# Getting started with examples

This guide will help you get started with the Simplygon examples.

# Prerequisites

# GitHub

All API examples are available on GitHub (opens new window).

# C++ examples

# Step 1 - Build

Open the Visual Studio solution file (Src/Cpp/CppExamples.sln) using Visual Studio 2019 or later.

# Step 2 - Run

Select any of the project in the solution as the start-up project and build/run the project to get started.

# C# examples

# Step 1 - Build

Open the Visual Studio solution file (Src/Cs/CsExamples.sln) using Visual Studio 2019 or later.

# Step 2 - Run

Select any of the project in the solution as the start-up project and build/run the project to get started.

# Python examples

# Step 1 - Run

Run any of the Python scripts available in the Python folder (Src/Python).