# class
An adapter to convert from SimplygonAPI types to Engine Types.
# Methods (public)
Method | Description |
AddSimplygonMaterials | Add Simplygon materials to a simplygon scene by converting from flattened materials. |
AddToScene | Add UStaticMesh to a Simplygon scene. Note: This should be unique per Simplygon scene, see FLODRecipeManager::Build for an example usage. |
AddToScene | Add USkeletalMesh to a Simplygon scene. Note: This should be unique per Simplygon scene, see FLODRecipeManager::Build for an example usage. |
AddToScene | Add UStaticMeshComponent to a Simplygon scene. Note: This should be unique per Simplygon scene, see FLODRecipeManager::Build for an example usage. |
AddToScene | Add materials to a Simplygon scene. NOTE: This is a slow running task due to flatten material. Note: This should be unique per Simplygon scene, see FLODRecipeManager::Build for an example usage. |
AddToScene | Add clipping planes to Simplygon scene. |
AddToScene | Add visibilty samples to Simplygon scene. Ex: NavMesh visibility culling |
AddToScene | Add culling geometry to Simplygon scene. Ex: Landscape and other arbitary tagged clipping geometry |
AddToScene | Add GeometryData to Simplygon scene |
ConvertFromColorToWeights | Converts colors to weights. |
CreateFlattenMaterial | Create Flatten material by converting from simplygon materials contained in the scene. |
CreateGeometryData | Create Simplygon GeometryData from FMeshDescription. Internally used by AddToScene methods. |
CreateGeometryData | Create Simplygon GeometryData from USkeletalMesh. Internally used by AddToScene methods. |
CreateGeometryData | Create Simplygon GeometryData from USkeletalMesh. Internally used by AddToScene methods. |
CreateGeometryFromMeshDescription | Created Simplygon::spGeometryData from MeshDescription. |
CreateGeometryFromSkeletalLODModel | Creates Simplygon::spGeometryData from FSkeletalMeshLODmodel |
CreateGeometryFromSkeletalLODModel | Creates Simplygon::spGeometryData from FSkeletalMeshLODmodel |
CreateMaterialCasters | Create material casters in the given pipeline based on properties in the input materials. |
CreateMeshDescriptionFromGeometry | Create MeshDescription from Simplygon::spGeometryData. |
CreateMorphFieldsFromSkeletalMesh | No description available. |
CreateMorphTargetsFromGeometry | No description available. |
CreateSkeletalHierarchy | Create hierarchy of bones from the |
CreateSkeletalLODModelFromGeometry | Creates a FSkeletalMeshLODmodel from Simplygon::spGeometryData |
DisableClippingPlaneInPipeline | No description available. |
FindOrCreateSelectionSet | Get selection set from scene. The selection set will be created if it doesn not exist. |
GenerateTextureCoordinates | No description available. |
GetMaterialMaps | Gets material mappings. |
IsClippingPlaneEnabledInPipeline | No description available. |
OutputDebugGeometry | Writes out scene to disk. |
OutputDebugGeometry | Writes out scene to disk. |
PackChartsUsingChartAggregator | No description available. |
PopulateLandscapeCullingGeometry | No description available. |
SaveSimplygonPipelineToIntermediate | Writes out pipeline |
SaveSimplygonSceneToIntermediate | Writes out scene to disk. |
VectorFromSimplygon | Swizzle vector from Simplygon -> UE coordinate system (axis swap Y/Z) |
VectorToSimplygon | Swizzle vector from UE -> Simplygon coordinate system (axis swap Y/Z) |
# AddSimplygonMaterials
# Syntax
bool AddSimplygonMaterials(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const TArray<struct FFlattenMaterial> &, bool);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | - Simplygon API which you can get from the Simplygon module. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | - The scene where you want to add materials. |
TArray< FFlattenMaterial> | InputMaterials | - Source flattened materials which will be converted to simplygon materials and added to Scene. |
bool | bReleaseInputMaterials | - If true, will remove InputMaterials color data to free memory. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &, UStaticMesh *, FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene where the UStaticMesh should be added. |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | FlattenMaterialSettings | Input material flattening settings. |
UStaticMesh | StaticMesh | Mesh that should be added to the Scene. |
FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo | OutMeshMaterialInfo | Output mesh and material information used by material flattening. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &, USkeletalMesh *, FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene where the USkeletalMesh should be added. |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | FlattenMaterialSettings | Input material flattening settings. |
USkeletalMesh | SkeletalMesh | Mesh that should be added to the Scene. |
FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo | OutMeshMaterialInfo | Output mesh and material information used by material flattening. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &, UStaticMeshComponent *, FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene where the UStaticMeshComponent should be added. |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | FlattenMaterialSettings | Input material flattening settings. |
UStaticMeshComponent | StaticMeshComponent | Mesh component that should be added to the Scene. |
FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo | OutMeshMaterialInfo | Output mesh and material information used by material flattening. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene where the MeshMaterialInfo should be added. |
FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo | MeshMaterialInfo | Input mesh and material information used by material flattening. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, Simplygon::spPipeline, const TArray<FPlane> &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene to where the clipping planes will be added. |
Simplygon::spPipeline | Pipeline | Input pipeline for settings validation. |
TArray<FPlane> | ClippingPlanes | Desired clipping planes that should be added to the scene. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, Simplygon::spPipeline, const TArray<FVector> &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene to where the clipping planes will be added. |
Simplygon::spPipeline | Pipeline | Input pipeline for settings validation. |
TArray<FVector> | VisibilitySamples | Desired visiblity samples that should be added to the scene. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, Simplygon::spPipeline, const FMeshDescription *);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene to where the clipping planes will be added. |
Simplygon::spPipeline | Pipeline | Input pipeline for settings validation. |
FMeshDescription | CullingGeometry | Desired geometry should be added to the scene as culling geometry. |
Return Type:
# AddToScene
# Syntax
void AddToScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, Simplygon::spGeometryData, const FString &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene to where the clipping planes will be added. |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | GeometryData | Input geometry that should be added to the Simplygon scene. |
FString | NodeName | Specify a name for the new scene node. Default: MeshNode. |
Return Type:
# ConvertFromColorToWeights
# Syntax
float ConvertFromColorToWeights(float, float);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
float | ColorIntensity | Color intensity to convert. |
float | Multiplier | color multiplier. |
Return Type:
# CreateFlattenMaterial
# Syntax
bool CreateFlattenMaterial(Simplygon::spScene, struct FFlattenMaterial &, int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | - The scene which contains materials. |
FFlattenMaterial | OutMaterial | - Output material. |
int32 | OutputMaterialIndex | - Default 0, from what material output to convert from. |
Return Type:
# CreateGeometryData
# Syntax
Simplygon::spGeometryData CreateGeometryData(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, const FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &, const FMeshDescription *, const FString &, const TArray<FSectionInfo> &, FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | API | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | FlattenMaterialSettings | Input flatten material settings. |
FMeshDescription | MeshDescription | Input mesh to convert. |
FString | MeshDescriptionId | A unique input mesh description id. |
TArray<FSectionInfo> | Sections | Input mesh sections. |
FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo | OutMeshMaterialInfo | Output mesh and material information used by material flattening. |
Return Type:
# CreateGeometryData
# Syntax
Simplygon::spGeometryData CreateGeometryData(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &, USkeletalMesh *, const TArray<FSectionInfo> &, FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | API | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene to where bones will be added. |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | FlattenMaterialSettings | Input flatten material settings. |
USkeletalMesh | SkeletalMesh | Input mesh to convert. |
TArray<FSectionInfo> | Sections | Input mesh sections. |
FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo | OutMeshMaterialInfo | Output mesh and material information used by material flattening. |
Return Type:
# CreateGeometryData
# Syntax
Simplygon::spGeometryData CreateGeometryData(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &, USkeletalMesh *, FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | API | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Target scene to where bones will be added. |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | FlattenMaterialSettings | Input flatten material settings. |
