Clipping Planes
Axis aligned clipping planes allows users to add an infinite plane geometry which is used by the remeshing processors to clip resulting geometry. The feature is helpful when dealing with opening that are too large to be closed. This can result in insides being generated and wasted texture space. You can use clipping planes in such scenarios to both reduce triangles and get better texture resolution as a result. The UE4 plugin now supports adding an arbitrary number of axis aligned cutting planes. The feature works with both HLOD and Stand-In. For HLOD the settings to use clippings planes is automatically enabled.
Source Scene.

Remeshed result no clipping planes. You can see insides on the tower.

Remeshed result clipping planes added(Top and Bottom).

Remeshed baked texture no clipping planes.

Remeshed Baked texture clipping planes added(Top and Bottom). Better texture space usage.