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Part remover

The part remover is used to remove objects smaller than a set threshold from the scene. It can be used both as a standalone tool or as a part of the ReductionProcessor. There are three different threshold types used in conjunction with the Threshold value:

  • EPartRemoverThresholdType::PhysicalSize - All objects with a diameter smaller than the actual world space size of the threshold will be removed.
  • EPartRemoverThresholdType::OnScreenSize - All objects that are smaller than 1 pixel, when the scene is viewed at the selected OnScreenSize, will be removed.
  • EPartRemoverThresholdType::PercentageOfSceneDiameter - All objects with a diameter smaller than the selected percentage of the scene diameter will be removed.

The user can set an overall threshold or one per-material. Objects with a bounding box diagonal smaller than the set threshold will be deleted.

Part remover
Part remover

An object will be removed if it is smaller than its set threshold value.

Part remover
Part remover

Here is a scene with three materials. Each material has a texture showing the material-specific threshold setting that has been used. An object will be removed if it is smaller than its per-material threshold.

Part remover
Part remover


The Part remover can be used through the following entry points: