The toolbar lists a collection of buttons for controlling the viewport.
The toolbar view.
Pressing a button will affect what the viewport renders, which can be seen in the demonstration below.
Visualization of how each button affects the viewport.
Buttons description
Side by side - comparison mode
Split screen - comparison mode
Error delta - comparison mode
Automatic - LOD switch mode
Manual - LOD switch mode
Increase left LOD index (main)
Decrease left LOD index (main)
Increase right LOD index
Decrease right LOD index
Edged faces
Checkered texture (visualizes texture stretch)
Material ID
Group ID
Normals visualization
Backface culling (when active, away facing polygons will not be rendered)
Bone visualization
Grid - on/off
Paint mode
Orbit - navigation
First person - navigation
Focus camera
A triangle in the bottom right corner indicates that a popup related to the button can be opened by either right clicking on it or holding the left mouse button for a second.
Toolbar popup.