# Error handling
Simplygon API reports errors through the error handling class ErrorHandler. A user can derive a class from ErrorHandler, which then will receive processing errors, and handle them appropriately. In C# and Python, if no error handler is set, the errors are reported through exception handling.
This example shows how to use the Simplygon error handler.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <future>
#include "SimplygonLoader.h"
class CustomErrorHandler : public Simplygon::ErrorHandler
void HandleError(Simplygon::spObject object, const char* interfaceName, const char* methodName, Simplygon::rid errorType , const char* errorText) override
printf("Error (%s:%s): %s\n", interfaceName, methodName, errorText);
} customErrorHandler;
void RunReduction(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Set the custom error handler to the Simplygon interface.
// Create the reduction pipeline.
Simplygon::spReductionPipeline sgReductionPipeline = sg->CreateReductionPipeline();
// To be able to use the T-Junction remover, the welder has to be enabled so this will trigger an
// error.
Simplygon::spRepairSettings sgRepairSettings = sgReductionPipeline->GetRepairSettings();
sgRepairSettings->SetUseWelding( false );
sgRepairSettings->SetUseTJunctionRemover( true );
// Start the reduction pipeline and the faulty settings will cause an error.
sgReductionPipeline->RunSceneFromFile("../Assets/SimplygonMan/SimplygonMan.obj", "output.fbx", Simplygon::EPipelineRunMode::RunInNewProcess);
int main()
Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg = NULL;
Simplygon::EErrorCodes initval = Simplygon::Initialize( &sg );
if( initval != Simplygon::EErrorCodes::NoError )
return int(initval);
return 0;