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Run a Pipeline

The following example will execute Simplygon on the current selection using a previously saved Pipeline.


The export does support preservation of quads (to be used by the quad reducer). To enable quad export; call sgsdk_SetQuadMode before executing Simplygon. The Simplygon UI sets the QuadMode-flag automatically whenever there is a QuadReductionPipeline involved, but for scripting this has to be done manually.

-- load an asset
loadMaxFile "D:/Assets/SomeAsset.max"

-- select everything in scene
select $*

-- load previously saved pipeline
reductionPipeline = sgsdk_LoadPipeline "D:/Pipelines/reductionPipeline.json"

-- Uncomment the line below to enable QuadMode
-- sgsdk_SetQuadMode true

-- execute pipeline on selection,
-- returns result to Max once completed
sgsdk_RunPipelineOnSelection reductionPipeline

-- clear all pipelines that resides in memory
from pymxs import runtime as rt

# load an asset

# select objects

# load previously saved pipeline
reductionPipeline = rt.sgsdk_LoadPipeline('D:/Pipelines/reductionPipeline.json')

# Uncomment the line below to enable QuadMode
# rt.sgsdk_SetQuadMode(True)

# execute pipeline on selection,
# returns result to Max once completed

# clear all pipelines that resides in memory

Next steps

Get to know how to work with Pipelines: