URP and HDRP support in Unity


  • Added Maya 2024 support (without the new Standard Surface Material).
  • Added Reflectivity material channel support for standard materials.

Bug fixes

  • Fix for doubled suffix when flattening cascaded scene and exporting to FBX.
  • SgPipelineBatch QueueFile should assert on nullptr or empty paths.

Flipbook processor

  • Fixed issue where flipbook processor wasn't using the correct texcoord level set in the mapping image settings.


  • Fixed an issue where the environment variable SIMPLYGON_10_GRID_IFINDEX was not being properly respected in certain scenarios.


  • Fix to avoid creating bind poses for static meshes

Unreal Engine

  • Fixed Flipbook shader issues where the normal was wrong whenever the up-vector and view direction were non-perpendicular to each other.
  • Unreal Engine 4.27: Fix plugin code generating unnecessary warnings.


  • Fix for blender glTF add-on refactoring that caused crash.


  • Fix for handling broken root joint exported from Unity to USD.

Known issues


  • Breaking Change: Updating the agent to this version without updating the client SimplygonSDK will make the agent unusable for distribution.
  • When agent is started it produces an error saying that IPv6 address was not found, so the agent won't listen to any traffic on IPv6. However, the agent does still run normally using IPv4.

Simplygon 10.2.400.0

New features

Remeshing processor

  • Added settings:

    • RemeshingSettings::PopulateAttributeTesselationDisplacement
      • RemeshingProcessor can now populate floating point vector displacement attribute tesselation fields, as set up by AttributeTessellationSettings, with displacement to the original mesh, without doing any sort of post process cast to texture and baking the texture into the displacement fields.
    • AttributeTessellationSettings::AttributeTessellationDensityMode::OnScreenSize
      • New mode for density in the attributetessellation settings where every tessellated sample gets max edge length ~2 pixels, making the actual triangles take up ~1 pixel on screen.
    • APipelineSettings::ApplyAttributeTesselation
      • Pipelines can now apply the attribute tessellation generated by the processors before export.
  • Major back-end tech rework of RemeshingProcessor.

    • Significantly lower memory consumption at larger OnScreenSizes.
    • Significantly faster processing at larger OnScreenSizes.
    • Known limitation
      • RemeshingMode::INSIDE is currently not fully implemented - Always selects center of mesh as "Inside" point instead of intelligently finding it. Will be fixed in coming updates.
  • AttributeTessellation displacement integration with RemeshingProcessor

    • Generate tessellated displacement directly in the processor which can be exported as GLTF micromesh textures or applied to the mesh to create a densely tessellated output mesh.
    • Automatic conversion from floating point displacement to scalar displacement to be able to seamlessly export micromesh. Exporting GLTF with populated displacement fields will also export the micromesh texture by default.

Billboard cloud processor

  • Added FoliageSetting: "SeparateFoliageMaterials" which lets the user specify the names of the materials that should be processed as foliage and replaced by impostors.


  • Added setting: "Flip Backfacing Mode". If FlipBackfacingNormals setting is checked, this new setting decides which source normal we should compare the destination normal with when deciding if the normal is back-facing or not. Changing this from the default "Pixel Normal" to the new mode "Face Normal" can be beneficial for two-sided assets like leaves that can get weirdly flipped pixel normals with the default setting. Mostly beneficial when using the Flipbook processor.


  • Added setting: "ImportFilePath". Path to the imported FBX file used for processing. If set the contents of the file are merged with the processed scene and exported.
  • Added setting: "FlattenCascadedScene". If enabled the cascaded scenes are flattened in depth first order. Name clashes are removed by prefixing with _LOD[Index]. Where index is index of the scene after flattening.


  • Added setting: "ImportFilePath". Path to the imported FBX file used for processing. If set the contents of the file are merged with the processed scene and exported.(Only valid for FBX files)
  • Added setting: "FlattenCascadedScene". "If enabled the cascaded scenes are flattened in depth first order. Name clashes are removed by prefixing with _LOD[Index]. Where index is index of the scene after flattening.(Only valid for FBX files)


  • Added setting: "MergeResultWithImportedFileOnExport". If enabled import file information is passed to the scene exporter for merging the contents of the import file into the resulting exported file. (Only used by FBXExporter)
  • Added setting: "FlattenCascadedScene". If enabled the cascaded scenes are flattened in depth first order. Name clashes are removed by prefixing with _LOD[Index]. Where index is index of the scene after flattening. (Only valid for FBX files)

Unreal Engine

  • Added support for Unreal Engine 5.2.

Improvements & changes


  • Added Vulkan dynamic descriptor allocations in to replace the set limit
  • Support for discard/clip in ComputeCasting
  • Now correctly detects if a shader runs past the kernel timeout

Unreal Engine

  • Added support for specifying the parent material for LODs when material baking is enabled (LODRecipe and StandIns) (UE 5.1+).
  • Added "Separate Overlapping Charts" setting to LODRecipe and StandIns (UE 5.1+).
  • Updated UI for enabling Simplygon for the different reduction/proxy interfaces.
  • Pipeline settings have been sorted to follow the same sort order as the other UIs.
  • Removed support for UE 5.0.


  • Simplygon is now delivered as a Unity package.
  • Added support for Unity 2021 and 2022.
  • Added support for Universal Render Pipeline(URP) (See limitations/knownissues in documentation).
  • Added support for High Definition Render Pipline(HDRP) (See limitations/knownissues in documentation).
  • Removed support for Unity 2019.


  • Python modules in Simplygon installation folder are now fully operational modules which can be referenced directly using PYTHONPATH.


  • ImposterFromSingleView Up/View (+Y,-X) vectors reflects GLTF export used by the plugin rather than blender viewport.


  • Added link to documentation in root of installation folder/extracted zip folder.


  • Improved documentation on how to run Simplygon in a container
  • Added an example: "RemeshingWithDisplacementTessellation" to demonstrate using direct displacement generation and tessellation in the remesher.
  • Updated documentation look and feel

Bug fixes

Unreal Engine

  • Fix issues where processing errors were passed to the FailedDelegate and not logged. This could cause issues if Simplygon processed mesh was completely culled away.
  • Removed non-supported MergeGeometries flag for aggregation.
  • Removed several unnecessary expanders in UI.
  • Fixed a few issues that generated warnings.


  • Fixed custom channel and texture layer related issues.
  • Fixed crash issue in Maya when having multiple -mt textures.


  • Fixed mishandling of n-polys in Quadreduction.

Core library

  • Fixed a VMA memory allocation bug
  • Now ignores Coords alternative field name in EvaluationShader, since there is always only one Coords field.
  • Now supports 4bpp palette PNGs
  • ReTable now check for name conflicts and unnamed nodes
  • Chart aggregator now gives more specific error messages
  • Fixed empty geometries causing crashes in Remeshing


  • Accessibility bug fixes and improvements

License application

  • Accessibility bug fixes and improvements

Known Issues

Unreal Engine

  • The Flipbook material shader currently only have full support for a view direction and an up-vector that is perpendicular to each other. This will be fixed in an upcoming release. Please see UE documentation for more information.