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struct FGeometryCullingSettings

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intClippingGeometrySelectionSetIDWhich SelectionSet containing geometries will be used for clipping. Set name is prioritized over id if both are set.
class FStringClippingGeometrySelectionSetNameWhich SelectionSet containing geometries will be used for clipping. Set name is prioritized over id if both are set.
intClippingPlaneSelectionSetIDWhich SelectionSet containing sceneplanes will be used for clipping. Set name is prioritized over id if both are set.
class FStringClippingPlaneSelectionSetNameWhich SelectionSet containing sceneplanes will be used for clipping. Set name is prioritized over id if both are set.
uint8UseClippingGeometryIf set, the geometries defined in the matching selection set will be used to clip the process geometry. What side of the geometry that will be culled is determined by the triangle facing, so make sure your winding is correct and that triangles point 'up' toward the space you want to keep. Inconsistent triangle winding or meshes that do not have a clear local inside and outside will cause inconsistent results when used as clipping geometries.
uint8UseClippingPlanesIf true the ScenePlanes in the input scene (or the planes selected by the selection set settings) will be used to clip the mesh.