# Simplygon Shading Networks

# What is a shading network ?

Shading networks are a fundamental part of Simplygon's material pipeline and are used to describe Simplygon materials in a hierarchial node-based manner. Most shading nodes supported by the Simplygon API are supported by the plug-in and the input for the nodes matches the ones in the API.

Most standard materials in Maya gets automatically translated to and from Simplygon materials during export and import, but there are some cases where user input is required. DirectX, CGFX and Stingray materials with custom (HLSL) shaders do not follow any template / naming schema that we can use to automatically map material properties, for these material types shading network templates have to be setup manually.

# Fundamentals

A material in Simplygon can have several material channels, for example ambientColor, color, specularColor and normalCamera which can be found in standard materials in Maya, or Ambient, Diffuse, Specular and Normals which will be used in HLSL examples later on. There are also possibility to add custom channels, if needed. Each of these material channels has its own shading network which is Simplygon’s way of describing a material.

Shading networks are responsible for the visual representation of a material, as well as a description of what will be baked during processing. A shading network starts with one node, an exit node which can be of any (shading) node type, for example a texture-, add- or multiply node.

# Supported shading nodes

Maya Name API Name No of Inputs Description
TextureNode spShadingTextureNode 0 Points at a texture
ColorNode spShadingColorNode 1 RGBA color
AddNode spShadingAddNode 2 Adds two input nodes together
SubtractNode spShadingSubtractNode 2 Subtracts input 1 from input 0
MultiplyNode spShadingMultiplyNode 2 Multiplies input 1 with input 0
DivideNode spShadingDivideNode 2 Divides input 0 with input 1
InterpolateNode spShadingInterpolateNode 3 Interpolates input 0 and 1 based on 2
ClampNode spShadingClampNode 3 Clamps input 0 based on 1 and 2
SwizzlingNode spShadingSwizzlingNode 4 Swizzles the channels
VertexColorNode spShadingVertexColorNode 0 Points at a vertex color set
LayeredBlendNode spShadingLayeredBlendNode (internal) unlimited Blends textures together from start to end, based on blend mode
PowNode spShadingPowNode 2 The power (input 1) of input 0
StepNode spShadingStepNode 2 Steps up/down the values from input 0 based on input 1
Normalize3Node spShadingNormalize3Node 1 Normalizes input 0
SqrtNode spShadingSqrtNode 1 Sqrt of input 0
Dot3Node spShadingDot3Node 2 Dot of input 0 and input 1
Cross3Node spShadingCross3Node 2 Cross of input 0 and input 1
CosNode spShadingCosNode 1 Cos of input 0
SinNode spShadingSinNode 1 Sin of input 0
MaxNode spShadingMaxNode 2 Max of input 0 and input 1
MinNode spShadingMinNode 2 Min of input 0 and input 1
EqualNode spShadingEqualNode 2 1.0f if value in input 0 equals the value in input 1, otherwise 0.0f
NotEqualNode spShadingNotEqualNode 2 1.0f if value in input 0 does not equal the value in input 1, otherwise 0.0f
GreaterThanNode spShadingGreaterThanNode 2 1.0f if value in input 0 is greater than the value in input 1, otherwise 0.0f
LessThanNode spShadingLessThanNode 2 1.0f if value in input 0 is smaller than the value in input 1, otherwise 0.0f

# Next steps

Get to know how to work with Shading Networks: