# class ULODRecipe

A collection of Static & Skeletal mesh along with processing settings for each LOD Level

# Members (public)

Type Member Description
ULODRecipe::FNewAssetsCreatedEvent NewAssetsCreatedEvent No description available.

# Methods (public)

Method Description
AddMesh Constructor, initializing counter to passed in value.
AllowMorphTargetsInLOD Specify whether Morph Targets are allowed in LOD or not.
Morph Targets are remapped based on LOD 0.
ApplyStreamedLODs No description available.
ApplyStreamedLODs No description available.
ApplyStreamedLODsToMeshes No description available.
CreatePipeline Creates a pipeline ready to be processed by RunSceneAsync()
for material baking. This is only valid if the pipeline contains casters and
valid mapping image settings.
GetAllMeshes Gets all Meshes
GetPipelines No description available.
GetSkeletalMeshes Gets all SKeletal Meshes
GetStaticMeshes Gets all Static Meshes
IncludeMorphTargetInLOD Specify morph target that should be included when remapping morph target to LOD.
By default all morph targets are included when LOD is allowed to have morph targets.
IsMorphTargetRemovedInLOD Check if a Morph Target is already removed from LOD
IsMorphTargetsAllowed Check if any of the LODs are allowed to have morph targets.
IsMorphTargetsAllowedInLOD Check if Morph Targets are allowed for a specific LOD.
PostDuplicate No description available.
PostLoad No description available.
ProcessCompleted Process Completed Callback
ProcessSkeletalMeshCompleted Process Completed Callback
RemoveAllMeshes Removes all USkeletalMeshes & UStaticMeshes from the recipe.
RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes Removes all USkeletalMeshes from the recipe.
RemoveAllStaticMeshes Removes all UStaticMeshes from the recipe.
RemoveMesh Removes a UStaticMesh or USkeletalMesh from the recipe.
RemoveMorphTargetInLOD Specify morph target that should be removed when remapping morph target to LOD.
By default all morph targets are included when LOD is allowed to have morph targets.
See AllowMorphTargetsInLOD()
Serialize Serialize object.

# AddMesh

# Syntax

void AddMesh(TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> Mesh Value to initialize counter to.

Return Type: void

# AllowMorphTargetsInLOD

# Syntax

void AllowMorphTargetsInLOD(const bool, const int32);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
bool bAllowMorphTargets - Set to true if LOD should be remapped based on LOD 0.
int32 LODIndex - Which LOD should be allowed to have morph targets.

Return Type: void

# ApplyStreamedLODs

# Syntax

void ApplyStreamedLODs(UStaticMesh *, bool);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
UStaticMesh StaticMesh
bool bPostEditChange

Return Type: void

# ApplyStreamedLODs

# Syntax

void ApplyStreamedLODs(USkeletalMesh *, bool);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
USkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh
bool bPostEditChange

Return Type: void

# ApplyStreamedLODsToMeshes

# Syntax

void ApplyStreamedLODsToMeshes(bool);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
bool bPostEditChange

Return Type: void

# CreatePipeline

# Syntax

Simplygon::spPipeline CreatePipeline(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, struct FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
Simplygon::ISimplygon SDK - Simplygon API pointer fetched from ISimplygonModule.
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings OutFlattenMaterialSettings - Returns flatten material settings needed.

Return Type: Simplygon::spPipeline

# GetAllMeshes

# Syntax

TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>> GetAllMeshes();

# Parameters

GetAllMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type: TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>>

# GetPipelines

# Syntax

const TArray<USimplygonPipeline *> & GetPipelines();

# Parameters

GetPipelines takes no parameters.
Return Type: TArray<USimplygonPipeline >

# GetSkeletalMeshes

# Syntax

TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh>> GetSkeletalMeshes();

# Parameters

GetSkeletalMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type: TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh>>

# GetStaticMeshes

# Syntax

TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<UStaticMesh>> GetStaticMeshes();

# Parameters

GetStaticMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type: TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<UStaticMesh>>

# IncludeMorphTargetInLOD

# Syntax

void IncludeMorphTargetInLOD(const UMorphTarget *, const int32);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
UMorphTarget MorphTarget - Morph target to include when remapping to LOD.
int32 LODIndex - Specify for which LOD the morph target should be included in.

Return Type: void

# IsMorphTargetRemovedInLOD

# Syntax

bool IsMorphTargetRemovedInLOD(const UMorphTarget *, const int32);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
UMorphTarget MorphTarget - Specify Morph Target to check.
int32 LODIndex - Specify which LOD to check.

Return Type: bool

# IsMorphTargetsAllowed

# Syntax

bool IsMorphTargetsAllowed();

# Parameters

IsMorphTargetsAllowed takes no parameters.
Return Type: bool

# IsMorphTargetsAllowedInLOD

# Syntax

bool IsMorphTargetsAllowedInLOD(const int32);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
int32 LODIndex - Specify which LOD to check.

Return Type: bool

# PostDuplicate

# Syntax

void PostDuplicate(bool);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
bool bDuplicateForPIE

Return Type: void

# PostLoad

# Syntax

void PostLoad();

# Parameters

PostLoad takes no parameters.
Return Type: void

# ProcessCompleted

# Syntax

void ProcessCompleted(UStaticMesh *, const FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData &, const Simplygon::spPipeline &, const Simplygon::spScene &);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
UStaticMesh StaticMesh The mesh that was processed.
FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData LODRecipeJobData
Simplygon::spPipeline Pipeline the Simplygon pipeline object used to process.
Simplygon::spScene CascadedScene the cascaded output scene from the processing.

Return Type: void

# ProcessSkeletalMeshCompleted

# Syntax

void ProcessSkeletalMeshCompleted(USkeletalMesh *, const FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData &, const Simplygon::spPipeline &, const Simplygon::spScene &);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
USkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh Skeletal Mesh after LOD process is completed.
FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData LODRecipeJobData
Simplygon::spPipeline Pipeline the Simplygon pipeline object used to process.
Simplygon::spScene CascadedScene

Return Type: void

# RemoveAllMeshes

# Syntax

void RemoveAllMeshes();

# Parameters

RemoveAllMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type: void

# RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes

# Syntax

void RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes();

# Parameters

RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type: void

# RemoveAllStaticMeshes

# Syntax

void RemoveAllStaticMeshes();

# Parameters

RemoveAllStaticMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type: void

# RemoveMesh

# Syntax

void RemoveMesh(TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> Mesh a TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> to static or skeletal mesh to remove.

Return Type: void

# RemoveMorphTargetInLOD

# Syntax

void RemoveMorphTargetInLOD(const UMorphTarget *, const int32);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
UMorphTarget MorphTarget - Morph target to remove when remapping to LOD.
int32 LODIndex - Specify for which LOD the morph target should be removed from.

Return Type: void

# Serialize

# Syntax

void Serialize(FArchive &);

# Parameters

Type Name Description
FArchive Ar The serialization backend.

Return Type: void