# Physical material to Simplygon material

The Physical Material is the new standard material in Max 2021 and later, and although we have a basic implementation for mapping most properties there might be a need for customizing material channels. This section goes through how to map Physical material properties to Simplygon and back through scripting and shading networks. It is recommended to read Shading network concepts and Simplygon Shading Network functions before proceeding.

# Scripting

To translate a Physical material to a Simplygon material you would most likely want to extract certain properties from your material. To map a specific material property to Simplygon we need to identify the name of the Physical Material we want to override, as well as the material properties we are interested in, here's a list of "Physical Material" properties that we've gathered so far:

Type Property name Texture slot (Default) Simplygon channel Mapping through name Note
int material_mode Not required (changes the view mode of the material)
float base_weight base_weight ColorNode
Point4* base_color base_color ColorNode
float reflectivity reflectivity ColorNode
float roughness roughness ColorNode
bool roughness_inv roughness Used internally when no override
Inverts roughness input
float metalness metalness ColorNode
Point4* refl_color refl_color ColorNode
float diff_roughness diff_roughness ColorNode
bool brdf_mode No appropriate mapping
float brdf_low ColorNode Only through color node
float brdf_high ColorNode Only through color node
float brdf_curve ColorNode Only through color node
float anisotropy ColorNode Only through color node
float anisoangle ColorNode Only through color node
int aniso_mode No appropriate mapping
int aniso_channel No appropriate mapping
float transparency transparency ColorNode
Point4* trans_color trans_color ColorNode
float trans_depth trans_depth ColorNode
float trans_roughness trans_roughness ColorNode
bool trans_roughness_inv trans_roughness Used internally when no override
Inverts roughness input
bool trans_roughness_lock trans_roughness Used internally when no override
true -> use roughness map
false -> use trans_roughness
float trans_ior trans_ior stored as value / 50.f (0.0f - 1.0f)
bool thin_walled No appropriate mapping
float scattering scattering ColorNode
Point4* sss_color sss_color ColorNode
float sss_depth sss_scale ColorNode Stored in sss_scale
float sss_scale sss_scale ColorNode (sss_depth / 1000.f) * sss_scale
Point4* sss_scatter_color sss_scatter_color ColorNode No automatic back mapping as there is no texture slot in Physical Material
float emission emission ColorNode
Point4* emit_color emit_color ColorNode
float emit_luminance emit_luminance ColorNode Stored as emit_luminance / 1000.f (0.0f - 1.0f)
float emit_kelvin emit_kelvin ColorNode Stored as Color::FromKelvinTemperature(fKelvin) / 1.78516805f (0.0f - 1.0f)
float coating coating ColorNode
Point4* coat_color coat_color ColorNode
float coat_roughness coat_roughness ColorNode
bool coat_roughness_inv coat_roughness_inv
float coat_affect_color coat_affect_color ColorNode
float coat_affect_roughness coat_affect_roughness ColorNode
float coat_ior coat_ior Stored as coat_ior / 5.f (0.0f - 1.0f)
Texmap* base_weight_map 0 base_weight TextureNode
Texmap* base_color_map 1 base_color TextureNode
Texmap* reflectivity_map 2 reflectivity TextureNode
Texmap* refl_color_map 3 refl_color TextureNode
Texmap* roughness_map 4 roughness TextureNode
Texmap* metalness_map 5 metalness TextureNode
Texmap* diff_rough_map 6 diff_rough TextureNode
Texmap* anisotropy_map 7 TextureNode
Texmap* aniso_angle_map 8 TextureNode
Texmap* transparency_map 9 transparency TextureNode
Texmap* trans_color_map 10 trans_color TextureNode
Texmap* trans_rough_map 11 trans_rough TextureNode
Texmap* trans_ior_map 12 trans_ior TextureNode
Texmap* scattering_map 13 scattering TextureNode
Texmap* sss_color_map 14 sss_color TextureNode
Texmap* sss_scale_map 15 sss_scale TextureNode
Texmap* emission_map 16 emission TextureNode
Texmap* emit_color_map 17 emit_color TextureNode
Texmap* coat_map 18 coat TextureNode
Texmap* coat_color_map 19 coat_color TextureNode
Texmap* coat_rough_map 20 coat_rough TextureNode
Texmap* bump_map 30 bump TextureNode
Texmap* coat_bump_map 31 coat_bump TextureNode
Texmap* displacement_map 32 displacement TextureNode
Texmap* cutout_map 33 cutout TextureNode
bool base_weight_map_on Used internally when no override
bool base_color_map_on Used internally when no override
bool reflectivity_map_on Used internally when no override
bool refl_color_map_on Used internally when no override
bool roughness_map_on Used internally when no override
bool metalness_map_on Used internally when no override
bool diff_rough_map_on Used internally when no override
bool anisotropy_map_on
bool aniso_angle_map_on
bool transparency_map_on Used internally when no override
bool trans_color_map_on Used internally when no override
bool trans_rough_map_on Used internally when no override
bool trans_ior_map_on Used internally when no override
bool scattering_map_on Used internally when no override
bool sss_color_map_on Used internally when no override
bool sss_scale_map_on Used internally when no override
bool emission_map_on Used internally when no override
bool emit_color_map_on Used internally when no override
bool coat_map_on Used internally when no override
bool coat_color_map_on Used internally when no override
bool coat_rough_map_on Used internally when no override
bool bump_map_on Used internally when no override
bool coat_bump_map_on Used internally when no override
bool displacement_map_on Used internally when no override
bool cutout_map_on Used internally when no override
float bump_map_amt ColorNode
float clearcoat_bump_map_amt ColorNode
float displacement_map_amt ColorNode

