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If you don't want to run the Simplygon processing on your local machine you can use distribution to offload the work to another machine.

Simplygon support three different distribution methods: Simplygon Grid, Incredibuild and FASTBuild and you can use distribution in our integrations or directly in the Simplygon API.

Simplygon process distribution works using pipelines and pipeline batches. Any pipeline and pipeline batch can be distributed directly through the API by using the run mode parameter in the run scene API call. Distribution is handled by the SimplygonBatch tool in a separate sandboxed process.


By default the batch tool is located using the SIMPLYGON_10_PATH environment variable. If you wish to place the executable in a custom location, use the SetSimplygonBatchPath setting on the pipeline to the path where the batch tool executable is located.


If you have a node locked license you must ensure that each machine that wants to act as a worker node in distribution must have its own license installed, since the license is unique for each machine. Otherwise the license will be included in the work data and the target machine does not need to have the license pre-installed.