# class ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline

ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline provides a pipeline for a impostor from single view impostor processor to be applied on the input scene.

# Properties

Property Description
Name The name of the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object. (Inherited from Object)

# Methods

Method Description
AddCascadedPipeline Add a cascaded child pipeline. The child pipeline will execute on the scene output from this pipeline. (Inherited from Pipeline)
AddMaterialCaster Add a material caster. Material casting requires the mapping image generation to be enabled (SetGenerateMappingImage in MappingImageSettings returned by GetMappingImageSettings). If called with a material index set to non-zero, the mapping image for the corresponding output material will be used. See GetOutputMaterialCount/SetOutputMaterialCount in MappingImageSettings. (Inherited from Pipeline)
AddMaterialCasterByType Add a material caster by type name. Type name should undecorated base name of caster, for example "Color", "AmbientOcclusion", "Normal" etc. Material casting requires the mapping image generation to be enabled (SetGenerateMappingImage in MappingImageSettings returned by GetMappingImageSettings). If called with a material index set to non-zero, the mapping image for the corresponding output material will be used. See GetOutputMaterialCount/SetOutputMaterialCount in MappingImageSettings. (Inherited from Pipeline)
AddObserver Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)
GetActiveSelectionSets Get the names of all currently active selection sets used by this pipeline, based on the current settings (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetBoolParameter Get a named parameter boolean value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetCascadedPipelineByIndex The cascaded child pipeline object for the given index. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetCascadedPipelineCount Get number of cascaded child pipelines. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetClass Get the name of the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline class. (Inherited from Object)
GetDoubleParameter Get a named parameter floating point value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetEnumParameter Get a named parameter enum value as int including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetImpostorFromSingleViewSettings The ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline settings object containing the imposter settings from a single view for this pipeline.
GetIntParameter Get a named parameter integer value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetMappingImage The mapping image from the performed remeshing. Should only be called after the pipeline has been run. The return value will be null if the pipeline does not use material casting and mapping images. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetMappingImageSettings The mapping image settings object containing the mapping image settings for this pipeline. The return value will be null if the pipeline does not use material casting and mapping images. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetMaterialCasterByIndex Get the material caster in the pipeline for the given index, which must be less than the material caster count. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetMaterialCasterCount Get the number of material casters for the pipeline. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetMaterialCasters The material casters for the pipeline. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetParameterType Get a named parameter data type including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetPercentDone Returns the current progress of the pipeline as a value between 0 and 100. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetPipelineSettings The settings for the pipeline. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetProcessedScene The resulting scene from the last execution of this pipeline. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetStringParameter Get a named parameter string value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
GetUIntParameter Get a named parameter unsigned integer value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
IsA Returns true if ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
IsNull Returns true if the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)
IsSameObjectAs Returns true if the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
NewCopy Create a new clone of the pipeline, copying all settings and material casters as well as creating new copies of all cascaded pipelines. (Inherited from Pipeline)
NonNull Returns true if the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
PrintInfo Prints the content/info of the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object to the log. (Inherited from Object)
RemoveCascadedPipeline Remove a cascaded child pipeline. (Inherited from Pipeline)
RemoveObserver Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)
RunScene Run the pipeline on the given scene, which will be modified and contain the result of the pipeline when the function returns. Please note that internal references might be modified by the pipeline. The caller should refresh any reference that is cached outside the scene after running the pipeline. (Inherited from Pipeline)
RunSceneFromFile Run the pipeline on the scene loaded from the given input scene file, and optionally write the resulting scene to the given output scene file. If the scene is not written to file it can be accessed with the GetProcessedScene method. When using cascaded pipelines with RunSceneFromFile and the output file format does not support cascaded scenes (OBJ, FBX, glTF), only the scene from the first top level pipeline is exported to the output file. (Inherited from Pipeline)
SetBoolParameter Set a named parameter boolean value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
SetDoubleParameter Set a named parameter floating point value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
SetEnumParameter Set a named parameter enum value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
SetIntParameter Set a named parameter integer value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
SetParameterFromString Set a named parameter value including parameter path. The string will be parsed with best effort according to the parameter data type. (Inherited from Pipeline)
SetStringParameter Set a named parameter string value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)
SetUIntParameter Set a named parameter unsigned integer value including parameter path. (Inherited from Pipeline)

# Static methods

Method Description
IsClassA Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
SafeCast SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline. (Inherited from Object)

# Properties details

# Name

The name of the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object. (Inherited from Object)

    # Methods details

    # AddCascadedPipeline

    Add a cascaded child pipeline. The child pipeline will execute on the scene output from this pipeline.

      # AddMaterialCaster

      Add a material caster. Material casting requires the mapping image generation to be enabled (SetGenerateMappingImage in MappingImageSettings returned by GetMappingImageSettings). If called with a material index set to non-zero, the mapping image for the corresponding output material will be used. See GetOutputMaterialCount/SetOutputMaterialCount in MappingImageSettings.

        # AddMaterialCasterByType

        Add a material caster by type name. Type name should undecorated base name of caster, for example "Color", "AmbientOcclusion", "Normal" etc. Material casting requires the mapping image generation to be enabled (SetGenerateMappingImage in MappingImageSettings returned by GetMappingImageSettings). If called with a material index set to non-zero, the mapping image for the corresponding output material will be used. See GetOutputMaterialCount/SetOutputMaterialCount in MappingImageSettings.

          # AddObserver

          Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)

            # GetActiveSelectionSets

            Get the names of all currently active selection sets used by this pipeline, based on the current settings

              # GetBoolParameter

              Get a named parameter boolean value including parameter path.

                # GetCascadedPipelineByIndex

                The cascaded child pipeline object for the given index.

                  # GetCascadedPipelineCount

                  Get number of cascaded child pipelines.

                    # GetClass

                    Get the name of the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline class. (Inherited from Object)

                      # GetDoubleParameter

                      Get a named parameter floating point value including parameter path.

                        # GetEnumParameter

                        Get a named parameter enum value as int including parameter path.

                          # GetImpostorFromSingleViewSettings

                          The ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline settings object containing the imposter settings from a single view for this pipeline.

                            # GetIntParameter

                            Get a named parameter integer value including parameter path.

                              # GetMappingImage

                              The mapping image from the performed remeshing. Should only be called after the pipeline has been run. The return value will be null if the pipeline does not use material casting and mapping images.

                                # GetMappingImageSettings

                                The mapping image settings object containing the mapping image settings for this pipeline. The return value will be null if the pipeline does not use material casting and mapping images.

                                  # GetMaterialCasterByIndex

                                  Get the material caster in the pipeline for the given index, which must be less than the material caster count.

                                    # GetMaterialCasterCount

                                    Get the number of material casters for the pipeline.

                                      # GetMaterialCasters

                                      The material casters for the pipeline.

                                        # GetParameterType

                                        Get a named parameter data type including parameter path.

                                          # GetPercentDone

                                          Returns the current progress of the pipeline as a value between 0 and 100.

                                            # GetPipelineSettings

                                            The settings for the pipeline.

                                              # GetProcessedScene

                                              The resulting scene from the last execution of this pipeline.

                                                # GetStringParameter

                                                Get a named parameter string value including parameter path.

                                                  # GetUIntParameter

                                                  Get a named parameter unsigned integer value including parameter path.

                                                    # IsA

                                                    Returns true if ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)

                                                      # IsNull

                                                      Returns true if the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)

                                                        # IsSameObjectAs

                                                        Returns true if the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object is valid. (Inherited from Object)

                                                          # NewCopy

                                                          Create a new clone of the pipeline, copying all settings and material casters as well as creating new copies of all cascaded pipelines.

                                                            # NonNull

                                                            Returns true if the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object is valid. (Inherited from Object)

                                                              # PrintInfo

                                                              Prints the content/info of the ImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline object to the log. (Inherited from Object)

                                                                # RemoveCascadedPipeline

                                                                Remove a cascaded child pipeline.

                                                                  # RemoveObserver

                                                                  Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)

                                                                    # RunScene

                                                                    Run the pipeline on the given scene, which will be modified and contain the result of the pipeline when the function returns. Please note that internal references might be modified by the pipeline. The caller should refresh any reference that is cached outside the scene after running the pipeline.

                                                                      # RunSceneFromFile

                                                                      Run the pipeline on the scene loaded from the given input scene file, and optionally write the resulting scene to the given output scene file. If the scene is not written to file it can be accessed with the GetProcessedScene method. When using cascaded pipelines with RunSceneFromFile and the output file format does not support cascaded scenes (OBJ, FBX, glTF), only the scene from the first top level pipeline is exported to the output file.

                                                                        # SetBoolParameter

                                                                        Set a named parameter boolean value including parameter path.

                                                                          # SetDoubleParameter

                                                                          Set a named parameter floating point value including parameter path.

                                                                            # SetEnumParameter

                                                                            Set a named parameter enum value including parameter path.

                                                                              # SetIntParameter

                                                                              Set a named parameter integer value including parameter path.

                                                                                # SetParameterFromString

                                                                                Set a named parameter value including parameter path. The string will be parsed with best effort according to the parameter data type.

                                                                                  # SetStringParameter

                                                                                  Set a named parameter string value including parameter path.

                                                                                    # SetUIntParameter

                                                                                    Set a named parameter unsigned integer value including parameter path.

                                                                                      # Static methods details

                                                                                      # IsClassA

                                                                                      Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)

                                                                                        # SafeCast

                                                                                        SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spImpostorFromSingleViewPipeline. (Inherited from Object)