USkeletalMesh | SkeletalMesh | Input mesh to convert. |
FSimplygonMeshMaterialInfo | OutMeshMaterialInfo | Output mesh and material information used by material flattening. |
Return Type:
# CreateGeometryFromMeshDescription
# Syntax
Simplygon::spGeometryData CreateGeometryFromMeshDescription(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, const FMeshDescription &, const TMap<FName, int32> &, const TArray<FBox2D> &, const TArray<FVector2D> &, bool);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to ISimplygon factory. |
FMeshDescription | Mesh | MeshDecription to convert. |
TMap<FName, int32> | MaterialMap | Material mapping. |
TArray<FBox2D> | TextureBounds | UV bounds. |
TArray<FVector2D> | InTexCoords | UV Coords. |
bool | SetVertexWeights | If true will set vertex weights. |
Return Type:
# CreateGeometryFromSkeletalLODModel
# Syntax
Simplygon::spGeometryData CreateGeometryFromSkeletalLODModel(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const FSkeletalMeshLODModel &, const TArray<Simplygon::rid> &, const TArray<FMatrix> &, const int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to ISimplygon factory. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | The Simplygon::spScene where data will be setup. |
FSkeletalMeshLODModel | LODModel | FSkeletalMeshLODModel to use. |
TArray<Simplygon::rid> | BoneIDs | List of bone indices. |
TArray<FMatrix> | BoneMatrices | List of bone transforms. |
int32 | LODIndex | LOD index. |
Return Type:
# CreateGeometryFromSkeletalLODModel
# Syntax
Simplygon::spGeometryData CreateGeometryFromSkeletalLODModel(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, const FSkeletalMeshLODModel &, const TArray<Simplygon::rid> &, const TArray<FMatrix> &, const TMap<int32, int32>, const TArray<FBox2D> &, const TArray<FVector2D> &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to ISimplygon factory. |
FSkeletalMeshLODModel | LODModel | FSkeletalMeshLODModel to use. |
TArray<Simplygon::rid> | BoneIDs | List of bone indices. |
TArray<FMatrix> | BoneMatrices | List of bone transforms. |
TMap<int32, int32> | SectionIndexToMaterialIndex | |
TArray<FBox2D> | TextureBounds | UV bounds. |
TArray<FVector2D> | InTexCoords | UV Coords. |
Return Type:
# CreateMaterialCasters
# Syntax
void CreateMaterialCasters(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::IPipeline *, const TArray<FFlattenMaterial> &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to ISimplygon factory. |
Simplygon::IPipeline | Pipeline | Pipeline to use. |
TArray<FFlattenMaterial> | InputMaterials | The input materials. |
Return Type:
# CreateMeshDescriptionFromGeometry
# Syntax
void CreateMeshDescriptionFromGeometry(const Simplygon::spGeometryData &, const TMap<int32, FName> &, FMeshDescription &, bool);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | GeometryData | The Simplygon::spGeometryData to convert to MeshDescription. |
TMap<int32, FName> | MaterialMap | Material mapping. |
FMeshDescription | OutMesh | The converted MeshDescription. |
bool | bHasBakedMaterials | If ture will check for material lods on Simplygon::spGeometryData and perform required operations. |
Return Type:
# CreateMorphFieldsFromSkeletalMesh
# Syntax
void CreateMorphFieldsFromSkeletalMesh(Simplygon::spGeometryData &, const USkeletalMesh *, int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | GeometryData | |
USkeletalMesh | SkeletalMesh | |
int32 | BaseLODModel |
Return Type:
# CreateMorphTargetsFromGeometry
# Syntax
void CreateMorphTargetsFromGeometry(TArray<class UMorphTarget *> &, const Simplygon::spGeometryData, const int32, const FSkeletalMeshLODModel *, const TArray<int32>, const TSet<TSoftObjectPtr<UMorphTarget> > *);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
TArray< UMorphTarget > | MorphTargets | |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | GeometryData | |
int32 | LODIndex | |
FSkeletalMeshLODModel | LODModel | |
TArray<int32> | VerticesToSkip | |
TSet<TSoftObjectPtr<UMorphTarget>> | MorphTargetsToRemove |
Return Type:
# CreateSkeletalHierarchy
# Syntax
void CreateSkeletalHierarchy(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene &, const struct FReferenceSkeleton &, TArray<Simplygon::rid> &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to ISimplygon factory. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Simplygon::spScene use to setup bone hierarchy. |
FReferenceSkeleton | Skeleton | The reference skeleton. |
TArray<Simplygon::rid> | OutBoneTableIDs | List of bone indicies. |
Return Type:
# CreateSkeletalLODModelFromGeometry
# Syntax
void CreateSkeletalLODModelFromGeometry(FSkeletalMeshLODModel *, const Simplygon::spGeometryData &, USkeletalMesh *, const int32, const bool, const bool, const TSet<TSoftObjectPtr<class UMorphTarget> > *);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
FSkeletalMeshLODModel | NewModel | The newly created FSkeletalMeshLODModel to populate. |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | GeometryData | Simplygon::spGeometryData to convert from. |
USkeletalMesh | SkeletalMesh | The owning skeletal mesh. |
int32 | LODIndex | Index to the LOD we are creating. |
bool | bHasBakedMaterials | If true will do nessecary step to handle material lods from Simplygon::spGeometryData. |
bool | bCreateMorphTargets | If true, will create morph targets for the LOD if the data exists in GeometryData. |
TSet<TSoftObjectPtr< UMorphTarget>> | MorphTargetsToRemove | Morph targets that should be removed for this LOD. |
Return Type:
# DisableClippingPlaneInPipeline
# Syntax
void DisableClippingPlaneInPipeline(Simplygon::spPipeline);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::spPipeline | InPipeline |
Return Type:
# FindOrCreateSelectionSet
# Syntax
Simplygon::spSelectionSet FindOrCreateSelectionSet(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const char *);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Pointer to Simplygon API. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | Scene where to find or create the selection set. |
char | SelectionSetName | Name of the selction set to find or create. |
Return Type:
# GenerateTextureCoordinates
# Syntax
void GenerateTextureCoordinates(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spGeometryData, uint32, Simplygon::spObject, TArray<FVector2D> &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | GeometryData | |
uint32 | TexCoordIndex | |
Simplygon::spObject | TextureCoordinateGenerator | |
TArray<FVector2D> | OutTexCoords |
Return Type:
# GetMaterialMaps
# Syntax
void GetMaterialMaps(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, const FMeshDescription &, TMap<FName, int32> &, TMap<int32, FName> &, TArray<int32>);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | sdk | Pointer to ISimplygon factory. |
FMeshDescription | Mesh | The MeshDescription to extract material mapping from. |
TMap<FName, int32> | OutMaterialNameToIndex | A mapping between material name to index. |
TMap<int32, FName> | OutMaterialIndexToName | A mapping between material index to name. |
TArray<int32> | MaterialIdRemap |
Return Type:
# IsClippingPlaneEnabledInPipeline
# Syntax
bool IsClippingPlaneEnabledInPipeline(Simplygon::spPipeline);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::spPipeline | InPipeline |
Return Type:
# OutputDebugGeometry
# Syntax
void OutputDebugGeometry(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene &, const FString &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Poiner to ISimplygon factory. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | The Simplygon::spScene to export. |
FString | OutputFileName |
Return Type:
# OutputDebugGeometry
# Syntax
void OutputDebugGeometry(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spGeometryData &, const FString &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Poiner to ISimplygon factory. |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | Geometry | The Simplygon::spGeoemtryData to export. |
FString | OutputFileName |
Return Type:
# PackChartsUsingChartAggregator
# Syntax
void PackChartsUsingChartAggregator(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spGeometryData, const FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &, uint32, bool, TArray<FVector2D> &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | |
Simplygon::spGeometryData | GeometryData | |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | FlattenMaterialSettings | |
uint32 | TexCoordIndex | |
bool | bComponentVertexData | |
TArray<FVector2D> | OutTexCoords |
Return Type:
# PopulateLandscapeCullingGeometry
# Syntax
void PopulateLandscapeCullingGeometry(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, Simplygon::spPipeline, UWorld *, const FBoxSphereBounds &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | |
Simplygon::spPipeline | InPipeline | |
UWorld | World | |
FBoxSphereBounds | EstimatedBounds |
Return Type:
# SaveSimplygonPipelineToIntermediate
# Syntax
void SaveSimplygonPipelineToIntermediate(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::IPipeline *, const FString &, FGuid);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Poiner to ISimplygon factory. |
Simplygon::IPipeline | Pipeline | |
FString | Prefix | |
FGuid | Id |
Return Type:
# SaveSimplygonSceneToIntermediate
# Syntax
void SaveSimplygonSceneToIntermediate(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, Simplygon::spScene, const FString &, FGuid);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | Poiner to ISimplygon factory. |
Simplygon::spScene | Scene | The Simplygon::spScene to export. |
FString | Prefix | |
FGuid | Id |
Return Type:
# VectorFromSimplygon
# Syntax
FVector VectorFromSimplygon(const FVector &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
FVector | vec |
Return Type:
# VectorToSimplygon
# Syntax
FVector VectorToSimplygon(const FVector &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
FVector | vec |
Return Type: