# class
Class for saving scene data to different file formats depending on the extension of the set file name.
# Properties
Property | Description |
ExportCascadedScenes | Flag to control if cascaded scenes should be included in the export. |
ExportFilePath | The main export file path. This must always be set. |
ForceTriangleExport | Flag to force exporters that are capable of exporting quads using the information in the QuadFlags GeometryData field to ignore the quad flags and convert everything to triangles. |
Name | The name of the SceneExporter object. (Inherited from Object) |
PrimaryTexCoordName | The primary texture coordinate layer name. Used by file formats that only support one texture coordinate layer (like .obj) |
ReferenceExportMode | The export mode for references in the scene, such as texture references. |
# Methods
Method | Description |
AddObserver | Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object) |
Clear | Close any open file or stream, release any allocated data. |
GetClass | Get the name of the SceneExporter class. (Inherited from Object) |
IsA | Returns true if SceneExporter is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object) |
IsNull | Returns true if the SceneExporter object is invalid. (Inherited from Object) |
IsSameObjectAs | Returns true if the SceneExporter object is valid. (Inherited from Object) |
NonNull | Returns true if the SceneExporter object is valid. (Inherited from Object) |
PrintInfo | Prints the content/info of the SceneExporter object to the log. (Inherited from Object) |
RemoveObserver | Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object) |
Run | Runs the export. Note that all parameters must be setup before importing. |
SetScene | The scene to export. |
# Static methods
Method | Description |
IsClassA | Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object) |
SafeCast | SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spSceneExporter, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spSceneExporter. (Inherited from Object) |
# Properties details
# ExportCascadedScenes
Flag to control if cascaded scenes should be included in the export.
# ExportFilePath
The main export file path. This must always be set.
# ForceTriangleExport
Flag to force exporters that are capable of exporting quads using the information in the QuadFlags GeometryData field to ignore the quad flags and convert everything to triangles.
# Name
The name of the SceneExporter object. (Inherited from Object)
# PrimaryTexCoordName
The primary texture coordinate layer name. Used by file formats that only support one texture coordinate layer (like .obj)
# Syntax
// Setter
void SetPrimaryTexCoordName( const char * value ) const;
// Getter
spString GetPrimaryTexCoordName() const;
# SetPrimaryTexCoordName parameters
Type | Name | Min | Max | Description |
const char * | value | The desired primary texture coordinate layer name. |
# GetPrimaryTexCoordName return value
Type: spString
# ReferenceExportMode
The export mode for references in the scene, such as texture references.
# Syntax
// Setter
void SetReferenceExportMode( Simplygon::EReferenceExportMode value ) const;
// Getter
Simplygon::EReferenceExportMode GetReferenceExportMode() const;
# SetReferenceExportMode parameters
Type | Name | Min | Max | Description |
EReferenceExportMode | value | Export mode value. |
# GetReferenceExportMode return value
Type: EReferenceExportMode
Key | Value | Comment |
Copy | 0 | Copy the referenced file to the export folder, and have a relative path point at the reference. |
Embed | 1 | Embed the referenced file in the exported scene. This is only applicable to file formats which support embedding referenced files. File formats which do not support embedded references will instead default to copy the file to the output. |
AbsolutePath | 2 | Output the absolute path to the referenced file. This avoids copying the reference to the output. Node that this path is not portable across file systems, and will reference an absolute path on the current machine. If a reference is embedded, this setting will be ignored and a copy of the file is placed in the output path. |
OriginalPath | 3 | Keep the original path value. This mode just copies the FilePath value verbatim to the output, and does not make sure the referenced file actually exists. If a reference is embedded, this setting will be ignored and a copy of the file is placed in the output path. |
# Methods details
# AddObserver
Adds a user-defined observer object to the interface, that will receive events from the interface. (Inherited from Object)
# Clear
Close any open file or stream, release any allocated data.
# GetClass
Get the name of the SceneExporter class. (Inherited from Object)
# IsA
Returns true if SceneExporter is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
# IsNull
Returns true if the SceneExporter object is invalid. (Inherited from Object)
# IsSameObjectAs
Returns true if the SceneExporter object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
# NonNull
Returns true if the SceneExporter object is valid. (Inherited from Object)
# PrintInfo
Prints the content/info of the SceneExporter object to the log. (Inherited from Object)
# RemoveObserver
Removes a previously added observer object. (Inherited from Object)
# Run
Runs the export. Note that all parameters must be setup before importing.
# Syntax
Simplygon::EErrorCodes Run() const;
# Parameters
Run takes no parameters.
