# class
A collection of Static & Skeletal mesh along with processing settings for each LOD Level
# Members (public)
Type | Member | Description |
ULODRecipe::FNewAssetsCreatedEvent | NewAssetsCreatedEvent | No description available. |
# Methods (public)
Method | Description |
AddMesh | Constructor, initializing counter to passed in value. |
AllowMorphTargetsInLOD | Specify whether Morph Targets are allowed in LOD or not. Morph Targets are remapped based on LOD 0. |
ApplyStreamedLODs | No description available. |
ApplyStreamedLODs | No description available. |
ApplyStreamedLODsToMeshes | No description available. |
CreatePipeline | Creates a pipeline ready to be processed by RunSceneAsync() for material baking. This is only valid if the pipeline contains casters and valid mapping image settings. |
GetAllMeshes | Gets all Meshes |
GetPipelines | No description available. |
GetSkeletalMeshes | Gets all SKeletal Meshes |
GetStaticMeshes | Gets all Static Meshes |
IncludeMorphTargetInLOD | Specify morph target that should be included when remapping morph target to LOD. By default all morph targets are included when LOD is allowed to have morph targets. |
IsMorphTargetRemovedInLOD | Check if a Morph Target is already removed from LOD |
IsMorphTargetsAllowed | Check if any of the LODs are allowed to have morph targets. |
IsMorphTargetsAllowedInLOD | Check if Morph Targets are allowed for a specific LOD. |
PostDuplicate | No description available. |
PostLoad | No description available. |
ProcessCompleted | Process Completed Callback |
ProcessSkeletalMeshCompleted | Process Completed Callback |
RemoveAllMeshes | Removes all USkeletalMeshes & UStaticMeshes from the recipe. |
RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes | Removes all USkeletalMeshes from the recipe. |
RemoveAllStaticMeshes | Removes all UStaticMeshes from the recipe. |
RemoveMesh | Removes a UStaticMesh or USkeletalMesh from the recipe. |
RemoveMorphTargetInLOD | Specify morph target that should be removed when remapping morph target to LOD. By default all morph targets are included when LOD is allowed to have morph targets. See AllowMorphTargetsInLOD() |
Serialize | Serialize object. |
# AddMesh
# Syntax
void AddMesh(TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> | Mesh | Value to initialize counter to. |
Return Type:
# AllowMorphTargetsInLOD
# Syntax
void AllowMorphTargetsInLOD(const bool, const int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
bool | bAllowMorphTargets | - Set to true if LOD should be remapped based on LOD 0. |
int32 | LODIndex | - Which LOD should be allowed to have morph targets. |
Return Type:
# ApplyStreamedLODs
# Syntax
void ApplyStreamedLODs(UStaticMesh *, bool);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
UStaticMesh | StaticMesh | |
bool | bPostEditChange |
Return Type:
# ApplyStreamedLODs
# Syntax
void ApplyStreamedLODs(USkeletalMesh *, bool);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
USkeletalMesh | SkeletalMesh | |
bool | bPostEditChange |
Return Type:
# ApplyStreamedLODsToMeshes
# Syntax
void ApplyStreamedLODsToMeshes(bool);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
bool | bPostEditChange |
Return Type:
# CreatePipeline
# Syntax
Simplygon::spPipeline CreatePipeline(Simplygon::ISimplygon *, struct FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Simplygon::ISimplygon | SDK | - Simplygon API pointer fetched from ISimplygonModule. |
FSimplygonFlattenMaterialSettings | OutFlattenMaterialSettings | - Returns flatten material settings needed. |
Return Type:
# GetAllMeshes
# Syntax
TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>> GetAllMeshes();
# Parameters
GetAllMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# GetPipelines
# Syntax
const TArray<USimplygonPipeline *> & GetPipelines();
# Parameters
GetPipelines takes no parameters.
Return Type:
TArray<USimplygonPipeline >
# GetSkeletalMeshes
# Syntax
TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh>> GetSkeletalMeshes();
# Parameters
GetSkeletalMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# GetStaticMeshes
# Syntax
TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<UStaticMesh>> GetStaticMeshes();
# Parameters
GetStaticMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# IncludeMorphTargetInLOD
# Syntax
void IncludeMorphTargetInLOD(const UMorphTarget *, const int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
UMorphTarget | MorphTarget | - Morph target to include when remapping to LOD. |
int32 | LODIndex | - Specify for which LOD the morph target should be included in. |
Return Type:
# IsMorphTargetRemovedInLOD
# Syntax
bool IsMorphTargetRemovedInLOD(const UMorphTarget *, const int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
UMorphTarget | MorphTarget | - Specify Morph Target to check. |
int32 | LODIndex | - Specify which LOD to check. |
Return Type:
# IsMorphTargetsAllowed
# Syntax
bool IsMorphTargetsAllowed();
# Parameters
IsMorphTargetsAllowed takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# IsMorphTargetsAllowedInLOD
# Syntax
bool IsMorphTargetsAllowedInLOD(const int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
int32 | LODIndex | - Specify which LOD to check. |
Return Type:
# PostDuplicate
# Syntax
void PostDuplicate(bool);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
bool | bDuplicateForPIE |
Return Type:
# PostLoad
# Syntax
void PostLoad();
# Parameters
PostLoad takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# ProcessCompleted
# Syntax
void ProcessCompleted(UStaticMesh *, const FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData &, const Simplygon::spPipeline &, const Simplygon::spScene &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
UStaticMesh | StaticMesh | The mesh that was processed. |
FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData | LODRecipeJobData | |
Simplygon::spPipeline | Pipeline | the Simplygon pipeline object used to process. |
Simplygon::spScene | CascadedScene | the cascaded output scene from the processing. |
Return Type:
# ProcessSkeletalMeshCompleted
# Syntax
void ProcessSkeletalMeshCompleted(USkeletalMesh *, const FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData &, const Simplygon::spPipeline &, const Simplygon::spScene &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
USkeletalMesh | SkeletalMesh | Skeletal Mesh after LOD process is completed. |
FSimplygonLODRecipeJobData | LODRecipeJobData | |
Simplygon::spPipeline | Pipeline | the Simplygon pipeline object used to process. |
Simplygon::spScene | CascadedScene |
Return Type:
# RemoveAllMeshes
# Syntax
void RemoveAllMeshes();
# Parameters
RemoveAllMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes
# Syntax
void RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes();
# Parameters
RemoveAllSkeletalMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# RemoveAllStaticMeshes
# Syntax
void RemoveAllStaticMeshes();
# Parameters
RemoveAllStaticMeshes takes no parameters.
Return Type:
# RemoveMesh
# Syntax
void RemoveMesh(TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> | Mesh | a TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> to static or skeletal mesh to remove. |
Return Type:
# RemoveMorphTargetInLOD
# Syntax
void RemoveMorphTargetInLOD(const UMorphTarget *, const int32);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
UMorphTarget | MorphTarget | - Morph target to remove when remapping to LOD. |
int32 | LODIndex | - Specify for which LOD the morph target should be removed from. |
Return Type:
# Serialize
# Syntax
void Serialize(FArchive &);
# Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
FArchive | Ar | The serialization backend. |
Return Type: