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Supported features in integrations


This is what specific features that are supported per integrations. Most features are supported in all integrations and are not included in the table. Like above this is features supported via the user interface. You can in many cases use all features by using the API directly.

FeatureUnrealUnityMaya3ds MaxBlenderHoudini*
Visibility culling via camera selection setYesNoYesYesNoNo
Geometry culling via selection setYesYesYesYesNoNo
Keep blend shapes during reductionYesNoYesYesNoNo
Multiple UV setsYesYesYesYesLimited to 2 UV setsNo
Vertex colorsYesYesYesYesYesNo
Keep skinning data during reductionYesYesYesYesYesNo
Bone reductionYesYesYesYesYesNo
Bone reduction via bone selection setsNoNoYesYesYesNo
Geomorph geometryYesNoNoYesYesNo
Materials supported for material castingSupports most setups. Flattens material prior to casting.Standard material, URP/HDRP**Standard (blinn, phong, lambert), CGFX (Shading networks), DirectX (Shading networks)Standard (<=2020), Physical (2021-2022), DirectX (Shading networks)Most fields in Blender standard materialNo

*) Our Houdini integration is experimental and the user interface is limited. Via scripting you can use our full Python API to extend functionality.

**) Known URP/HDRP limitations.


This is what pipelines that are supported via the integration's user interface. You can in many cases script or extend the integrations via using the API directly.

Experimental means that the pipeline is partially supported; it can either require a bit more work after processing or all options are not supported yet.

PipelineUnrealUnityMaya3ds MaxBlenderHoudini*
Quad reductionNoNoYesYesNoNo
Occlusion meshYesYesYesYesYesNo
Billboard cloudExperimentalYesYesYesYesNo
Billboard cloud for vegetationExperimentalYesYesYesYesNo
Impostor from single viewNoYesYesYesYesNo