# Return value
Type: EErrorCodes
Key | Value | Comment |
NoError | 0 | No error, the initialization or process has finished, and with no errors |
NoLicense | -1 | no license was found (or licence expired) |
NotInitialized | -2 | the SDK is not initialized, or no process object has been loaded/created |
AlreadyInitialized | -3 | the SDK is already initialized |
DLLOrDependenciesNotFound | -4 | the specified file was not found. This might also mean that a .dll cannot be loaded because there is a missing dependency, such as the runtime environment. |
InvalidInputParam | -5 | an invalid parameter was passed to the method |
FailedTesting | -6 | the reduction failed post-testing |
DLLAndHeaderFileIsNotMatching | -7 | the Simplygon DLL and header file interface versions do not match |
DLLFailedToLoad | -8 | the Simplygon DLL failed loading, probably because of a missing dependency |
LicenseNotForThisApplication | -9 | the license is not made for this application of Simplygon |
LicenseNotForThisPlatform | -10 | the license is not made for this platform of Simplygon |
LicenseNotForThisVersion | -11 | the license is not made for this version of Simplygon |
FailedToCreatePipelineSerializer | -12 | failed to create pipeline serializer |
FailedToRunPipeline | -13 | failed to run pipeline |
UnhandledException | -14 | an unhandled exception was encountered |
FailedToUploadFreeLicenseAsset | -50 | failed to upload free license asset |
ExceptionalError | -1000 | An exceptional and fatal error occurred, and has been reported to the error handler. The library is placed in an exceptional state, and you should unload and reload the Simplygon library to avoid memory leaks. |
FailedToResolveLicenseServerHostName | -10001 | cannot reach the licensing server, cant look up server, check DNS |
FailedToConnectToLicenseServer | -10002 | cannot contact the licensing server, check firewall/proxy server |
FailedToConnectToLicenseServerAndSendData | -10003 | Failed to connect to the license server. Please check that your internet connection is working and outgoing connections to license.simplygon.com port 443 are not blocked by a firewall or proxy. |
FailedToConnectToLicenseServerAndReceiveData | -10004 | cannot receive data from the licensing server, check firewall/proxy server |
DataFromLicenseServerIsCorrupt | -10005 | data from licensing server is corrupted, try again, check connection |
LicenseHasExpired | -10006 | the license has expired |
LicenseIsInvalid | -10007 | the license data is corrupted, please reinstall the license key |
LicenseNotForThisProduct | -10008 | the license is not for this product, please contact licensing, and replace license key |
NoNetworkCardFound | -10009 | no network card was found on the machine |
LicenseDecodeFailed | -10010 | could not decode license, it is corrupted |
LicenseLockNotMatchingMachine | -10011 | the license is locked to another machine |
ConnectionToLicenseServerLost | -10012 | Connection to license server lost |
LicenseHashDataCorrupt | -10013 | could not decode license, it is corrupted |
LicenseExpired | -10014 | the license is invalid, please contact licensing |
LicenseNotLockedForThisMachine | -10020 | the license is locked to another machine |
YourLicenseRequiresLatestWindows10 | -10024 | your license requires latest Windows 10 version |
LicenseServerReturnedBadRequest | -10400 | Bad license request. Please reach out to SimplygonSupport[at]microsoft.com for support |
UnknownLicenseKey | -10404 | You are using an unknown license key. Please verify so you typed in the license key correctly and try again |
LicenseIsNotActive | -10410 | You are using an inactive license key. Please reach out to SimplygonSales[at]microsoft.com for support |
MaxNodesReachForThisLicense | -10409 | You have reached the maximum number of nodes for your license. After 48 hours of not using Simplygon on a machine the license will be released and can be installed on another machine |
YourLicenseRequiresLatestSimplygon | -10426 | The license key you are using requires you to update to the latest version before you can use Simplygon |
LicenseServerReturnServerError | -10501 | Bad license request. Please reach out to SimplygonSupport[at]microsoft.com for support |
ProcessingValidationError | -20001 | The process was aborted, because of a validation error. Either the process settings or the input data was invalid, or a combination thereof. Use GetErrorMessages in the main Simplygon object to retrieve error messages, and see the log for details. Note that the library is not left in an exceptional state, and it is safe to continue processing other scenes. |
# SetScene
The scene to export.
# Static methods details
# IsClassA
Returns true if the class is a or is a descendant of the class named as the type parameter. (Inherited from Object)
# SafeCast
SafeCast makes sure the input object is of a class that can be cast into spSceneExporter, and if this is the case, returns the object cast into spSceneExporter. (Inherited from Object)