# Visibility settings
Visibility can be computed for the scene or for a selected subset by using selection sets. This is done to determine which parts of the scene is actually visible. Scene cameras are added to the scene and the user can select which cameras should be used when calculating the visibility. Users can also provide an arbitrary geometry where the vertices are converted to cameras internally. If no cameras are selected, then a default set of cameras surrounding the scene will be used. The generated visibility weights can be used to guide the reduction, texcoord creation or used to simply remove all triangles that never are visible. For more details see Visibility Tool
# Supported processors
- Reduction processor
- Remeshing processor
- Aggregation processor
# Camera example
This example shows how to use the Reduction processor with a visibility camera.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <future>
#include "SimplygonLoader.h"
Simplygon::spScene LoadScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, const char* path)
// Create scene importer
Simplygon::spSceneImporter sgSceneImporter = sg->CreateSceneImporter();
// Run scene importer.
bool importResult = sgSceneImporter->RunImport();
if (!importResult)
throw std::exception("Failed to load scene.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = sgSceneImporter->GetScene();
return sgScene;
void SaveScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, Simplygon::spScene sgScene, const char* path)
// Create scene exporter.
Simplygon::spSceneExporter sgSceneExporter = sg->CreateSceneExporter();
// Run scene exporter.
bool exportResult = sgSceneExporter->RunExport();
if (!exportResult)
throw std::exception("Failed to save scene.");
void CheckLog(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Check if any errors occurred.
bool hasErrors = sg->ErrorOccurred();
if (hasErrors)
Simplygon::spStringArray errors = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto errorCount = errors->GetItemCount();
if (errorCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Errors:");
for (auto errorIndex = 0U; errorIndex < errorCount; ++errorIndex)
Simplygon::spString errorString = errors->GetItem((int)errorIndex);
printf("%s\n", errorString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No errors.");
// Check if any warnings occurred.
bool hasWarnings = sg->WarningOccurred();
if (hasWarnings)
Simplygon::spStringArray warnings = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto warningCount = warnings->GetItemCount();
if (warningCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Warnings:");
for (auto warningIndex = 0U; warningIndex < warningCount; ++warningIndex)
Simplygon::spString warningString = warnings->GetItem((int)warningIndex);
printf("%s\n", warningString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No warnings.");
void RunReduction(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Load scene to process.
printf("%s\n", "Load scene to process.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/ObscuredTeapot/Teapot.obj");
// Create the reduction processor.
Simplygon::spReductionProcessor sgReductionProcessor = sg->CreateReductionProcessor();
sgReductionProcessor->SetScene( sgScene );
Simplygon::spReductionSettings sgReductionSettings = sgReductionProcessor->GetReductionSettings();
Simplygon::spVisibilitySettings sgVisibilitySettings = sgReductionProcessor->GetVisibilitySettings();
// Set reduction target to triangle ratio with a ratio of 50%.
sgReductionSettings->SetReductionTargets( Simplygon::EStopCondition::All, true, false, false, false );
sgReductionSettings->SetReductionTargetTriangleRatio( 0.5f );
// Add a camera to the scene. We'll use this later as a visibility camera.
Simplygon::spSelectionSetTable sgSceneSelectionSetTable = sgScene->GetSelectionSetTable();
Simplygon::spSelectionSet sgCameraSelectionSet = sg->CreateSelectionSet();
Simplygon::spSceneCamera sgCameraSceneCamera = sg->CreateSceneCamera();
sgCameraSceneCamera->SetCustomSphereCameraPath(4, 90, 180, 90);
// Use the camera previously added.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetCameraSelectionSetName( "Camera" );
// Enabled GPU based visibility calculations.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetComputeVisibilityMode( Simplygon::EComputeVisibilityMode::DirectX );
// Disabled conservative mode.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetConservativeMode( false );
// Remove all non visible geometry.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetCullOccludedGeometry( true );
// Skip filling nonvisible regions.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetFillNonVisibleAreaThreshold( 0.0f );
// Don't remove non occluding triangles.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetRemoveTrianglesNotOccludingOtherTriangles( false );
// Remove all back facing triangles.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetUseBackfaceCulling( true );
// Don't use visibility weights.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetUseVisibilityWeightsInReducer( false );
// Start the reduction process.
printf("%s\n", "Start the reduction process.");
// Save processed scene.
printf("%s\n", "Save processed scene.");
SaveScene(sg, sgScene, "Output.fbx");
// Check log for any warnings or errors.
printf("%s\n", "Check log for any warnings or errors.");
int main()
Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg = NULL;
Simplygon::EErrorCodes initval = Simplygon::Initialize( &sg );
if( initval != Simplygon::EErrorCodes::NoError )
printf( "Failed to initialize Simplygon: ErrorCode(%d)", (int)initval );
return int(initval);
return 0;
# Occluder example
This example shows how to use the Reduction processor with a visibility occluder.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <future>
#include "SimplygonLoader.h"
Simplygon::spScene LoadScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, const char* path)
// Create scene importer
Simplygon::spSceneImporter sgSceneImporter = sg->CreateSceneImporter();
// Run scene importer.
bool importResult = sgSceneImporter->RunImport();
if (!importResult)
throw std::exception("Failed to load scene.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = sgSceneImporter->GetScene();
return sgScene;
void SaveScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, Simplygon::spScene sgScene, const char* path)
// Create scene exporter.
