// System: Simplygon
// File: MappingImage.cpp
// Language: C++
// Copyright (c) 2019 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This is private property, and it is illegal to copy or distribute in
// any form, without written authorization by the copyright owner(s).
// #Description#
// A scene is loaded from a WaveFront file and the geometries are reduced.
// The input objects are textured with a procedurally generated texture.
// A mapping image object is created for the reduced scene.
// The mapping image is used to manually cast the original material onto the LOD.
// The textures and optimized objects are saved to file.
#include "../Common/Example.h"
#include "BMPheader.h"
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
void RunTextureCastingWithMappingImage( const std::string& readFrom, const std::string& writeTo );
spImageData GenerateBrickImage( unsigned int image_width, unsigned int image_height );
float clamp( float value, float min, float max );
int clamp( int value, int min, int max );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// Set global variable. Using Orthonormal method for calculating
// tangentspace.
std::string assetPath = GetAssetPath();
// Run the example code
RunTextureCastingWithMappingImage(assetPath + "material_casting_test_object.obj", "object_textured");
catch (const std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
return 0;
void RunTextureCastingWithMappingImage( const std::string& readFrom, const std::string& writeTo )
//Read object and set output paths
//Import geometries from a file and optimize them.
std::string output_geometry_filename = GetExecutablePath() + writeTo + ".obj";
std::string bmp_output_name = GetExecutablePath() + writeTo + "_diffuse.bmp";
//Load object from file
spWavefrontImporter objReader = sg->CreateWavefrontImporter();
objReader->SetImportFilePath( readFrom.c_str() );
if( !objReader->RunImport() )
throw std::exception("Failed to load input file!");
//Get the scene from the importer
spScene scene = objReader->GetScene();
//Get the material table
spMaterialTable original_materials = scene->GetMaterialTable();
//Create a new texture and texture the original geometry with it
uint input_texture_width = 512;
uint input_texture_height = 512;
spImageData input_texture = GenerateBrickImage( input_texture_width, input_texture_height );
spUnsignedCharArray input_colors = SafeCast<IUnsignedCharArray>( input_texture->GetColors() );
// Select all the SceneMesh nodes from the scene
spSelectionSet allGeometriesSelectionSet = scene->GetSelectionSetTable()->GetSelectionSet( scene->SelectNodes( "ISceneMesh" ) );
//Store a copy of the original GeometyData objects
std::vector<spGeometryData> original_unchanged_geometries;
//Map from the node with the geometry to the index in the copied original geometry vector
std::map<spSceneMesh, uint> scene_mesh_node_to_index;
for( uint i = 0; i < allGeometriesSelectionSet->GetItemCount(); ++i )
spSceneMesh sceneMesh = Cast<ISceneMesh>( scene->GetNodeByGUID( allGeometriesSelectionSet->GetItem( i ) ) );
//Give the scene mesh a name if it doesn't have one
rstring current_name = sceneMesh->GetName();
if( current_name.IsEmpty() )
char new_geometry_name[256];
sprintf( new_geometry_name, "Object%d", i );
sceneMesh->SetName( new_geometry_name );
scene_mesh_node_to_index.insert( std::pair<spSceneMesh, uint>( sceneMesh, (uint)original_unchanged_geometries.size() ) );
original_unchanged_geometries.push_back( sceneMesh->GetGeometry()->NewCopy( true ) );
spReductionProcessor red = sg->CreateReductionProcessor();
red->SetScene( scene );
//Set the Repair Settings.
spRepairSettings repair_settings = red->GetRepairSettings();
repair_settings->SetWeldDist( 0.0f );
repair_settings->SetTjuncDist( 0.0f );
//Set the Reduction Settings.
spReductionSettings reduction_settings = red->GetReductionSettings();
//Texture coordinates will be calculated after the reduction is done,
//so there is no need for texture coordinates to be preserved.
reduction_settings->SetTextureImportance( 0.0f );
//Reduce to one tenth original triangles
reduction_settings->SetTriangleRatio( 0.1f );
// Set the Normal Calculation Settings.
spNormalCalculationSettings normal_settings = red->GetNormalCalculationSettings();
normal_settings->SetReplaceNormals( true );
normal_settings->SetHardEdgeAngleInRadians( 3.14159f * 90.f / 180.0f );
//Setup the mapping image properties
uint texture_width = 512; // Should be a multiple of 256
uint texture_height = 512; // Should be a multiple of 256
uint multisampling = 4; // 256 should be divisible by this
// Set the Image Mapping Settings for the reducer
spMappingImageSettings mapping_settings = red->GetMappingImageSettings();
// generate diffuse, specular, normal maps and custom channel later.
