# class BinaryExporter

BinaryExporter stores the geometry data into a binary file, that is specific for Simplygon. Please note that the binary file is only intended for temporary storage, and that no compatibility between versions of Simplygon is guaranteed.

# Properties

Property Description
ExportCascadedScenes Flag to control if cascaded scenes should be included in the export (note that not all file formats support this).
ExportFilePath The main export file path. This is the main file being written to, and must always be set.
PrimaryTexCoordName The name of the texcoord level to use as primary level in case the file formatonly supports a single texture coordinate layer. If the primary level name is notset, the first found level will be used as primary level.

# Methods

Method Description
GetClass Get the name of the BinaryExporter class.
IsA Returns true if BinaryExporter is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
IsNull Returns true if the BinaryExporter object is invalid.
RunExport Runs the export. Note that all required parameters must be setup before exporting.
SetScene The scene to export.
SetSelectionSet The selection set (of nodes from the scene) to export.

# Static methods

Method Description
IsClassA Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
SafeCast SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spBinaryExporter, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spBinaryExporter.

# Properties details

# ExportCascadedScenes

Flag to control if cascaded scenes should be included in the export (note that not all file formats support this).

# Syntax

// Setter
void SetExportCascadedScenes( bool value );

// Getter
bool GetExportCascadedScenes();

# SetExportCascadedScenes parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
bool value Export cascaded scenes flag.

# GetExportCascadedScenes return value

Type: bool

# ExportFilePath

The main export file path. This is the main file being written to, and must always be set.

# Syntax

// Setter
void SetExportFilePath( const char * value );

// Getter
spString GetExportFilePath();

# SetExportFilePath parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
const char * value The desired file path.

# GetExportFilePath return value

Type: spString

# PrimaryTexCoordName

The name of the texcoord level to use as primary level in case the file formatonly supports a single texture coordinate layer. If the primary level name is notset, the first found level will be used as primary level.

# Syntax

// Setter
void SetPrimaryTexCoordName( const char * name );

// Getter
spString GetPrimaryTexCoordName();

# SetPrimaryTexCoordName parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
const char * name The name of the primary texcoord level.

# GetPrimaryTexCoordName return value

Type: spString

# Methods details

# GetClass

Get the name of the BinaryExporter class.

# Syntax

spString GetClass();

# Parameters

GetClass takes no parameters.

# Return value

Type: spString

# IsA

Returns true if BinaryExporter is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

# Syntax

bool IsA( const char * type );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
const char * type Name of the class to check if BinaryExporter is, or is a descendant of.

# Return value

Type: bool

# IsNull

Returns true if the BinaryExporter object is invalid.

# Syntax

bool IsNull();

# Parameters

IsNull takes no parameters.

# Return value

Type: bool

# RunExport

Runs the export. Note that all required parameters must be setup before exporting.

# Syntax

bool RunExport();

# Parameters

RunExport takes no parameters.

# Return value

Type: bool

# SetScene

The scene to export.

# Syntax

void SetScene( spScene scene );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
Scene scene The desired scene object.

# SetSelectionSet

The selection set (of nodes from the scene) to export.

# Syntax

void SetSelectionSet( int exportSelectionSetID );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
int exportSelectionSetID The desired selection set id to use.

# Static methods details

# IsClassA

Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

# Syntax

static bool IsClassA( const char * type );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
const char * type Name of the class to check if the class is, or is a descendant of.

# Return value

Type: bool

# SafeCast

SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spBinaryExporter, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spBinaryExporter.

# Syntax

static spBinaryExporter SafeCast( spObject object );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
Object object Object to cast.

# Return value

Type: BinaryExporter