# Getting started with examples

This guide will help you get started with the Simplygon examples.

# Prerequisites

# C++ examples

# Step 1 - Download

Download the Simplygon C++ examples zip.

# Step 2 - Setup environment

Start by extracting the two zip files downloaded in the previous step. In the folder where you extracted the Simplygon SDK API zip there is a PowerShell script called SetupSimplygon.ps1. Run this script according to the section Run the SetupSimplygon.ps1 script.

# Step 3 - Build

Open the Visual Studio solution file found in the root of the extracted zip folder using Visual Studio 2019 or later.

# Step 4 - Run

Select any of the project in the solution as the start-up project and build/run the project to get started.

# C# examples

# Step 1 - Download

Download the Simplygon C# examples zip.

# Step 2 - Setup environment

Start by extracting the two zip files downloaded in the previous step. In the folder where you extracted the Simplygon SDK API zip there is a PowerShell script called SetupSimplygon.ps1. Run this script according to the section Run the SetupSimplygon.ps1 script.

# Step 3 - Build

Open the Visual Studio solution file found in the root of the extracted zip folder using Visual Studio 2019 or later.

# Step 4 - Run

Select any of the project in the solution as the start-up project and build/run the project to get started.

# Python examples

# Step 1 - Download

Download the Simplygon Python examples zip.

# Step 2 - Setup environment

Start by extracting the two zip files downloaded in the previous step. In the folder where you extracted the Simplygon SDK API zip there is a PowerShell script called SetupSimplygon.ps1. Run this script according to the section Run the SetupSimplygon.ps1 script.

# Step 3 - Run

You're now ready to execute any of the examples from the zip.