# Processors

Simplygon exposes several different distinct processing objects, also called processors:

  • Reduction processor (IReductionProcessor)
    Geometries are reduced in triangle count using re-linking of triangles and vertex removal.

  • Quad reduction processor (IQuadReductionProcessor)
    Geometries are reduced in triangle count using re-linking of quads and removal of quad strips.

  • Remeshing processor (RemeshingProcessor)
    Geometries are replaced by a lightweight proxy geometry that resembles the original.

  • Aggregation processor (IAggregationProcessor)
    Geometries are combined into a single geometry with one shared UV atlas.

  • Impostor processor (IImpostorProcessor)
    Geometries are replaced by billboards.

  • Occlusion processor (IOcclusionMeshProcessor)
    Geometries are replaced by a lightweight proxy geometry that mimics the silhouette of the input geometry.

All processor objects are derived from the IProcessingObject interface, which defines generic methods for running a processing, and receiving information on the progress of the processing using progress event, SG_EVENT_PROGRESS.