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Open Standin Outliner Window / Standin Outliner.

Standin Outliner
Standin Outliner

Select Static meshes you want to make a kit from.

Select Actor
Select Actor

Select Create in the Standin Outliner.

Create Standin
Create Standin

Pick Near Pipeline.

Pick Near
Pick Near

Build Standin


Save to package by right clicking the standin.


Choose a path and press save.

The new kit bashed asset is now ready to be placed in the level.

New standalone asset
New standalone asset

Optional - Bake materials

Select the Standin and expand the Near settings.

Add Caster
Add Caster

Add material property casters

Add Caster
Add Caster

Adjust Output Texture Resolution.

Standin Outliner
Standin Outliner

Rebuild the standin.