Now that we have all available material properties, let's head over to the export section and do some prototyping!

# Export

The first thing we need to do to create a shading network is to specify the material name we want to override. The line below tells the Simplygon plug-in that there's a shading network available for the specific material.MaterialName in this case is the name of the Physical Material in the 3ds Max material browser/editor, usually something like '01 - default' for new materials.

    Simplygon's texture nodes maps directly to the Physical material's texture property via name, let's use base_color_map (Texmap*) from the table above for this tutorial.

      Color nodes work pretty much in the same way, let's use base_color (Point4*). This line is just an illustration, we'll not use it in our shading network.

        To connect the shading network to a material channel we will add another line to our script. A material channel can be named anything, but keep in mind that it directly maps to the channel name of the material caster in the settings, if you intend to cast the material channel to a texture that is.

          Let's add the bump_map texture to the bump material channel, this should be fairly easy from what we have learned.

            Before calling the Simplygon function there are some optional settings that can be set, for example texture output directory which can make life easier when importing / handling textures. Remember to select the asset before running the Simplygon command, otherwise the command will be ignored.

              The final export script:

                For properties that are not automatically mapped, such as int, bool and float properties, these are accessible through the Physical Material via MaxScript / Python. We recommend setting up a material loop where the Physical Material type is identified and then translated using Simplygon Shading Nodes. Keep in mind that "empty" texture nodes are not allowed, make sure that a valid texture is and that the checkbox is enabled, otherwise it is recommended to ignore creating the node or replace it with a color node.

                Here's a snippet that will loop through available scene materials and list all material properties.

                  Which should give the following output: Physical Material - properties

                  This is a short tutorial on how to use shading networks to translate a Physical Material to Simplygon material.

                  # Import

                  The Simplygon Max plug-in stores some material information from the last run which can be accessed via script. We will start by asking the plug-in for the material name of a mesh, material channels followed by textures.

                    Simplygon's "Physical Material" implementation is based a collection of material channels, if these material channels are identified at import then Simplygon will hook in the result automatically. If custom channels are used, then they have to be handled manually by querying the plug-in and create the target material(s) manually and map back the information that was fetched from sgsdk_GetMaterialsForMesh, sgsdk_GetChannelsForMaterial, sgsdk_GetTexturePathForChannel and sgsdk_GetMappingChannelForChannel. We've excluded the material creation part from this tutorial as there usually are many lines of code and special conditions that does not really contribute that much. See the Physical Material example for a more detailed example.

                    Get to know how to work with Shading Networks: