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struct FBoneSettings

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intBoneReductionTargetBoneCountThe desired bone count. The range is 0->inf.
uint8BoneReductionTargetBoneCountEnabledEnable bone count as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set bone count has been reached.
floatBoneReductionTargetBoneRatioThe desired bone reduction ratio. The range is 0->1.
uint8BoneReductionTargetBoneRatioEnabledEnable bone ratio as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set bone-ratio has been reached.
floatBoneReductionTargetMaxDeviationThe MaxDeviation value, the maximum surface-deviation between the reduced geometry and the original.
uint8BoneReductionTargetMaxDeviationEnabledEnable max deviation as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set max deviation has been reached.
intBoneReductionTargetOnScreenSizeThe OnScreenSize value, the maximum surface-deviation between the reduced geometry and the original.
uint8BoneReductionTargetOnScreenSizeEnabledEnable on screen size as a reduction target. The reducer will stop when the set on screen size has been reached.
EBoneReductionTargetStopConditionBoneReductionTargetStopConditionThe stop condition for the bone reducer. Any: the reducer will stop when any single one of the set reduction targets have been reached. All: the reducer will stop when all enabled reduction targets have been set.
uint8LimitBonesPerVertexDecides whether unused bones should be removed.
intLockBoneSelectionSetIDThe ID of the selection set that contains all of the bones that will be locked, and cannot be removed in the BoneLOD process. If a bone is locked, all its ancestors will be locked also. If the ID is -1, then no bones are selected.
class FStringLockBoneSelectionSetNameThe name of the selection set that contains all of the bones that will be locked, and cannot be removed in the BoneLOD process. If a bone is locked, all its ancestors will be locked also. If both name and id are set for the locked selection set, the name will be used.
intMaxBonePerVertexDecides the maximum limit of how many bones can be connected to each vertex. If for example set to 1, then each vertex will only be linked to 1 bone.
intRemoveBoneSelectionSetIDThe ID of the selection set that contains all of the bones that will be forced to be removed in the BoneLOD process, UNLESS they are locked. If a bone is set to be removed, all its descendants will be removed also. If both name and id are set for the remove selection set, the name will be used.
class FStringRemoveBoneSelectionSetNameThe name of the selection set that contains all of the bones that will be forced to be removed in the BoneLOD process, UNLESS they are locked. If a bone is set to be removed, all its descendants will be removed also. If both name and id are set for the remove selection set, the name will be used.
uint8RemoveUnusedBonesDecides whether unused bones should be removed.
uint8UseBoneReducerEnables or disables the bone reduction processing that actually removes bones. Even with this flag off, the bones per vertex can still be limited.