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struct FGenerateLightmapTexCoordSettings

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EChartAggregatorModeChartAggregatorModeDetermines which method to use when aggregating the UVs. TextureSizeProportions - Aggregated UV charts will be scaled to keep their relative pixel density relative to all other UV charts. The user can still set the size of the output texture maps. SurfaceArea - Aggregated UV charts will have their size set based on its actual geometrical size. OriginalPixelDensity - The combined atlas will be resized to fit each chart so that all charts retain the same amount of pixels as they originally had. This will override any manually set texture size. UVSizeProportions - Aggregated UV charts will have their size set based on its original UV size, disregarding the size of the texture they are used in.');.
uint8GenerateLightmapTexCoordProperty for whether to generate an extra set of TexCoords for LightMapping.
intGutterSpaceThe minimum number of pixels between charts of the output mapping image.
intLightmapTexCoordLevelThe texture coordinate level used for storing the LightMap UVs. The texcoord name has priority over level. If neither name or level is set then output would be level 0.
class FStringLightmapTexCoordNameThe texture coordinate level name used for storing the generated Lightmap UVs. If this is not set will default to level. If neither name or level is set then output would be level 0.
intTextureHeightThe height of the texture of the output mapping image.
intTextureWidthThe width of the texture of the output mapping image.