# class SelectionSet

SelectionSet is a set of scene node GUIDs referencing scene nodes in a scene.

# Methods

Method Description
AddItem Adds a node id to the set.
Clear Clears the set.
GetClass Get the name of the SelectionSet class.
GetItem Returns the node id in the i:th place in the set.
GetItemCount The number of items in the set.
IsA Returns true if SelectionSet is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
IsNull Returns true if the SelectionSet object is invalid.
RemoveItem Removes an node id from the set.

# Static methods

Method Description
IsClassA Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
SafeCast SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spSelectionSet, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spSelectionSet.

# Methods details

# AddItem

Adds a node id to the set.

    # Clear

    Clears the set.

      # GetClass

      Get the name of the SelectionSet class.

        # GetItem

        Returns the node id in the i:th place in the set.

          # GetItemCount

          The number of items in the set.

            # IsA

            Returns true if SelectionSet is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

              # IsNull

              Returns true if the SelectionSet object is invalid.

                # RemoveItem

                Removes an node id from the set.

                  # Static methods details

                  # IsClassA

                  Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

                    # SafeCast

                    SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spSelectionSet, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spSelectionSet.