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struct FRemeshingSettings

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uint8ForceSoftEdgesWithinTextureChartsIf the flag is set, the normal calculation will only allow hard edges along texture borders. Any vertex normal within a texture chart (not along the border) will be forced soft. Caveat: If this is enabled, some normals might be highly interpolated, and deviate substantially from the triangle normal.
floatHardEdgeAngleThe normal hard angle cutoff in degrees.
EHoleFillingHoleFillingHoleFilling defines how aggressively the remesher will fill holes and cavities. What this does is to measure the volume and hole opening sizes of concavities in the input geometry and fill them in in the remeshing if the concavity is large enough with a small enough opening. This removes a lot of unnecessary geometry and is recommended to be kept at it's default rather than turning it off, it will in the vast majority of cases have a positive effect on the result.
uint8KeepUnprocessedSceneMeshesIf false, the processor will remove all geometry and scene nodes which was not selected for processing from the scene. If true, only the geometry in the ProcessSelectionSet will be replaced or updated. If old nodes are kept and a new geometry is added to the scene, it will always be the last child of the scene root. If generating a mappingimage to cast materials, new materialIds will also be appended to the end of the old material table instead of replacing the old ones.
intOnScreenSizeThe on-screen rendering size of the geometry. Allowed values are in the range 20 to 10000 pixels.
intProcessSelectionSetIDSelects which SelectionSet should be processed. If set to -1, all geometries in the scene will be processed.
class FStringProcessSelectionSetNameSelects which selection set should be processed. If the selection set is not found, all geometries in the scene will be processed. If both selection set name and ID are set, the name will be used.
ERemeshingModeRemeshingModeThe remeshing mode, options are Outside, Inside and Manual. RemeshingMode defines if the remeshing processor remeshes the outside or the inside of the input geometry. Manual needs the user to define a position in space that will be considered as outside for the purposes of the remeshing. Position is set with RemeshingModeManualPosition. Hole filling only works with the mode Outside.
floatRemeshingModeManualPositionXX component was a 3-tuple real that acts as the marker designating remeshing processors starting position
floatRemeshingModeManualPositionYY component was a 3-tuple real that acts as the marker designating remeshing processors starting position
floatRemeshingModeManualPositionZZ component was a 3-tuple real that acts as the marker designating remeshing processors starting position
ESurfaceTransferModeSurfaceTransferModeThe surface transfer mode.
uint8TransferColorsIf set, vertex color channels will be sampled from the original mesh.
uint8TransferNormalsIf set, the vertex normals channel will be sampled from the original mesh.