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Installation of the Unity plugin

To download the Simplygon installer, go to the Simplygon website and locate the "SDK Installer", click download. Once the download has completed, start the Simplygon installer and follow the instructions presented on the screen. For more details about the installer, options and license setup, see Simplygon installation.

Simplygon Unity plugin

When the Simplygon installation has completed, follow the guides provided by the Unity documentation section Install a package from a tarball file and browse to C:\Program Files\Simplygon\<MajorVersion>\Unity\bin\<UnityVersion> to find the tarball (e.g. Simplygon.Unity2022Plugin.tgz).

The Simplygon Unity plug-in should now load up automatically every time Unity is started. Go to Window -> Simplygon to bring forward the Simplygon UI, if it is not already present. The Simplygon UI can be docked to most docking areas inside Unity; just click and hold the Simplygon label and place it at the location you prefer.