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Simplygon 10.0 Release Notes

Simplygon 10.0.8200.0


Bug fixes

  • Fix for when Uninstall.exe/SimplyUpdate.exe could not be run if only a newer .NET Desktop Runtime major version was installed on the system.
  • UE plugin
    • Fix warnings in Simplygon plugin source code.
    • Update naming for standins to actor label if available.
    • Fix for CopyPluginToProject script not copying folders.

Simplygon 10.0.6800.0

New features


  • Added support for exporting Attribute Tessellation displacement data into NVidia Micromesh compatible glTF file with external .bary displacement file.


  • Added support for Max 2023.


  • Added support for Maya 2023.
  • Added support for channel Reflected Color to the Maya plugin.


  • Blender 3.3 support (in preview)

Improvements & changes

  • Improvements to the hole filling functionality in the Remeshing processor.

Bug fixes


  • Quad reducer

    • Fixed bug which made it impossible to turn off welding.
    • More consistent handling of VertexWeights for reduction.
    • Fixed some corner field data tracking incorrectly through collapses, causing discontinuities.
  • Fix - Missing properties when deep copying SceneNode

  • Fix - Missing properties when deep copying SceneBone

Unreal Engine

  • Fix for crash when generating standin in unsaved level.
  • Fix for undo not working as it should for standins.
  • Hide BillboardMode combo box in Standin Outliner since only one option is supported.


  • Fix typos.

Simplygon 10.0.4600.0

New features

  • QuadReductionProcessor now supports welding. Enable or disable using QuadReductionSettings::UseWelding.

Improvements & changes


  • DebugPath in Plug-in settings now opens a FolderPicker instead of FilePicker.
  • Fixed issue in StandIn Outliner where parent objects did not get removed after deleting multiple children.
  • Fixed crash issue in StandIn Outliner when removing a StandInMeshActor that did no longer point at an SubActor.
  • Removed QuadReductionPipeline from UI.


  • Fixed issue that prevented textures to get exported using sgsdk_ExportToFile (with copy-texture flag).
  • Fixed Emissive channel to be correctly handled.
  • Material nodes now handle invalid textures and reports warnings.
  • Fixed issue related to Morpher writeback when using AllowUnsafeImport-flag.


  • Updated with Simplygon 9 upgrade information.

Bug fixes


  • Fix to Python wrapping code, so SetUserData now accepts a list of data
  • Fixed a regression in the texture shading node, which did not update transformations correctly.
  • Scene::Append now handles duplicate textures correctly when appending scenes with identical texture names.
  • VertexWeightSettings now works more as expected with QuadReductionProcessor. Vertex colors can now be used for reduction weighting.
  • Fixed some broken log messages.

Simplygon 10.0.1400.0

New features


  • Modular seams, enabling gapless reduction between modular assets

  • Support for quad reduction

    • Feature overview
    • Quad support in GeometryData by linking adjacent triangles with the new QuadFlags triangle field.
    • FBX importer/exporter populates and uses the QuadFlags field to import and export quad geometry data.
    • OBJ importer/exporter populates and uses the QuadFlags field to import and export quad geometry data.
    • USD importer/exporter populates and uses the QuadFlags field to import and export quad geometry data.
    • Quads that pass though the triangle-based processors are maintained when possible, but will convert to triangles as required by mesh modifications and reduction operations.
    • Triangles which are marked as part of quads are automatically quadrangulated on export.
    • GeometryData::ValidateQuadFlags() can be used to check the validity of user-set quad flags.
    • Quad reduction processor and pipeline
      • New processor/pipeline that works on structured quad meshes and collapses entire strips of quads at a time.
      • Appropriate for LOD0 reductions as structured input -> structured output.
      • Settings for basic reduction targets; Ratio, Count, MaxDev, OnScreenSize
      • Limitations
        • May stop reduction ahead of reduction target if no more acceptable collapses are found.
        • Does currently not behave well on unstructured quad meshes, works best on authored content with regular topology.
        • Primarily tries to remove quads in geometry with mixed polygon types, and ignores triangles unless they are adjacent to quads.
        • Count and Ratio reduction targets will include triangles in stop condition calculation.
        • VertexWeights are not supported. The field must be removed completely from the geometry as it being present leads to unpredictable behavior.
        • Vertex welding is not yet supported.
  • Tessellated Attributes in API

    • Added support for per-triangle implicitly stored tessellation of attributes in geometries. Supported by all processors, casting opacity and displacement (scalar or full vector displacement data)
    • VDM (Vector Displacement Maps) floating point maps (.tiff & .exr formats) can be imported and injected into displacement data in tessellated attributes



License updates

  • New license type "Standard" added which is more resilient to license server outage.

Improvements & changes


  • Improved container support
    • In container environments, Simplygon will fallback to CPU if GPU is not available.


  • Import/export

    • General N-gon polygon faces are automatically triangulated, and quad information is kept on import.
    • Added support for .exr file format input
    • Full support for importing, casting and exporting floating point texture data (in .tif and .exr file formats)
    • FBX exporter automatically compresses attribute fields using IndexToDirect.
    • RunImport and RunExport are renamed to Run and now returns EErrorCode, to harmonize with processors.
  • Scene data

    • Scene nodes now always generate guids for unique look up
    • Added BrightnessContrast and ColorCorrection nodes to shading network
    • Texture, material, bones and selection set tables now enforce unique names when adding or setting items.
  • Error handling

    • Error handling now supports recoverable errors in extension to the regular (unrecoverable) errors.
    • Recoverable errors from processors, importers and exporters are returned as EErrorCode enum values.


Bug fixes

Unreal Engine (4.27)

  • Fixed issue with incorrect casting of vectors.
  • Fixed plugin compilation issue when not compiling for TargetPlatform Win64 Editor (i.e PS4)
  • Replaced FRunnables with ThreadPool to relax thread contention when running many assets.
  • Added baking of GeometryDataTextures
  • Fixed issue with vertex colors not being preserved when using IMeshReduction interface.
  • Fixed crash issue to avoid creating name lookups if there are no materials present.
  • Fixed issue with material ids end up incorrectly after using geometry culling on near pipeline.
  • Fixed issue with imposter material missing texture coordinate samplers
  • Fixed issue with incorrect uv's being used on the baked material for billboard cloud vegetation when trunk is separated.

Unreal Engine (5.0)

  • Fixed issue with incorrect casting of vectors.
  • Fixed plugin compilation issue when not compiling for TargetPlatform Win64 Editor (i.e PS4)
  • Replaced FRunnables with ThreadPool to relax thread contention when running many assets.
  • Added baking of GeometryDataTextures
  • Fixed issue with vertex colors not being preserved when using IMeshReduction interface.
  • Fixed crash issue to avoid creating name lookups if there are no materials present.
  • Fixed issue with material ids end up incorrectly after using geometry culling on near pipeline.
  • Fixed issue with imposter material missing texture coordinate samplers
  • Fixed issue with incorrect uv's being used on the baked material for billboard cloud vegetation when trunk is separated.

Python API

  • Renamed Simplygon python module to simplygon10

Breaking changes

  • RemeshingLegacyProcessor (deprecated in 9) has now been removed.
  • DirectXRenderer has been removed.
  • CurvatureImportance has removed.
  • DetectEdgeNeighbours has been renamed/replaced with "DetectEdgeNeighbors".
  • Getter and Setter for IsFrozen on spSceneNode have been removed.
  • RunImport and RunExport method have been removed. They have been replaced with Run instead. Return type is not an enum instead of a bool. Helper methods are provided to cast to book for failure and success.