# class ImageData

ImageData holds unpacked image data. The data is stored in an FieldData object as value fields. For simplicity all images are implemented as 3D images, but has an extent of 1 in Z for 2D images, and an extent of 1 in both Y and Z for 1D images. Cube maps are stored as a 3D image with Z-depth of 6 (one for each side)

# Methods

Method Description
AddColors Adds the Colors field.
AddField Adds a field. The field must have a name that does not conflict with any of the existing field names. The field is referenced by the image after the call to AddField()
DeepCopy Copies the field setup and data from another object. To only copy the setup, set copy_data to false.
GetClass Get the name of the ImageData class.
GetColors The Colors field.
GetColorsFormat The color field format specification.
GetColorsValueType The base type used by the colors field.
GetField Gets a field.
GetFieldValueType Gets the value type of a field.
GetImageFields The ImageFields field data object, that holds all fields within the image.
GetType The type of this image data.
GetXSize The X dimension size of this image data.
GetYSize The Y dimension size of this image data.
GetZSize The Z dimension size of this image data.
HasColors Checks if the image has a color field.
HasField Check if a field exists in the IImageData object.
IsA Returns true if ImageData is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
IsNull Returns true if the ImageData object is invalid.
NewCopy Creates another image data object with the same field setup. To also copy the data to the new object, set copy_data to true.
RemoveColors Removes the Colors field.
RemoveField Removes a field.
Reset Clears all data from the image, and removes all data fields. The type is reset to 2D.
Set1DSize The X dimension size of this image data.
Set2DSize The X and Y dimension size of this image data.
Set3DSize The X, Y and Z dimension size of this image data.
SetCubeSize The 6 uniform cube side dimensions of this image data.

# Static methods

Method Description
IsClassA Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
SafeCast SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spImageData, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spImageData.

# Methods details

# AddColors

Adds the Colors field.

    # AddField

    Adds a field. The field must have a name that does not conflict with any of the existing field names. The field is referenced by the image after the call to AddField()

      # DeepCopy

      Copies the field setup and data from another object. To only copy the setup, set copy_data to false.

        # GetClass

        Get the name of the ImageData class.

          # GetColors

          The Colors field.

            # GetColorsFormat

            The color field format specification.

              # GetColorsValueType

              The base type used by the colors field.

                # GetField

                Gets a field.

                  # GetFieldValueType

                  Gets the value type of a field.

                    # GetImageFields

                    The ImageFields field data object, that holds all fields within the image.

                      # GetType

                      The type of this image data.

                        # GetXSize

                        The X dimension size of this image data.

                          # GetYSize

                          The Y dimension size of this image data.

                            # GetZSize

                            The Z dimension size of this image data.

                              # HasColors

                              Checks if the image has a color field.

                                # HasField

                                Check if a field exists in the IImageData object.

                                  # IsA

                                  Returns true if ImageData is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

                                    # IsNull

                                    Returns true if the ImageData object is invalid.

                                      # NewCopy

                                      Creates another image data object with the same field setup. To also copy the data to the new object, set copy_data to true.

                                        # RemoveColors

                                        Removes the Colors field.

                                          # RemoveField

                                          Removes a field.

                                            # Reset

                                            Clears all data from the image, and removes all data fields. The type is reset to 2D.

                                              # Set1DSize

                                              The X dimension size of this image data.

                                                # Set2DSize

                                                The X and Y dimension size of this image data.

                                                  # Set3DSize

                                                  The X, Y and Z dimension size of this image data.

                                                    # SetCubeSize

                                                    The 6 uniform cube side dimensions of this image data.

                                                      # Static methods details

                                                      # IsClassA

                                                      Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

                                                        # SafeCast

                                                        SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spImageData, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spImageData.