Simplygon::spSceneExporter sgSceneExporter = sg->CreateSceneExporter();
// Run scene exporter.
bool exportResult = sgSceneExporter->RunExport();
if (!exportResult)
throw std::exception("Failed to save scene.");
void CheckLog(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Check if any errors occurred.
bool hasErrors = sg->ErrorOccurred();
if (hasErrors)
Simplygon::spStringArray errors = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto errorCount = errors->GetItemCount();
if (errorCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Errors:");
for (auto errorIndex = 0U; errorIndex < errorCount; ++errorIndex)
Simplygon::spString errorString = errors->GetItem((int)errorIndex);
printf("%s\n", errorString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No errors.");
// Check if any warnings occurred.
bool hasWarnings = sg->WarningOccurred();
if (hasWarnings)
Simplygon::spStringArray warnings = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto warningCount = warnings->GetItemCount();
if (warningCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Warnings:");
for (auto warningIndex = 0U; warningIndex < warningCount; ++warningIndex)
Simplygon::spString warningString = warnings->GetItem((int)warningIndex);
printf("%s\n", warningString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No warnings.");
void RunReduction(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Load scene to process.
printf("%s\n", "Load scene to process.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/ObscuredTeapot/ObscuredTeapot.obj");
// Create the reduction processor.
Simplygon::spReductionProcessor sgReductionProcessor = sg->CreateReductionProcessor();
sgReductionProcessor->SetScene( sgScene );
Simplygon::spReductionSettings sgReductionSettings = sgReductionProcessor->GetReductionSettings();
Simplygon::spVisibilitySettings sgVisibilitySettings = sgReductionProcessor->GetVisibilitySettings();
// Set reduction target to triangle ratio with a ratio of 50%.
sgReductionSettings->SetReductionTargets( Simplygon::EStopCondition::All, true, false, false, false );
sgReductionSettings->SetReductionTargetTriangleRatio( 0.5f );
// Add a selection set to the scene. We'll use this later as a occluder.
Simplygon::spSelectionSetTable sgSceneSelectionSetTable = sgScene->GetSelectionSetTable();
Simplygon::spSelectionSet sgOccluderSelectionSet = sg->CreateSelectionSet();
Simplygon::spSceneNode sgRootBox002 = sgScene->GetNodeFromPath("Root/Box002");
if (!sgRootBox002.IsNull())
// Use the occluder previously added.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetOccluderSelectionSetName( "Occluder" );
// Enabled GPU based visibility calculations.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetComputeVisibilityMode( Simplygon::EComputeVisibilityMode::DirectX );
// Disabled conservative mode.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetConservativeMode( false );
// Remove all non visible geometry.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetCullOccludedGeometry( true );
// Skip filling nonvisible regions.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetFillNonVisibleAreaThreshold( 0.0f );
// Don't remove non occluding triangles.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetRemoveTrianglesNotOccludingOtherTriangles( false );
// Remove all back facing triangles.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetUseBackfaceCulling( true );
// Don't use visibility weights.
sgVisibilitySettings->SetUseVisibilityWeightsInReducer( false );
// Start the reduction process.
printf("%s\n", "Start the reduction process.");
// Save processed scene.
printf("%s\n", "Save processed scene.");
SaveScene(sg, sgScene, "Output.fbx");
// Check log for any warnings or errors.
printf("%s\n", "Check log for any warnings or errors.");
int main()
Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg = NULL;
Simplygon::EErrorCodes initval = Simplygon::Initialize( &sg );
if( initval != Simplygon::EErrorCodes::NoError )
printf( "Failed to initialize Simplygon: ErrorCode(%d)", (int)initval );
return int(initval);
return 0;
# Camera from geometry vertices example
This example shows how to use the Reduction processor with a visibility cameras generated from an arbitrary geometry.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <future>
#include "SimplygonLoader.h"
Simplygon::spScene LoadScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, const char* path)
// Create scene importer
Simplygon::spSceneImporter sgSceneImporter = sg->CreateSceneImporter();
// Run scene importer.
bool importResult = sgSceneImporter->RunImport();
if (!importResult)
throw std::exception("Failed to load scene.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = sgSceneImporter->GetScene();
return sgScene;
void SaveScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, Simplygon::spScene sgScene, const char* path)
// Create scene exporter.
