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Simplygon can use FASTBuild to distribute pipeline and pipeline batch execution. Setup of FASTBuild is outside the scope of this documentation, please refer to the FASTBuild documentation. You must make sure FBuild.exe tool path must be set in the search paths and that the FASTBUILD_BROKERAGE_PATH environment variable is set in the environment where you execute the Simplygon processing or SimplygonBatch tool.

Distributed pipeline execution

Distribution using FASTBuild is enabled by passing the appropriate run mode to the pipeline run scene API.


Due to limitations in FASTBuild there are no progress events when using FASTBuild distribution. The execution will block on the run call until processing has completed

spReductionPipeline reductionPipeline = sg->CreateReductionPipeline();

// Process a scene from file directly using distribution
reductionPipeline->RunSceneFromFile( "input.obj", "output.obj", EPipelineRunMode::RunDistributedUsingFastbuild );

// Or if you have a scene object, process it using distribution
reductionPipeline->RunScene( scene, EPipelineRunMode::RunDistributedUsingFastbuild )
spReductionPipeline reductionPipeline = sg.CreateReductionPipeline();

// Process a scene from file directly using distribution
reductionPipeline.RunSceneFromFile( "input.obj", "output.obj", EPipelineRunMode.RunDistributedUsingFastbuild );

// Or if you have a scene object, process it using distribution
reductionPipeline.RunScene( scene, EPipelineRunMode.RunDistributedUsingFastbuild )
reductionPipeline = sg.CreateReductionPipeline()

# Process a scene from file directly using distribution
reductionPipeline.RunSceneFromFile( "input.obj", "output.obj", EPipelineRunMode_RunDistributedUsingFastbuild )

# Or if you have a scene object, process it using distribution
reductionPipeline.RunScene( scene, EPipelineRunMode_RunDistributedUsingFastbuild )

Distributed using batch tool

Distribution using FASTBuild can be enabled when invoking the batch tool (SimplygonBatch.exe) by passing the -Fastbuild parameter on the command line

SimplygonBatch.exe -Fastbuild <path/to/pipeline.json> <input.scene> <output.scene>
SimplygonBatch.exe -Fastbuild <path/to/pipelinebatch.json>


I'm not getting any progress

Due to FASTBuild limitations, the batch tool cannot report any progress.