mapping_settings->SetGenerateMappingImage( true );
// Set to generate new texture coordinates.
mapping_settings->SetGenerateTexCoords( true );
// The higher the number, the fewer texture-borders.
mapping_settings->SetParameterizerMaxStretch( 0.2f );
// Buffer space for when texture is mip-mapped, so color values don't blend over.
mapping_settings->SetGutterSpace( 4 );
mapping_settings->SetWidth( texture_width );
mapping_settings->SetHeight( texture_height );
mapping_settings->SetMultisamplingLevel( multisampling );
// Reduce the geometry
// Create a BMP to store the new texture in
output_image new_texture;
new_texture.setup( texture_width, texture_height );
new_texture.set_mapping( 0, 0 );
// Use the Mapping image to create a new texture for the reduced geometry
// Get the mapping image object that contains information back to the original geometries
spMappingImage mapping_image = red->GetMappingImage();
// spMappingImageMeshData contains information needed to convert the mapping data to the individual
// geometries from the collection of geometries
spMappingImageMeshData mapping_image_mesh_data = mapping_image->GetMappingMeshData();
// The spChunkedImageData contains per-texel mapping information back to the original geometries
// as two fields:
// - Original triangle id, from a geometry consisted of all the original geometry combined.
// This means that the local triangle IDs from each original geometries will not valid here.
// Instead, the triangle ID is a global ID from the combined geometry.
// To map back to local triangle IDs, the spMappingImageMeshData is used.
// - The original Barycentric coordinates
spChunkedImageData chunked_image_data = mapping_image->GetImageData();
// Get the number of image data chunks
uint x_chunks = chunked_image_data->GetXSize();
uint y_chunks = chunked_image_data->GetYSize();
// Loop the image data
// First by chunk
// Then by pixel
// Then by sub-pixel (if multisampling > 1)
for( uint x_chunk = 0; x_chunk < x_chunks; ++x_chunk )
for( uint y_chunk = 0; y_chunk < y_chunks; ++y_chunk )
// Lock and fetch a chunk of mapping image pixels
spImageData current_chunk = chunked_image_data->LockChunk2D( x_chunk, y_chunk );
// Get the mapping image fields "TriangleIds" & "BarycentricCoords"
spRidArray triangle_ids = SafeCast<IRidArray>( current_chunk->GetField( "TriangleIds" ) );
spUnsignedShortArray barycentric_coords = SafeCast<IUnsignedShortArray>( current_chunk->GetField( "BarycentricCoords" ) );
// Continue with next iteration if any of the fields doesn't exist
if( !triangle_ids || !barycentric_coords )
// Get the number of pixels in the chunk, excluding sub-pixels
uint px_size = current_chunk->GetXSize() / multisampling;
uint py_size = current_chunk->GetYSize() / multisampling;
//Loop the pixels
for( uint py = 0; py < py_size; ++py )
for( uint px = 0; px < px_size; ++px )
// Initialize pixel color
int pixel_r = 0;
int pixel_g = 0;
int pixel_b = 0;
// samples_used is used when multisampling to divide by the number of samples used per particular pixel
int samples_used = 0;
// Loop the sub-pixels (will only loop once if multisampling is 1)
for( uint py_multisample = 0; py_multisample < multisampling; ++py_multisample )
for( uint px_multisample = 0; px_multisample < multisampling; ++px_multisample )
// The one-dimensional index of the current sub-pixel
// index = column + row * column_size
rid sub_pixel_index = (px * multisampling + px_multisample) + (py * multisampling + py_multisample) * (px_size * multisampling);
// The global triangle ID in the combined geometry
rid global_triangle_id = triangle_ids->GetItem( sub_pixel_index );
// Continue with the next sub-pixel, should the current sub-pixel not map to a triangle
if( global_triangle_id < 0 )
// Get the corresponding barycentric coordinates in the original geometry
unsigned short barycentric_x = barycentric_coords->GetItem( sub_pixel_index * 2 + 0 );
unsigned short barycentric_y = barycentric_coords->GetItem( sub_pixel_index * 2 + 1 );
unsigned short barycentric_z = 65535 - barycentric_x - barycentric_y;
// Get the normalized barycentric coordinates
float barycentric_x_normalized = barycentric_x / float( 65535 );
float barycentric_y_normalized = barycentric_y / float( 65535 );
float barycentric_z_normalized = barycentric_z / float( 65535 );
// Declare the local triangle id variable
uint local_triangle_id = -1;
uint geometry_count = mapping_image_mesh_data->GetMappedGeometriesCount();
int mapped_geometry_id = -1;
// To find which original geometry is being mapped to using the global triangle id
// the mapping image mesh data is used.
