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HLOD: Build using commandlet

Build HLODs in your project from e.g. a terminal or a script.


  • An HLOD Layer using a Simplygon HLOD builder. Create an HLOD layer with builder using this quickstart.

Build HLODs from the command line

In Simplygon 10.3 we introduced a new World Partition builder which greatly improves work distribution. The new builder also allowed us to add features that were not possible before. We do recommend using our SimplygonWorldPartitionBuilder when possible.

Open a terminal and locate the UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe in your Engine folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_{engine version}\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe.

Run the following command, replace {ProjectPath} with the path to your project file (uproject), and {MapPath} with the path to the level (umap). This will build all HLODs in the specified level.

Using SimplygonWorldPartitionBuilder:

.\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe {ProjectPath} {MapPath}

Using Unreal Engine's WorldPartitionHLODsBuilder:

.\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe {ProjectPath} {MapPath}


-AllowCommandletRendering is needed for a successful build if material baking is enabled in any of the HLOD layers.

Compatible commandlet flags for SimplygonWorldPartitionBuilder

SetupHLODsSets up HLOD Actors.
BuildHLODsBuilds non-built HLOD Actors.
RebuildHLODsForces a build / rebuild of all HLOD Actors.
DeleteHLODsDeletes all HLOD Actors.
AsyncEnables asynchronous handling of tasks
(such as jobs when distribution is enabled in Simplygon plugin settings).