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Hierarchical LOD - Semi Automatic

Open World Settings tab Window / World Settings.

World Settings
World Settings

Enable Hierarchical LODSystem. Window / Hierarchical LODSystem / Enabled Hierarchical LOD System.

Enable Hierarchical LODSystem
Enable Hierarchical LODSystem

Open Hierarchical LOD Outliner Window . Window / Hierarchical LOD Outliner.

Hierarchical LOD Outliner
Hierarchical LOD Outliner

Add Levels.

Add HLOD Levels
Add HLOD Levels

Create clusters by dragging static meshes from scene outliner into HLOD Outliner.

Create Clusters
Create Clusters

(Optional) Select LODActor in LODLevel(N-1) and drag them to LODLevel(N).You can build clusters by dragging LODActors(clusters) from previous level into a next level.

Create Clusters From LODActor
Create Clusters From LODActor

(Optional) You can place HLOD Volumes in your level. Select static meshes in level.


Surround the selected actors in a volume.


(Optional) Check Only Generate Clusters for Volumes in cluster settings to only use volumes for cluster generation.


(Optional). You can tag objects to be excluded from HLOD by selecting the actor. Go to Details / HLOD and un-check Include Component for HLOD Mesh Generation.


(Optional) Check Allow Specific Exclusion in cluster settings.


Setup transition screen size. (Optional) override draw distance.

Transition Screen Size
Transition Screen Size

Enable Simplygon Proxy Mesh Generation

Enable ProxyLODs
Enable ProxyLODs

Generate Proxy Meshes for Cluster

Generate Proxy Meshes
Generate Proxy Meshes