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Known issues and limitations

Listed below are the current known limitations and issues.

General issues

  • When running a long process and the user is performing other tasks, the add-on will still import as soon as the processing is over, potentially interrupting something else.
  • Running a python script mid-processing causes Blender to forget that the processing is happening and the output is never imported back.

Scene inconsistencies

  • Since the meshes go through the glTF exporter and importer, certain geometry fields, material types, or other scene contents may disappear or be modified after processing.
  • Scene node hierarchy may also be modified.
  • Skinned meshes may behave strangely if they have transforms applied to the skeleton root.

Missing functionality

All functionality that depend on selection sets are currently disabled, including:

  • Processing selection set
  • Clipping geometry and clipping planes
  • Custom cameras for visibility culling
  • Etc.

Blender installed via Steam

We do not recommend using Simplygon with Steam's version of Blender due to following reasons:

  • We do not detect a Blender installed through Steam so you need to perform manual installation.
  • Steam auto updates of Blender can break compatibility with Simplygon add-on.


Since the meshes go through the glTF exporter and importer, the material channels that are possible to setup for casting are limited to those supported by the Blender glTF exporter.