for( uint g_id = 0; g_id < geometry_count; ++g_id )
int next_geometry_starting_triangle_id = -1;
// If g_id is the last geometry, then
// keep next_geometry_starting_triangle_id as -1
if( g_id < geometry_count - 1 )
next_geometry_starting_triangle_id = mapping_image_mesh_data->GetStartTriangleIdOfGeometry( g_id + 1 );
// If the global triangle id is below the next geometry's starting triangle id,
// we know that the current geomety (g_id) will contain the current triangle
// Also if next_geometry_starting_triangle_id is -1, since then we're at the last geometry
if( global_triangle_id < next_geometry_starting_triangle_id || next_geometry_starting_triangle_id == -1 )
mapped_geometry_id = g_id;
uint starting_triangle_index = mapping_image_mesh_data->GetStartTriangleIdOfGeometry( g_id );
local_triangle_id = global_triangle_id - starting_triangle_index;
// Make sure the mapped-to geometry is valid
assert( mapped_geometry_id >= 0 && mapped_geometry_id < (int)geometry_count );
// The scene_path can be retrieved from the mapping image
// the path corresponds to its place in the scene and the scene mesh name
rstring scene_path = mapping_image_mesh_data->GetScenePathOfGeometry( mapped_geometry_id );
spSceneMesh sceneMesh = Cast<ISceneMesh>( scene->GetNodeFromPath( scene_path ) );
// Now we can get whatever information in the original geometry that we want
// In this example, we fetch the original texture coordinates
uint original_geometry_index = scene_mesh_node_to_index.find( sceneMesh )->second;
spRealArray texcoords = original_unchanged_geometries[original_geometry_index]->GetTexCoords( 0 );
int corner0 = local_triangle_id * 3 + 0;
int corner1 = local_triangle_id * 3 + 1;
int corner2 = local_triangle_id * 3 + 2;
float u_corner0 = texcoords->GetItem( corner0 * 2 + 0 );
float v_corner0 = texcoords->GetItem( corner0 * 2 + 1 );
float u_corner1 = texcoords->GetItem( corner1 * 2 + 0 );
float v_corner1 = texcoords->GetItem( corner1 * 2 + 1 );
float u_corner2 = texcoords->GetItem( corner2 * 2 + 0 );
float v_corner2 = texcoords->GetItem( corner2 * 2 + 1 );
// With the barycentric coordinates we can interpolate to a precise texture coordinate value in the triangle
float u = barycentric_x_normalized * u_corner0 + barycentric_y_normalized * u_corner1 + barycentric_z_normalized * u_corner2;
float v = barycentric_x_normalized * v_corner0 + barycentric_y_normalized * v_corner1 + barycentric_z_normalized * v_corner2;
// With the texture coords, we sample the original texture (the one we created in the beginning)
int sample_x = int( u * input_texture_width );
int sample_y = int( v * input_texture_height );
// Clamp
sample_x = sample_x > (int)input_texture_width - 1 ? input_texture_width - 1 : sample_x;
sample_y = sample_y > (int)input_texture_height - 1 ? input_texture_height - 1 : sample_y;
// Fetch input texture color
unsigned char rc = input_colors->GetItem( (sample_x + sample_y * input_texture_width) * 3 + 0 );
unsigned char gc = input_colors->GetItem( (sample_x + sample_y * input_texture_width) * 3 + 1 );
unsigned char bc = input_colors->GetItem( (sample_x + sample_y * input_texture_width) * 3 + 2 );
// Accumulate colors in the pixel color variables
pixel_r += rc;
pixel_g += gc;
pixel_b += bc;
// Normalize colors based on number of sub-pixels used
if( samples_used > 0 )
pixel_r /= samples_used;
pixel_g /= samples_used;
pixel_b /= samples_used;
// Set the output texture color
uint texture_px = x_chunk * px_size + px;
uint texture_py = y_chunk * py_size + py;
new_texture.set_pixel( texture_px, texture_py, 2, pixel_r );
new_texture.set_pixel( texture_px, texture_py, 1, pixel_g );
new_texture.set_pixel( texture_px, texture_py, 0, pixel_b );
// Unlock the chunk of image data
chunked_image_data->UnlockChunk2D( x_chunk, y_chunk );
// Store the new texture as a BMP
new_texture.write_to_file( bmp_output_name.c_str() );
// Add the new texture to the reduced geometry
// Create new material table.
