# class GeometryValidator

Checks the geometry for consistent indices, number of triangles etc.

# Properties

Property Description
CheckDegenerateFaceIndices If set, faces that have the same index more than once will not be allowed.
CheckZeroAreaFaces If set, faces that have zero area will not be allowed.

# Methods

Method Description
GetClass Get the name of the GeometryValidator class.
GetErrorString Returns a string describing the error that was found for the last check that was performed.
GetErrorValue Returns the error-code for the last check that was performed. 0 means no error was found, and values less than 0 means an error was found.
IsA Returns true if GeometryValidator is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
IsNull Returns true if the GeometryValidator object is invalid.
SetAllowedBoneCount This is the number of allowed bones used in the scene. Only indices within this range are allowed.
SetAllowedGroupCount This is the number of allowed groups/objects used in the scene. Only indices within this range are allowed.
SetAllowedMaterialCount This is the number of allowed materials used in the scene. Only indices within this range are allowed.
ValidateGeometry Checks if the data stored in the Geometry is stored correctly.

# Static methods

Method Description
IsClassA Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.
SafeCast SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spGeometryValidator, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spGeometryValidator.

# Properties details

# CheckDegenerateFaceIndices

If set, faces that have the same index more than once will not be allowed.

# Syntax

// Setter
void SetCheckDegenerateFaceIndices( bool value );

// Getter
bool GetCheckDegenerateFaceIndices();

# SetCheckDegenerateFaceIndices parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
bool value The desired flag value.

# GetCheckDegenerateFaceIndices return value

Type: bool

# CheckZeroAreaFaces

If set, faces that have zero area will not be allowed.

# Syntax

// Setter
void SetCheckZeroAreaFaces( bool value );

// Getter
bool GetCheckZeroAreaFaces();

# SetCheckZeroAreaFaces parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
bool value The desired flag value.

# GetCheckZeroAreaFaces return value

Type: bool

# Methods details

# GetClass

Get the name of the GeometryValidator class.

# Syntax

spString GetClass();

# Parameters

GetClass takes no parameters.

# Return value

Type: spString

# GetErrorString

Returns a string describing the error that was found for the last check that was performed.

# Syntax

spString GetErrorString();

# Parameters

GetErrorString takes no parameters.

# Return value

Type: spString

# GetErrorValue

Returns the error-code for the last check that was performed. 0 means no error was found, and values less than 0 means an error was found.

# Syntax

unsigned int GetErrorValue();

# Parameters

GetErrorValue takes no parameters.

# Return value

Type: unsigned int

# IsA

Returns true if GeometryValidator is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

# Syntax

bool IsA( const char * type );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
const char * type Name of the class to check if GeometryValidator is, or is a descendant of.

# Return value

Type: bool

# IsNull

Returns true if the GeometryValidator object is invalid.

# Syntax

bool IsNull();

# Parameters

IsNull takes no parameters.

# Return value

Type: bool

# SetAllowedBoneCount

This is the number of allowed bones used in the scene. Only indices within this range are allowed.

# Syntax

void SetAllowedBoneCount( unsigned int value );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
unsigned int value The desired flag value.

# SetAllowedGroupCount

This is the number of allowed groups/objects used in the scene. Only indices within this range are allowed.

# Syntax

void SetAllowedGroupCount( unsigned int value );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
unsigned int value The desired flag value.

# SetAllowedMaterialCount

This is the number of allowed materials used in the scene. Only indices within this range are allowed.

# Syntax

void SetAllowedMaterialCount( unsigned int value );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
unsigned int value The desired flag value.

# ValidateGeometry

Checks if the data stored in the Geometry is stored correctly.

# Syntax

bool ValidateGeometry( spGeometryData geom );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
GeometryData geom The geometry data to validate.

# Return value

Type: bool

# Static methods details

# IsClassA

Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter.

# Syntax

static bool IsClassA( const char * type );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
const char * type Name of the class to check if the class is, or is a descendant of.

# Return value

Type: bool

# SafeCast

SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spGeometryValidator, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spGeometryValidator.

# Syntax

static spGeometryValidator SafeCast( spObject object );

# Parameters

Type Name Min Max Description
Object object Object to cast.

# Return value

Type: GeometryValidator