Simplygon::spSceneExporter sgSceneExporter = sg->CreateSceneExporter();
// Run scene exporter.
bool exportResult = sgSceneExporter->RunExport();
if (!exportResult)
throw std::exception("Failed to save scene.");
void CheckLog(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Check if any errors occurred.
bool hasErrors = sg->ErrorOccurred();
if (hasErrors)
Simplygon::spStringArray errors = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto errorCount = errors->GetItemCount();
if (errorCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Errors:");
for (auto errorIndex = 0U; errorIndex < errorCount; ++errorIndex)
Simplygon::spString errorString = errors->GetItem((int)errorIndex);
printf("%s\n", errorString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No errors.");
// Check if any warnings occurred.
bool hasWarnings = sg->WarningOccurred();
if (hasWarnings)
Simplygon::spStringArray warnings = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto warningCount = warnings->GetItemCount();
if (warningCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Warnings:");
for (auto warningIndex = 0U; warningIndex < warningCount; ++warningIndex)
Simplygon::spString warningString = warnings->GetItem((int)warningIndex);
printf("%s\n", warningString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No warnings.");
void RunReduction(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Load scene to process.
printf("%s\n", "Load scene to process.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/ObscuredTeapot/ObscuredTeapot.obj");
// Load camera gemometry
Simplygon::spScene sgSceneGeometryCamera = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/ObscuredTeapot/CameraMesh.obj");
// Select Mesh Nodes
int selectionSetId = sgSceneGeometryCamera->SelectNodes("ISceneMesh");
Simplygon::spSelectionSetTable sgSelectionSetsTable = sgSceneGeometryCamera->GetSelectionSetTable();
Simplygon::spSelectionSet selectionSceneMeshes = sgSelectionSetsTable->GetSelectionSet(selectionSetId);
auto itemCount = selectionSceneMeshes->GetItemCount();
Simplygon::spSelectionSet cameraSelectionSet = sg->CreateSelectionSet();
// Copy each mesh from camera scene into a scene and created a camera selection set based on those
// ids.
for (auto meshIndex = 0U; meshIndex < itemCount; ++meshIndex)
Simplygon::spString meshNodeId = selectionSceneMeshes->GetItem(meshIndex);
Simplygon::spSceneNode sceneNode = sgSceneGeometryCamera->GetNodeByGUID(meshNodeId);
Simplygon::spSceneMesh sceneMesh = Simplygon::spSceneMesh::SafeCast(sceneNode);
Simplygon::spGeometryData geom = sceneMesh->GetGeometry();
Simplygon::spSceneMesh cameraMesh = sgScene->GetRootNode()->CreateChildMesh(geom);
Simplygon::spString nodeId = cameraMesh->GetNodeGUID();
int cameraSelectionSetId = sgScene->GetSelectionSetTable()->AddSelectionSet(cameraSelectionSet);
// Create the reduction processor.
Simplygon::spReductionProcessor sgReductionProcessor = sg->CreateReductionProcessor();
// Get settings objects
Simplygon::spReductionSettings sgReductionSettings = sgReductionProcessor->GetReductionSettings();
Simplygon::spVisibilitySettings sgVisibilitySettings = sgReductionProcessor->GetVisibilitySettings();
// Set camera selection set id with
sgVisibilitySettings->SetCameraSelectionSetID( cameraSelectionSetId );
// Setup visibility setting enable GPU based computation,
sgVisibilitySettings->SetUseVisibilityWeightsInReducer( true );
sgVisibilitySettings->SetUseVisibilityWeightsInTexcoordGenerator( false );
sgVisibilitySettings->SetComputeVisibilityMode( Simplygon::EComputeVisibilityMode::DirectX );
sgVisibilitySettings->SetConservativeMode( false );
sgVisibilitySettings->SetCullOccludedGeometry( true );
sgVisibilitySettings->SetFillNonVisibleAreaThreshold( 0.0f );
sgVisibilitySettings->SetRemoveTrianglesNotOccludingOtherTriangles( false );
sgVisibilitySettings->SetUseBackfaceCulling( true );
// Set reduction target to triangle ratio with a ratio of 50%.
sgReductionSettings->SetReductionTargetTriangleRatio( 0.5f );
sgReductionProcessor->SetScene( sgScene );
// Start the reduction process.
printf("%s\n", "Start the reduction process.");
// Save processed scene.
printf("%s\n", "Save processed scene.");
SaveScene(sg, sgScene, "Output.fbx");
// Check log for any warnings or errors.
printf("%s\n", "Check log for any warnings or errors.");
int main()
Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg = NULL;
Simplygon::EErrorCodes initval = Simplygon::Initialize( &sg );
if( initval != Simplygon::EErrorCodes::NoError )
printf( "Failed to initialize Simplygon: ErrorCode(%d)", (int)initval );
return int(initval);
return 0;