spMaterialTable output_materials = sg->CreateMaterialTable();
spTextureTable output_textures = sg->CreateTextureTable();
// Create new material for the table.
spMaterial output_material = sg->CreateMaterial();
output_material->SetName( "diffuse_brick_texture" );
//Add the new material to the table
output_materials->AddMaterial( output_material );
//Add the diffuse texture to the diffuse channel in the output material
spTexture newTex = sg->CreateTexture();
newTex->SetFilePath( bmp_output_name.c_str() );
newTex->SetName( "Diffuse" );
output_textures->AddTexture( newTex );
spShadingTextureNode texNode = sg->CreateShadingTextureNode();
texNode->SetTextureName( "Diffuse" );
output_material->SetShadingNetwork( SG_MATERIAL_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE, texNode );
scene->GetMaterialTable()->Copy( output_materials );
scene->GetTextureTable()->Copy( output_textures );
// Export the LOD
spWavefrontExporter objexp = sg->CreateWavefrontExporter();
objexp->SetExportFilePath( output_geometry_filename.c_str() );
objexp->SetScene( scene );
spImageData GenerateBrickImage( unsigned int image_width, unsigned int image_height )
spImageData img = sg->CreateImageData();
//Set imagedata dimensions
img->Set2DSize( image_width, image_height );
//Add rgb colors to imagedata
img->AddColors( TYPES_ID_UCHAR, "RGB" );
//Get the reference to the colors to array with tuple size 3, tuple count (image_width x image_height)
spUnsignedCharArray colors = SafeCast<IUnsignedCharArray>( img->GetColors() );
//Create bmp to store texture
//Not needed, only used for debugging and displaying
output_image bmpOut;
bmpOut.setup( image_width, image_height );
bmpOut.set_mapping( 0, 0 );
//Brick texture parameters
unsigned int brick_height = 15;
unsigned int brick_length = 35;
unsigned int brick_apart = 1;
int brick_R = 165;
int brick_G = 66;
int brick_B = 25;
int between_bricks_color = 20;
int between_bricks_noise_color = 170;
//Iterate over the image pixels and set the array values
for( unsigned int y = 0; y < image_height; y++ )
for( unsigned int x = 0; x < image_width; x++ )
//One dimensional index
int i = image_width * y + x;
//Generate random values to add noise to the texture
int random1 = rand() % 50 - 25;
int random2 = rand() % 50 - 25;
int random3 = rand() % 50 - 25;
//Every second row of bricks is offset half a brick length
unsigned int brick_offset = (uint)(0.5 * brick_length) * ((uint)(y / brick_height) % 2);
//Check if xy-coordinate is on or betweeen bricks
bool between_bricks = ((x + brick_offset) % brick_length < brick_apart) || (y % brick_height < brick_apart);
//Add some noise to the coordinates
bool between_bricks_noise = ((x + random1 / 20 + brick_offset) % brick_length < brick_apart) || ((y + random2 / 20) % brick_height < brick_apart);
//Brick colors to array
colors->SetItem( i * 3 + 0, clamp( (int)(between_bricks_noise ? between_bricks_noise_color + random1 : (between_bricks ? between_bricks_color + random1 : brick_R + random1)), 0, 255 ) );
colors->SetItem( i * 3 + 1, clamp( (int)(between_bricks_noise ? between_bricks_noise_color + random1 : (between_bricks ? between_bricks_color + random1 : brick_G + random2)), 0, 255 ) );
colors->SetItem( i * 3 + 2, clamp( (int)(between_bricks_noise ? between_bricks_noise_color + random1 : (between_bricks ? between_bricks_color + random1 : brick_B + random3)), 0, 255 ) );
//Copy colors to bmp
bmpOut.set_pixel( x, y, 2, colors->GetItem( i * 3 + 0 ) );
bmpOut.set_pixel( x, y, 1, colors->GetItem( i * 3 + 1 ) );
bmpOut.set_pixel( x, y, 0, colors->GetItem( i * 3 + 2 ) );
//Store bmp
bmpOut.write_to_file( "brick_texture.bmp" );
return img;
float clamp( float value, float min, float max )
return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
int clamp( int value, int min, int max )
return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);